Manual de usuario Toshiba, modelo AT105-SP101L
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Model Name: AT105-SP0101L Part Numberr: PDA01U-0001LM2 UPC: 8839974833238 Platfform Physsical Descripption . Anddroid™ 3.1, Hon eycomb, Spanis h . Eassy Grip Back Covver in Black Tie oo 5 fully cutomi zable home screeens oo User-replaceaable (optional coolors available) . Dimmensions (W x D x H ): 10.75” x 0 .62” x 6.97” . Weiight: Starting at 11.6 lbs.7 Proccessor2 and GGraphics3 . Phyysical Buttons . NVIDIA® Tegra™ 2 oo Power oo 1GHz Dual-CCore Mobile Proc essor oo Volume Cont rol oo NVIDIA® GeFForce® Graphics oo Screen Rotattion Lock oo Internal 1GB DDR2 RAM oo Back Cover LLock Dispplay4 and Intterface Multtimedia Playbback . 10.11” diagonal high resolution screenn at 1280 x 800 nnative resolution oo Capacitive M ulti-touch (suppoorts optional capaacitive stylus) . Adoobe® Flash oo Wide-viewingg Angle . Suppported Formats : AAC, H.263, H .264, MP3, MIDI , MPEG-4, ACC++ oo LED backlighht Enhhanced, MIDI, AMMR-NB, AMR-W B, AAC+, WAVEE, Ogg Vorbis , oo Widescreen 116:10 aspect ratio WMMA oo Toshiba Adapptive Display Tecchnology oo Toshiba Resoolution+ Video Enhancement Tecchnology Softwware . Virtuual Keyboard witth Swype® . Tosshiba Software aand Utilities oo TOSHIBA Meedia Player oo TOSHIBA Seervice Station oo TOSHIBA Filee Manager Storaage5 . Internal Storage: 16 GB oo TOSHIBA Usser's Guide . Gooogle and Androiid Apps Sounnd oo Android™ Broowser . Stereo Speakers oo Android™ Maarket oo SRS® Premiuum Voice Suite oo Android™ Muusic Player oo Toshiba Sounnd Enhancementts oo Calculator . 3.5mmm stereo head phone jack oo Clock oo Gallery oo Gmail™ Cammeras oo Google eBoo oks™ . Front 2MP HD webccam with microp hone oo Google Mail oo Google Mapss™ . Bacck 5MP webcam with auto-focus and digital zoomm oo Google Mapss Street View oo 720p video capture oo Google Mapss Navigation oo Google Moviee Maker oo Google Musicc oo Google Placees Portss and Expannsion . Full-ot -size SD Card sl oo Google Latituude™ oo Support for o ptional SD, SD-HC, and SDXC ((reads/writes at oo Google Searcch SDHS speed) cards oo Google Calenndar/Calendar Syync . Full sized HDMI port oo Google Contaacts/Contact Synnc oo Support for u p to 1080p outpuut oo Google Mail . Full sized USB v2.0 port oo Google Talk™™ . Mini-USB v2.0 port oo Google Voicee Search . Docck connector portt oo YouTube™ . Thirrd-party Apps Wireeless and Co nnectivity oo Adobe® Flashh . Wi-FFi® Wireless netwworking (802.11bb/g/n) 6 oo Kaspersky Taablet Security . Blueetooth® version 33.0 + HS oo LogMeIn Ignittion oo Hardwood Baackgammon by SSilverCreek Gammes oo Hardwood Euuchre by SilverCrreek Games Senssors and Loccation oo Hardwood Soolitaire IV by Silv erCreek Games . Gyrooscope oo Hardwood Heearts by Silvercreeek Games . Acccelerometer oo Hardwood Sppades by Silvercrreek Games . Ambbient Light Sensoor oo MOG Music . GPSS oo Printer Sharee™ . Digiital Compass oo Quickoffice® Envi ronmental SSpecificationss Powwer and Batteery . Thiss product is RoHS8 compatible . Prissmatic Lithium Ionn Battery oo 23 W-hours . 30WW 100-240V AC AAdapter © Copyrightt 2011 Toshiba Americca Information Systemms Inc. All Rights rese rved. TAIS shhall not be liable for daamages of any kind forr use of this informatioon, which is subject to change without noticee. Thrive™ Tabblet AT105-SP0101L Page 1 off 3 Thhis product speciification is variabble and subject too change prior too product launch. Operating Non-ooperating Temperaature9 5° to 40° C -30° too 60° C Relative (non-con Humidity ndensing) 20% to 85% 10% to 90% Thermal Gradient 15° C per hour (max) 20° C per hour (max) Altitude (relative to sea level) 0 to 10,000 feett 0 to 400,000 feet Shock 15G 120G Vibrationn 0.5G 2.0G 1 YEARR STANDARRD LIMITED WWARRANTY110 . Inclludes Internationnal Limited Warraanty for obtainingg service when travveling outside thee United States. Service Upgrades and EExtensions Toshiba offers many diffeerent enhanced sservices such ass SystemGuard® , On-Site RRepair, and ServviceExpress to p rovide additional support to your tablet. Foor a full descripti on and completee list of programss and program terms annd conditions, pleease visit Accesssories For addittional and most uupdated accessoories, please visi t Subjecct to Changee While Tooshiba has madee every effort at thhe time of publiccation to ensure tthe accuracy of t he information p provided herein, pproduct specificaations, configuraations, prices, syystem/componennt/options availabbility are all subjeect to change withhout notice. Forr the most up-to-ddate product infoormation about y our computeer, or to stay curr ent with the varioous computer software or hardwaare options, visit Toshiba’s Web ssite at Returnn Policy Notwithsstanding anythingg to the contrary in any third partyy License Agreemment or product documentation ssupplied with youur PC, Toshiba AAmerica Informat ion Systemss, Inc. (“TAIS”) dooes not accept thhe return of compponent parts, or b...