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Manual de usuario Arboria, modelo Hampton Landscape Screen none

Fabricar: Arboria
Tamaño del archivo: 336.36 kb
Nombre del archivo: 8fdd3360-fab7-4a29-bc00-0ae27e5275c9.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

These can be mounted to either the side or back of the Base Panel. Placement of Stakes If mounting the Stakes on the back of the Base Panel, drive the first stake 14” to 18” into the ground in the desired location. Be sure to position the stake such that the top edge of the “U” shaped stake faces the Panel. Measure 34” apart from this first stake and then drive your second stake 14” to 18” into the ground. If mounting the Stakes on the side of the Base Panel, drive the first stake 14” to 18” into the ground in the desired location. Measure 36.5” apart from this first stake, between which your Base Panel will be installed, and then drive your second stake 14” to 18” into the ground. Attaching Panel to Stakes We recommend installing the screen so that the bottom of the posts are 1” above the ground. Use the 1 5/8” wood screws to secure the screen to the stakes. Screw through the holes in the stake into the Panel frame and be sure to use the highest and lowest possible holes on each post. Fine Garden Structures Division of LWO Corporation 3841 N. Columbia Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 286-5372 (800) 459-8718 2...


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