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Categoría: Lámparas de soldar

En trabajos en vitrales, toque levemente la punta del La primera opcion, el reemplazo, es devolver el producto al hierro con la junta metalica de cobre. comercio donde se lo adquirio (siempre y cuando se trate de un 6. Sostenga la soldadora contra la pieza de trabajo cerca de la comercio participante). Las devoluciones deben realizarseunion, pero no toque la punta para soldar. conforme a la politica de devolucion del comercio (generalmente, 7. Si la pieza de trabajo esta lo suficientemente calie

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Categoría: Lámparas de soldar

de trabajo con un material resistente al calor a fin de evitar danos ocasionados por el calor a un banco, etc. 15 632901-00 Iron 10/24/05 12:37 PM Page 16 Indicador de listo para usar Hay un indicador de “listo para usar”, como se muestra en la figura 3, incorporado en el mango del Punzon de hierro para trabajo artesanal. El indicador esta de color gris a una temperatura ambiente. Cuando la ventana muestra un color amarillo constante, la punta ha alcanzado la temperatura BAJA (I) (en 5 minutos a

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Categoría: Lámparas de soldar

However, after several charge and discharge cycles, the battery will be back up to its full capacity. 3. While charging, the Charger may hum and become warm to touch. This is a normal condition* and does not indicate a problem. 4. If the battery does not charge properly—(!) check power supply at receptacle by plugging in a lamp or other appliance, (2) check to see if receptacle is connected to a light switch which turns power of when you turn out the lights, 5. Whenever you unplug the Charger

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Categoría: Lámparas de soldar

Be sure that the soldering ip has been freshly tinned. When you press the switch button, the work light will come on and the tip will start heating immediately. In about 6 seconds, with light pressure, toucfi the tip to the connection, and at the same time, feed the solder to the spot being heated by the tip. After enough solder melts to just cover the connection, release the button, lift the tip and ailow solder to cool. Do not disturb the connection until solder has hardened. Pencil can be pl

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Categoría: Lámparas de soldar

It will solder from 35 to 100 joints per charge, depending upon type of application. A finger-tip ON-OFF button is provided for safety and convenience. For operational safety and proper use of the Soldering Pencil, please read all safety rules and instructions. Don’t forget to send in the guarantee registration card. THANK YOU FOR BUYING BLACK & DECKER! SOLDERING PENCIL SAFETY RULES 1. WHEN NOT IN USE, store the tool in a dry, high or locked-up place — out of the reach of children. 2. KEEP
