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Manual de usuario Cooper Lighting, modelo Envoy

Fabricar: Cooper Lighting
Tamaño del archivo: 4.51 mb
Nombre del archivo: 4399a057-8c81-4d56-8423-643f7805026e.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

Beyond the construction and code requisites, the element of human interaction, pleasantryand security is the reoccurring focus. PARKING | CANOPY | PATH OF EGRESS DESIGN + FORM Envoy is a unique presentation of form, functionand performance. Uniformity, minimumfoot-candles and other design criteria areaccomplished through Envoy’s multitude of reflector and shielding options. Coupled withtoolless access and release features throughoutthe mounting, maintenance and removal process, Envoy offers service friendly solutions throughoutevery aspect of its design. MATERIALS + PERFORMANCE The Envoy design is driven by material andperformance specifications. The alliance of lensand reflector has been tactfully planned withcareful considerations of fit and function. The lens and reflector embody the foundation ofEnvoy. Completing the blueprint is the housingand mounting framework, with its intricate yetelementary system that locates and secures theunit in place, allowing unparalleled toollessmaintenance solutions. 3 4 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THE MULTITUDE OF TASKS ENCOUNTERED IN A PARKING GARAGE ENVIRONMENT REQUIRE FORETHOUGHT AND PLANNING WHEN DESIGNING A NEW LIGHTING SYSTEM. [1] Adequate horizontal and verticalillumination is required for the safetyand security of occupants within thestructure. Direct and indirect illumination allows safe movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, including the ability to easily identifyvehicles, parking spaces and directionof traffic flow. [2] Glare from luminaires can distract pedestrians and drivers, ultimatelycompromising safety. Optical systemsshould minimize glare and improvevisual comfort allowing drivers andpedestrians to safely navigate theirpaths. [3] Quality and control of the installedlighting system as viewed from boththe interior and exterior of the structure. Avoid light trespass to thesurrounding properties. [4] Parking structures tend to create afeeling of enclosure also known as the“cave effect”, caused by dark ceilingsand walls. System designs that offer anuplight component help illuminateceiling surfaces and create an openfeeling of space while improving depthperception. [5] When the power goes out, emergency“path of egress” is the highest concern. Exiting individuals in a safe and timelymanner needs to be planned foraccordingly. [6] Garage lighting should be viewed as aninvestment in property, savings andsafety. Fixture design, installation andmaintenance all play an important roleand should heavily influence buyingdecisions. Garage luminaries shouldoffer flexibility in mounting, resistaccumulation of insects, dirt and water, and offer options that impede birdnesting and vandalism. [7] Luminaires must be flexible to account for varying needs of the garage andlighting design. Elements includingsize, ceiling heights, depth ofstructural beams and complexities ofparking stalls and pathways needs tobe considered. INNOVATION Envoy is truly unique in form and construction. Practical and useful features abound throughout the design, culminating in an extremely versatileparking garage luminaire. By focusing on solutions that meet contractor and end user needs, Envoy overcomes the challenges of effectively andefficiently lighting parking structures. • FIXTURE DESIGN-Envoy’s form is clean andpractical with minimal ledges and a smoothsurface finish to minimize dirt and insect accumulation. Coupled with an IP66 ingressrating, Envoy can safely be cleaned by powerwashing. • REFLECTOR DESIGN-Lens contains “locate and lock” emboss features allowing the reflector tobe positioned accurately offering repeatableoptical performance. Envoy’s industry leadingreflector systems are composed of threeelements and are specified based ondistribution requirements of the application. • ADJUSTABLE LIGHT SHIELDS-Mounted internally, all shield media has the ability torotate 360° per user preference, promotingmaximum light control flexibility and visualcomfort. Three [3] different types of lightcontrol shields are available. House Side Shield [HS], offers 120° of coverage in upper and lowerwindows which may be used together orindependently. Drive Lane Shield [DLS], offers60° of coverage on the lower window and canbe used with one-way or two-way directionaltraffic via use of two shields. Concentrated Downlight [CD], offers 360° of coverage aroundthe uplight window for a true “cutoff” ratedgarage fixture. • QUICK MOUNT/RELEASE BRACKET SYSTEM- Spring loaded mounting bracket and toollesslever action release, coupled with toollessrelease hand latches for access to the lens and electrical compartment. Envoy is the marketleader in ease of installation, maintenance andremoval. • EGRESS LAMP OPTIONS-For path of egressrequirements, Envoy offers 26 different options, featuring compact fluorescent, quartz and MR16lamp sources. Multiple circuit options includingintegral battery pack are available. An exclusiveTask Light [TL] option featuring an adjustablelight head is available for emergency or ta...


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