Pour enlever les eraflures et le fini terne, l’application de temps a autred’un bon protecteur liquide tel queLumacream redonnera lustre et eclat a la surface en acrylique tout en protegeant le fini. Si un tapis de caoutchouc est utilise, il est obligatoire de l’enleverimmediatement apres chaque utilisation. L’utilisation non conforme d’un tel tapis causera des dommages exclus de la garantie. GUIADE POSIBLES PROBLEMAS El agua se acumula alrededor delsumidero y la banera no se vaciacompletamente. • Verificar que la instalacion estenivelada y la banera bien afianzadaen su base. Si es necesario, calzar con cunas de madera solo debajode la base de madera. El fondo de la banera se mueve cuando se usa. • La banera no esta bien afianzada en su base. Use cunas de madera si es necesario. La membrana de plastico no sedespega. • Utilizar un secador de pelo para soplar airecaliente en la superficie adherida. MANTENIMIENTO Limpie regularmente la unidad deacrilico con un buen detergenteliquido como jabon de loza, M. Net oHertel en vaporizador. No utilizar productos de limpiezaque contengan materias abrasivascomo Ajax, Spic and Span, etc. Elempleo de dichos productos causadanos no cubiertos por la garantia. Manchas de pintura: Utilizar trementina u otro disolvente de pintura. Compuesto para junturas: Utilizar una espatula de plastico o de maderacubierta con un pano humedo; evitarlijas metalicas y cepillos de alambre. Para conservar el brillo, encerar regularmente con el compuesto Lumacream, disponible en los distribuidores autorizados de productos MAAX, con cerapara automovil o Armor All. Se recomienda el empleo de un limpiador con formula especial para limpiar los acabados de acrilico, como Lumashine. Lumashine limpia, da brillo y deja un acabado antiestatico y antipolvo. Para quitar las rayaduras y recuperar el brillo, la aplicacion esporadicade un buen protector liquido comoLumacream dara lustre y brillo a lasuperficie de acrilico, al mismo tiempo que protege el acabado. Si se emplea una alfombra de gomahay que quitarla inmediatamentedespues de haberla utilizado. Elempleo continuo de ese tipo dealfombra causa danos que no estancubiertos por la garantia. 22 WARRANTY GARANTIE GARANTIA MAAX Inc. has the following limited warranty on all its products. This warranty is applicable solely to the original owner-user for personal domestic use. Additional restrictions apply for commercial use. Maax Inc. guarantees the acrylic shell against any material or manufacturing defect resulting from normal use for a period of ten (10) years from the initial product purchase date from an authorized retailer by the owner-user, contractor or builder. Maax Inc. guarantees the whirlpool motor/pumpagainst any material or manufacturing defect resulting from normal use and service for a period of five (5) years from the initial date of purchase from an authorized dealer by the owner/end user, contractor or builder. Maax Inc. guarantees the blower against any material or manufacturing defect resulting from normal use and service for a period of five (5) years from the initial date of purchase from an authorized dealer by the owner/end user, contractor or builder. Maax Inc. guarantees the whirlpool and Air massage systems against any material or manufacturing defect resulting from normal use and service for a period of two (2) years from the initial date of purchase from an authorized dealer by the owner/end user, contractor or builder. MAAX inc. will repair or replace with a product of equivalent value, as chosen by MAAX inc., any defective product MAAX inc. has been advised of during the warranty period. The present warranty is only applicable to the original owner- user and is not transferable to any subsequent owners. RESTRICTIONS The present warranty is not applicable in cases of non-compliant or incorrect use or operation, breakage or damage caused due to the fault, negligence, abuses, improper use, improper maintenance, alteration or modification of the product, as well as chemical or natural corrosion, fire, natural disasters or any other cases of Act of God, disaster or unexpected or uncontrollable events. The owner-user of the product subject to this warranty is fully responsible for the appropriate installation and connection of the appliance. MAAX Inc. does not perform the installation nor does it contract this task out or supervise the installation; consequently, it cannot be held responsible for any defect, breakage or damage caused or resulting directly or indirectly from the installation of the product. The owner-user must ensure access to product components, as described in the installation guide, so that MAAX Inc. can execute the warranty specified herein. If such access is not available, all inherent costs will be the responsibility of the owner-user. Maax inc. accorde la garantie limitee suivante sur chacun de ses produits. Cette garantie beneficie uniquement au proprietaire-utilisateur original pour usage personnel domestique....