About Oracle WMS Print Jobs The XML- enabled printer contains the following 10 Oracle® Warehouse Management print jobs (label formats) : ¦ LPN Label ¦ LPN Content Label ¦ LPN Summary Label ¦ Material Label ¦ Serial Label ¦ Location Label ¦ Shipping Label ¦ Shipping Content Label ¦ WIP Content Label ¦ Flow Content Label Refer to your Oracle ® Integration Certification Document – Oracle Warehouse Management Label Printing Integration Kit for information about the format layout and descriptions of each field on the formats. When you turn on the printer, you see WMS XML Mode Ready When you print test labels, the model number appears as M9855X, for example. Supported Tags – Oracle WMS Print Jobs There are three supported XML tags for Oracle Warehouse Management print jobs. The printer ignores any other XML tags/ attributes not defined in this document and no error is reported. Syntax labels This tag contains one or more labels, which may include one or more of the following attributes: _ FORMAT The default name of the format. This name must match the one specified in the Format Header. _QUANTITY Quantity to print. 1 is the default. label This tag contains a single label, which may include one or more of the following attributes: _FORMAT The default name of the format. This name must match the one specified in the Format Header. If no format name is given, then the default format name from the labels tag _ FORMAT attribute is used. _ QUANTITY Quantity to print. If no quantity is specified, then the default quantity from the labels tag _QUANTITY attribute is used. variable This tag specifies the field name and the variable field data. It must contain the following attribute: name The name of the field that matches the ones specified using Option 21. It must contain the variable data (batch data) associated with the format. 4 Quick Reference Sample MPCL Format {F, 1, A, F, E,400,400,"XML_ FORMAT_ONE" ¦ T,1,25, V, 20,20,0,1,1,1,B,L,0,0 ¦ R,21, "TEXT_FIELD_XML" ¦ B,2,30, V, 100,20,8,8,75,0,L, 0¦ R,21, "CODE_128_BARCODE_FIELD_XML"¦ } This MPCL format uses: ¦ format – XML_FORMAT_ONE ¦ text field – TEXT_FIELD_XML ¦ bar code field – CODE_128_BARCODE_FIELD_ XML. Sample XML Print Job This XML print job uses: ¦ format – XML_FORMAT_ONE ¦ text field – TEXT_FIELD_XML with data – XML Test Label ¦ bar code field – CODE_128_BARCODE_FIELD_ XML with data – Code128data. About the SAP NetWeaver® Auto-ID Infrastructure The XML- enabled printer is designed for use with the SAP NetWeaver® platform and the Auto-ID Infrastructure component (AII-DC- RFID) . When you turn on the printer, you see SAP XML Mode Ready When you print test labels, the model number appears as M9855X, for example. Supported Tags – SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure There are five supported XML tags for the SAP NetWeaver Auto-ID Infrastructure. The printer ignores any other XML tags/attributes not defined in this document and no error is reported. Syntax < Field attributes=" values" > < /FieldList> Command This tag contains one or more WriteTagData tags. There are no attributes required. The xmlns: xis attribute is ignored. WriteTagData This tag contains one or more Item tags. There are no at...