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Manual de usuario Philips, modelo PSC605/17

Fabricar: Philips
Tamaño del archivo: 387.55 kb
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Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

USE OF THIS SOFTW ARE INDICATES ACCEPTANCE OF THE LICENSE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THESE LICENSE TERMS, YOU MAY RETURN THE SOFTW ARE FOR A FULL REFUND. IF THE SOFTW ARE IS PACKAGED W ITH ANOTHER PRODUCT, YOU MAY RETURN THE ENTIRE UNUSED PRODUCT FOR A FULL REFUND. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* © KONINKLIJKE PHILIPS ELECTRONICS N.V. 2002 All rights res erved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written cons ent of the c opyright owner. This s oftware has been made available f or us e by end us ers only. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* 1. Copyright The Lic ens ed Software is a proprietary product of Philips, and is protected by c opyright laws . Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Lic ens ed Software s hall remain with Philips. 2. Right to use Philips hereby grants you the pers onal, non-exclusive lic ens e to us e the Lic ens ed Software only on and in c onjunction with one (1) computer at one time. You may not sell, rent, redistribute, sublic ens e or leas e the Lic ens ed Software, or otherwis e transf er or assign the right to us e it. You may not dec ompile, dis ass emble, revers e engineer, or in any way modif y program c ode, exc ept where this restriction is expressly prohibited by applic able law. Exc ept f or one (1) c opy which may be made for backup purposes only, you may not c opy the Lic ens ed Software. You are not allowed to alter or remove any proprietary notic es, including c opyright notic es, in the Lic ens ed Software. 3. Disclaimer of WarrantyTHE LICENSED SOFTW ARE IS PROVIDED AS IS W ITHOUT W ARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK OF USE OF THE LICENSED SOFTW ARE REMAINS W ITH YOU. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW , PHILIPS MAKES NO FURTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR W ARRANTIES EXPRESSLY OR IMPLIED SUCH AS BY W AY OF EXAMPLE BUT NOT OF LIMITATION REGARDING MERCHANTABILIT Y OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT LICENSED SOFTW ARE IS ERROR FREE, OR THAT THE USE OF THE LICENSED SOFTW ARE OR ANY COPIES THEREOF W ILL NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK OR OTHER RIGHT OF THIRD PARTIES. 4. Updated This lic ens e does not grant you the right to any upgrades or updates of the Lic ens ed Software. However, Philips will be entitled to off er updates and/or modific ations to the Lic ens ed Software at its discretion. 5. Changes of the agreementNo changes of this Agreem ent are valid unless with Philips' and your written approval. Any terms and c onditions provided by you are inapplic able, whether or not c ontained in order f orms or otherwis e, unless specific ally acc epted by Philips in writing by means of a duly signed addition to this Agreement. 6. Limitations of liability PHILIPS ACCEPTS NO LIABILIT Y FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS SAVINGS, LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTIONS, OR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LICENSED SOFTW ARE, EVEN IF PHILIPS OR ITS REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. SINCE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY, THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILIT Y MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 7. Validity and Termination The lic ens e granted hereunder shall terminate automatically and without notice if you do not c omply with all the terms and c onditions of this End Us er Lic ens e Agreem ent. In the event of termination, you shall immediately stop any us e of the Lic ens ed Sof tware and destroy all c opies thereof. In addition, in the event of termination bec aus e of your failure to c omply with your obligations, Philips res erves the right to invoke any and all other remedies available to it in law or c ontrac t including the right to claim damages . 8. Applicable Law This contract shall exclusively be governed by the laws of the Kingdom of The Netherlands without regard to its c onflict of law provisions. 9. Competent Court The c ompetent c ourt f or any dispute between you and Philips pursuant to this End Us er Lic ens e Agreem ent is the c ourt of 's- Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. © Philips Cons umer Electronics B.V., 1999-2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands V-1 991214 Sonic Edge™ Soundcard User’s Guide ii Philips Sound Solutions Philips Sonic Edge™ 5.1 Channel PCI Soundcard © Copyright 2002 Sonic Edge™ is a trademark of Philips Sound Solutions. Philips Sound Agent2™ is a trademark of Philips Sound Solutions. QSound™, QEM™, QSound Environment Modeling, QSound Multi-Speaker Systems, QMSS™, Q3D™, QSound QXpander™, QInteractive3D™, Audio Pix™, and the Q logo are trademarks of QSound Labs, Inc. EAX™ and Environmental Audio Extensions are trademarks of Creative Technolog...

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