Fabricar: KitchenAid
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Resumen del manual
GUI il lo the same size as Ihe production (28.6 cm) (30.3 cm: I DIMENSIONS panel. See Figure 1. To change the bin door panel. 1. Open the bin door. 2. Remove the two screws on lop of the door which hold Ihe handle. 3. Remove the handle. 4. Slide the metal panels out. 5. Break off the ribs on the door insulalion to allow for the wood thickness. See Figure 2 6. Slide the wood panel into the door frame. 7. Replace handle and acraws. To change the lower panel: - 1. Hemwe the two screws at the txttom that hold the lower panel assembly to the ice maker 2. Remove the Iwo acraws on the top of the pane! assembly. 3. Slide the metal panels and spacers 01~1. 4. Slide the wood panel into Ihe door frame. 5. Replace the top of the panel assembly NOTE: Make sure the galvanized panel is replaced I” back of the panel assembly. b(43.2 cm)- FIGURE 1 REMOVE ALL DOOR INSULATION RIBS TO ACCEPT WOOD PANEL THICKNESS FIGURE 2 If ice maker is installed above two thousand feet of altitude, the bin and evaporator thermostats must be adjusted to a warmer setting. Disconnect electricity, remove thermostat and follow the directions for turning the altitude adjustment screw as shown in the label on each thermostat. SHIPBOARD OPERATION When this ice cube maker is installed aboard a ship, it will be necessary to purchase and install a water deflector. This deflector hanas between the lower edge of the evaporator and the cutter grid. It keeps the water flowing over the evaporator from spilling into the storage bin area. Order the necessary parts from your local ice maker dealer. GENERAL INFORMATION . UNPACK INTERIOR OPEN BOTTOM FLAPS FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 1 Lay carlon on rear face and break open botlom flaps 2 Set carton upnght wlrh all four flaps outward. See Figure 3. 3 Lift carton up and ott 01 machme. 4 Remove all rape and packaglng material from rhe outside and lnslde of the cabinet. See Flgure 4. 5R emove Ihe front grill. lake out the screws secur- 1ng Ihe grlll at the botlom and 1111 It tree 01 c&net 6 Turn the fan by hand lo make terla~n II moves freely 7 Loosen thumb screws holding cutter grid and water pan to “thumb right.” . UTILITIES WATER ELECTRICITY DRAIN I OBSERVE LOCAL CODES Emch installation 1~ unique but will require: 1 A cold water Inlet of l/4” (6.35 mm) OD sdi copper tubing and a shut-off valve. 2 ElIher a gravely drain Syslem or a sump pump t0 1111 the waler 10 an exlsling drain 3 An eleclr~cal branch cwcuil 01 220/240 Volt, 50 Hz, 1 phase, with a 10 Amp delayed actlon fuse or circuit breaker. l LOCATE UNIT THIS UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED IN AN AREA PROTECTED FROM THE ELEMENTS, SUCH AS WIND, RAIN, WATER SPRAY OR DRIP 1 Place unit so the fronl side WIII be complelely unobstructed, to provide Draper air flow. 2 Area should be well ventllaled wth temperature above 150 C, 600 F and below 430 C. 1100 F. Best results are obtained between 210 C. 700 F and 320 C. 900 F. 3 Prov~slon lor eleclr#city water and drain connec- lions should be delermlned. 4 The unit may be closed in on Ihe top and lhree sndes. bul Ihe Iron1 MUST BE u”obs,r”c,ed lor air circulalion and proper operalion. Inslallalion should be such lhal Ihe cabinel can be moved lorward lor servicing il necessary . LEVEL UNIT 1 After placing unit in powlion. check to make certain the unit IS level side lo side and front 10 back 2 Accurate leveling 1s eSsenlIal for proper OperaliOn. 3 Unit should be shimmed so that it !s solld as well as level The shims should be of hard permanenl type malerlal such as masonate 4 If required by sanitation code. seal rhe cabinet to Ihe floor wlh an approved Caulking compound FOR THE PLUMBER CONNECT TO WATER (observe local codes) 1 Usa U” (6.35 mm) OD soft copper tubing lor the cold water supply. 2 Prowde a convement manual shut-oil valve I” the water llrw 3 Position the rubmg so it can enter the access hole located in the rmht hand rear of rhe cabinet The tubing should eitend beyond the cabinet fronr when the cabinet IS pushed back unto posft~on See Figure 5. NOTE: Always purge the water lme before maklng the final connection to the inlet of the water valve to prevent possible water valve malfunction Alter the cabinet II in place, bend the tubing to meet the connection at the water valve. The garden hose threaded compression fitting II found in the parts bag. This joint provides a conventent dlrconnect for service. Sa sure the tubing is clear of compressor. to prevent rattle. CONNECT ME DRAIN (observe locel codes) The unit is provided wth a gravity drain The ideal installation has a standpipe (1 %“. 32mm minimum) installed directly below the outlet or the drain lube. Refer lo Figure 5 (or the proper location of the standpipe. It may bedeslrable to insulate drain line thoroughly up lo drain inlet FOR THE ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS A 220/240 Volt, 50 Hz. 10 Amp (used electrical supply is required (lime delay luse or circuit breaker is recommended). It is recommended lhat a Separate clrcuil, serving only this appliance be provided. USE COPPE...