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Finish by in the CD-ROM window. clicking the [Add] button and closing the window. 2 Click [Select printer] in the This completes the driver installation. Printer Driver window and select your printer. Click [Agree], select [Easy Install] , followed by [Install] . 3 Follow the onscreen instructions. Restart the computer when prompted. 4 Attach the printer to the computer and turn the printer on. USB Terminal Commercially USB Cable Connector available USB Cable Troubleshooting Tasks and 28 Back Next Return to Cover Page Overview Getting Ready Printing Appendices Installing the Application Software Windows 1 Place the supplied CD-ROM into the computer's CDROM drive. If the CD-ROM is already in the computer and the window below does not show, then take the CDROM out once and put it back in. 2 Click [Easy Installation] in the application software section, followed by [OK] and [Install] . 3 Follow the onscreen instructions. Remove the CD-ROM once the installation is complete. Macintosh 1 Place the supplied CD-ROM into the computer's drive and double-click the (CPSD Installer) icon in the CD-ROM window. 2 Click [Install] in the application software section, followed by [Easy Install] and [Next]. 3 Follow the onscreen instructions. Remove the CD-ROM once the installation is complete. Troubleshooting Tasks and 29 Back Next Return to Cover Page Overview Getting Ready Printing Appendices Windows ZoomBrowser EX Easy-PhotoPrint Introduction to the Supplied Programs A multifunction program capable of managing, displaying, editing and exporting images. For printing instructions, click the [Help] menu and select [ ZoomBrowser EX Help], followed by [How do I?]. A versatile program capable of printing various layouts in a few simple steps. For printing instructions, see the help topics summoned by clicking the [ ? ] button in the [3 Layout/Print] tab. Macintosh ImageBrowser A multifunction program capable of managing, displaying, editing and exporting images. For printing instructions, click the [Help] menu and select [ ImageBrowser Help] followed by a topic related to printing. Programs Common to Windows/Macintosh PhotoStitch A program that takes multiple images shot using features such as the camera's Stitch Assist mode and merges them into a single panoramic image. You can create dynamic panoramas if you print the merged images on the wide-size sheets. ( PhotoStitch does not feature a separate printing function.) YoucandownloaddetailedguidestoZoomBrowserEX(Windows) andImageBrowser(Macintosh) fromthefollowingwebsite. http: //web.canon.jp/Imaging/information-e.html Troubleshooting Tasks and 30 Back Next Return to Cover Page Overview Getting Ready Printing Appendices Wireless Printing These procedures are for printing images over a wireless connection (IrDA, Bluetooth or wireless LAN). •Sendingalargeimagemayrequireadatatransfertimeoffiveminutesormore. • Mailandaddressbookinformationcannotbeprinted. • MobiletelephonesecuritysettingspreventprintingofimagesdownloadedfromtheInternetandimagesdownloadedfromaURLsentbyemail. •Moviescannotbeprinted. •Theprintermaynotbeabletoprintimagessavedontothememorycardofsometypesofmobiletelephones. •Thepositionandorientation(horizontalorvertical) ofimagesforprintingissetautomaticallybytheprinter. Sinceimagesareenlargedorreducedtofitthepapersize, theedgesoftheimagemaybecroppedwithcertaincombinationsofimageandpapersizes. • Datatransmissiontimesarelongwhenthedatasizesarelarge. Accordingly, itmaytakesometimebeforeprintingstarts. •Donotperformanyprintoperationswithacameraorcomputerafteradatatransferwithamobiletelephonehasbeeninitiateduntilaftertheprinterha sfinishedprinting. Thedatatransferisinitiatedfromthemobiletelephone. Seetheuserguideforyourmobiletelephonefordetails. •Youcannotprintviaawirelessconnectionifamemorycardisintheprinter, oriftheprinterisconnectedwithacabletoacameraorcomputer. •Youcannotprintviaawirelessconnectionbetweentheprinterandacomputer. •Themaximumimagedatasizethatcanbetransmittedis4MB. Printing Via an IrDA Connection (CP730 Only) This section explains how to print images from an IrDA (infrared) enabled mobile telephone. Supported Devices Check whether or not your mobile telephone has the required functions for IrDA enabled printing. Requirement 1: Built-in infrared wireless port supporting the IrDA protocol. 1 Check the printer to ensure that no memory cards are Requirement 2: Built-in camera capable of recording and saving image inserted, the Bluetooth unit is not attached or that a data (JPEG images of 4 MB or less). camera is not connected via a USB cable. 2 Press the printer’s power button until the start-up image appears in the LCD monitor. Troubleshooting Tasks and 31 Back Next Return to Cover Page Overview Getting Ready Printing Appendices 3 Aim the mobile telephone’s infrared port at the printer’s IrDA sensor and initiate the data transfer from the telephone. See the user guide for your mobile telephone for instructions for configuring the IrDA settings and for printing...