Manual de usuario Panasonic, modelo SLSW880
Urr on me anti-shoe« function page Sj. Panasonic Consumer Electronic« Company. Division ot : Fn ' Matsushita Electric Corporation of America O'« *4>*»•** ft.1» Spcs-sajs Se» JHi+f 0*3tM MtpJfwww panmon* Com Panasonic Sales Company. Division ot Matsushita Electric ol Puerto Rico. Inc. ("PSC") Avr 6S Op Intent*'-a Km 9 b San fi.iMnl hojslnal Park. Ca"Oins. ‘■’uorlii «ico tKAfß Panasonic Canada Inc. ИИ Лп1«м Drive. Mississauga Oninnn 14\V 2T0 mvw. Panasonic.с» •'£ 2 COO MMIuthftft Elo-tri- Hrtwîlnal Cu. Lia ■ Portable CD Player Panasonic Dear Customer f nank you for purchasing this producl Fur oobmum performance and sa'ciy. pieuse read these instructions carelully. SL-SW861C ONLY To ;nst3tl this product m a car. please rete' to the TnstaAaaon bvtructtors' i attached sheet) Th« SL-SW861C model is only lot Canada. Operating Instructions Model No. SL-SW880/SL-SW860 SL-SW861C The mode number and serial number cl piyojcl can he found or either the oacK yr Ию bottom Ы the jnt Please rote llic^ Hand g~0 iRGQTOy one v.ay. ltHO i$ a safety •‘eattre ¡1 yyu uro unoDle to insert iho pijg fully into the outlet, try the pluy if ihe plug shou'd still fui' tu lit, contaci yaur elecl'car tc -epldwo you' obsolete oi.fet Do nor. de feat t»*g safety r*iiT*-'»e c; r e poiurtxad pug 3. Care of AC adaptor Take ca*e iw the oorc of f-« AC ddoytsM sh.>jkl be rot-ted so fmt fwy a'O not likeiy tc te «valked on or poched by items placed upon or aga 1st them. Never Ul nea» a haul source Do not ieawe 1 in an aufomobiie exposeo tc dirvc*. surt^jhl *or i long n-e with the doers arid wm cows closed as this may dckum Ine cabinet ■ Placement 1. Foreign Material—Can# should be ta