Manual de usuario Carrier, modelo WEATHERMAKER 39B
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1. 2. Check items received against packing list and Tables 1, 2, and 3. Notify Carrier at once of any discrepancy. 3. Examine for damage incurred during shipment. Especially check for bent fan wheel or shaft which may result in future vibration problems. If any damage is found, immediately file claim with transit company. 4. Check fan wheel setscrews (sizes 040-060) or fan wheel clamps (sizes 070-140) for secureness. Refer to Table 4 or Fig. 2 respectively. a. Bolt threads with a dark-green finish require no lubrication. Carefully lubricate all other bolt threads with oil. Do not oil fan shaft. b. Tighten clamps evenly. 5. Exercise care in handling all equipment. 6. If unit is to be stored for more than i, ’o v,eeks prior to installation, observe the following precautions: a. Choose storage site that is ltvel and : +urdy. to prevent undue stress or per man ei t distortion to fan. Do not subject bearings to direct sunlight or temperatures in excess of 180 F. ' b. c. Protect bearings and rotating components against moisture, abrasives and corrosion. Cover entire unit with a tarp or plastic coverall. Extend cover under unit if stored on ground. Moisture and condensation can cause loosening of internal insulation. Periodically rotate fan shaft slowly by hand. Fig. 1 — Rk , and Suspension Details © Carrier Corporation- 1971 * Form 39B-1SI Table 1 — 39B Type "A" Unit Arrangements (Horizontal With Reheat) Base unit and accessories on 39BA, sizes 040 thru 060 are shipped completely assembled. ARRANGEMENT ASSEMBLED UNIT SHIPPED A-10 CC F p CC ~ F CC P CC F _p Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120-140 A-11 HF CC F P HF CC P HF F CC P HF CC P Not Available Used on 39B 070-120 070 080-110 120 130-140 A-12 LF CC F P LF CC P □ LF F ; ce p LF CC P ED BH EH Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 A-13 PH CC F P PH CC p F CC p CC F _ p Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120-140 A-14 HF PH CC F P HF PH CC p □ HF PH F CC p HF PH CC P Not Available Used on 39B 070-120 070 080*110 120 130-140 A-15 Used on 39B LF PH CC F p PH CC p LF 0 F CC P PH CC P I LF I 777777 CC m 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 A-16 FB BD\ CC bd\ FB CC p □ ; F ; cc p FB bd\ cc P FB CC (BDp F P Used on 39B A-17 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 BOX HF PS FB CC F p PS FB BD\ CC p HF TUL X BO HF PS FB s' F CC P PS FB bd\ cc p m. Not Available Used on 39B 070-120 070 080-110 120 130-140 2 Table 1 — 39B Type "A" Unit Arrangements (Horizontal With Reheat) (cont) Base unit and accessories on 39BA, sizes 040 thru 060 are shipped completely assembled. ARRANGEMENT ASSEMBLED UNIT SHIPPED A-18 BD \ PS FB CC F LF P PS FB BD \ CC LF 7/s /s 60 /1 LF PS FB cc PS FB bd\ LF CC F P PS FB CC c< ✓ * F / LF Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 A-19 BD \ PS FB CC F P BO PS FB CC PS FB CC Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 A-20 BD \ PS FB CC F HF PH P PS FB PH BD\ HF PS FB pa / / / HF PH CC PS FB BD \ HF CC F H Not Available Used on 39B 070-120 070 080-110 120 130-140 PD PO A-21 BD \ PS FB CC F _F PH P PS FB BD~X (HF CC PS FE PD/ LF PH CC PS FB BD \ ir CC -1 F PH P □ PD PH FB CC b9kj Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 PD PD A-22 BD \ PS FB CC F P PS FB ¥\ CC F H p BD PD. CC PH PD BD \ PS FB CC i F i PH P CC □ PD PS FB BD LF PH Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 PD PD A-23 FB BD \ CC F PH P FB BD \ CC F BD ü PD. CC PH BD \ FB CC hi PH P PS FB □ PD PH— a Used on 39B 070-140 070 080-110 120,130 135,140 LEGEND BD — Bypass Duct CC — Cooling Coil and Reheat Coil Section F — Fan Section FB — Face & Bypass Damper Section NOTE: Combination mixing box and filter assembly (MB), not shown, is shipped separately. HF — High-Velocity Filter Section LF — Low-Velocity Filter Section P — Base Pan PD — Preheat Duct Extension PH — Preheat Coil Section PS — Plenum Section Separate Crates or Skids Location for Shipping only on one Skid. 3 Table 2 — 39B Type "B" Unit Arrangements (Horizontal Without Reheat) Base unit and accessories on 39BA, sizes 040 thru 060 are shipped completely assembled. ARRANGEMENT ASSEMBLED UNIT SHIPPED ARRANGEMENT ASSEMBLED UNIT SHIPPED B-10 C F B-17 I I F B _\ C C F Shipped Assembled P F s B Used on 39B B-11 Used on 39B 070-120 Used on 39B 070-120 070-110 120 B-18 P S F B \ . L F c c F \ P F c s B c F P F S B BD Used on 39B 070-120 070-110 120 B-12 Used on 39B LF Shipped Assembled P S F B \ c c F Sh...