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Manual de usuario Alto-Shaam, modelo 500-E/Deluxe

Fabricar: Alto-Shaam
Tamaño del archivo: 1.44 mb
Nombre del archivo: 84f35307-19b7-4aa4-a811-2c1495abc225.pdf
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Resumen del manual

7. Rinse surfaces by wiping with sponge and clean warm water. 8. Remove excess water with sponge and wipe dry with a clean cloth or air dry. Leave door open until interior is completely dry. Replace shelves. 9. Interior can be wiped with a sanitizing solution after cleaning and rinsing. This solution must be approved for use on stainless steel food contact surfaces. 10. To help maintain the protective film coating on polished stainless steel, clean the exterior of the cabinet with a cleaner recommended for stainless steel surfaces. Spray the cleaning agent on a clean cloth and wipe with the grain of the stainless steel. 11. Clean glass with a window cleaner. Always follow appropriate state or local health (hygiene) regulations regarding all applicable cleaning and sanitation requirements for foodservice equipment. Operation and Care Manual • 11. SANITATIONSANITATION Food flavor and aroma are usually so closely related that it is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them. There is also an important, inseparable relationship between cleanliness and food flavor. Cleanliness, top operating efficiency, and appearance of equipment contribute considerably to savory, appetizing foods. Good equipment that is kept clean, works better and lasts longer. Most food imparts its own particular aroma and many foods also absorb existing odors. Unfortunately, during this absorption, there is no distinction between GOOD and BAD odors. The majority of objectionable flavors and odors troubling food service operations are caused by bacteria growth. Sourness, rancidity, mustiness, stale or other OFF flavors are usually the result of germ activity. The easiest way to insure full, natural food flavor is through comprehensive cleanliness. This means good control of both visible soil (dirt) and invisible soil (germs). A thorough approach to sanitation will provide essential cleanliness. It will assure an attrac- tive appearance of equipment, along with maximum efficiency and utility. More importantly, a good sani- tation program provides one of the key elements in the prevention of food-borne illnesses. A controlled holding environment for prepared foods is just one of the important factors involved in the prevention of food-borne illnesses. Temperature monitoring and control during receiving, storage, preparation, and the service of foods are of equal importance. The most accurate method of measuring safe temper- atures of both hot and cold foods is by internal prod- uct temperature. A quality thermometer is an effec- tive tool for this purpose, and should be routinely used on all products that require holding at a specific temperature. A comprehensive sanitation program should focus on the training of staff in basic sanitation procedures. This includes personal hygiene, proper handling of raw foods, cooking to a safe internal product temper- ature, and the routine monitoring of internal temper- atures from receiving through service. Most food-borne illnesses can be prevented through proper temperature control and a comprehensive program of sanitation. Both these factors are impor- tant to build quality service as the foundation of cus- tomer satisfaction. Safe food handling practices to prevent food-borne illness is of critical importance to the health and safety of your customers. HACCP, an acronym for Hazard Analysis (at) Critical Control Points, is a quality control program of operating pro- cedures to assure food integrity, quality, and safety. Taking steps necessary to augment food safety prac- tices are both cost effective and relatively simple. While HACCP guidelines go far beyond the scope of this manual, additional information is available by contacting: Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Food and Drug Administration 1-888-SAFEFOOD I N T E R N A L F O O D P R O D U C T T E M P E R A T U R E S HOT FOODS DANGER ZONE 40° TO 140°F (4° TO 60°C) CRITICAL ZONE 70° TO 120°F (21° TO 49°C) SAFE ZONE 140° TO 165°F (60° TO 74°C) COLD FOODS DANGER ZONE ABOVE 40°F (ABOVE 4°C) SAFE ZONE 36°F TO 40°F (2°C TO 4°C) FROZEN FOODS DANGER ZONE ABOVE 32°F (ABOVE 0°C) CRITICAL ZONE 0° TO 32°F (-18° TO 0°C) SAFE ZONE 0°F OR BELOW (-18°C OR BELOW) Operation and Care Manual • 12. vSERVICE•MANUALCONTROLWheneverthethermostatisturned“ON,”theindicatorlightwillindicatethepowerON/OFFconditionoftheheatingcable,andconsequently, thecyclingofthecabinetasitmaintainsthedialedcavitytemperature.Ifthislightdoesnotilluminateafternormalstart-up,themainpowersource, thermostat,and/orindicatorlightmustbechecked. Ifthewarmingcabinetdoesnotholdthetemperatureasdialed,thecalibrationofthethermostatmustbechecked.Ifthewarmingcabinetfailstoheatorheatscontinuouslywiththethermostat“OFF,”thethermo- statmustbeinitiallycheckedforproperoperation. Iftheseitemsarecheckedandfoundtobeinorder, acontinuityandresistancecheckoftheheatingcableshouldbemade.SEECIRCUITDIAGRAM. Thethermostatisprecisioncalibratedatthefactory. Normally,noadjustmentorrecalibrationisnecessaryunlessthet...


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