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Manual de usuario Bosch, modelo CS9331/01

Fabricar: Bosch
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Resumen del manual

Como norma general para cualquier ogico, sea directamente o a traves de un No lo utilice con animales. cender el calientapies. limpiarse en seco. sons with reduced physi-only in accordance with the specifications PRECAUCIONES GENERALES aparato electrico, siga las instrucciones sistema publico. que se indican a continuacion: -Para encender el calientapies y ajustar Almacenaje cal, sensory or mental capa-on the rating plate. Este aparato pueden uti-1. Saque el calientapies de su caja y Su Ayuntamiento o Municipio le informara el nivel de calor deseado, seleccione la Cuando no vaya a utilizar el calientapies, Examine the foot warmer frequently for compruebe que no ha sufrido danos du--No toque el aparato con las manos o los sobre posibilidades de deposicion/elimi-bilities or lack of experience lizarlo ninos con edad de 8 temperatura en el termostato. guardelo en un lugar seco y no coloque signs of wear or damage. If there are such rante el transporte. En caso de duda, no pies mojados o humedos. nacion para los aparatos en desuso. anos y superior, y personas Cuando ajuste la temperatura en el termo-objetos pesados encima. and knowledge if they have signs or if the appliance has been mis used, return it to the supplier prior to any NOTE: Do not leave the pad switched on 0 Off. malfunction, take it to any authorised UFE-FRANCAIS indications figurant sur la plaque signale--Ne pas laisser l’appareil a l’exterieur pour further use. unsupervised; switch it off when you leave • Low temperature for more prolonged SA Technical Service Centre. tique. ne pas l’exposer a la pluie, le soleil, etc). 3. Do not use adapters, multiple sockets the room. use. Examiner regulierement le chauffe-pieds 11. Debranchez l’appareil du courant ADVICE ON DISPOSAL: pour detecter d’eventuels signes d’usure avant de realiser toute operation de net and/or extension leads. 13. Do not attempt to change the mains •• Medium temperature, for warming Our goods come in optimised pack- LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT LES MISES EN GARDE ET LES CONSIGNES ou deteriorations, auxquels cas ou si toyage ou d’entretien. 4. If the plug on the appliance and the cable on this appliance. If it is damaged, your feet. aging. This basically consists in using INDIQUEES DANS CETTE NOTICE ! l’appareil n’a pas ete utilise correctement, 12. Pour eviter tout risque de surchauffe mains socket are incompatible, get the appliance must be thrown away. a ••• High temperature, suitable for pre non-contaminating materials which should il faudra le retourner au distributeur avant dangereuse, il est conseille de derouler qualified person to replace the plug for 14. Prolonged use of the appliance at warming the foot warmer. be handed over to the local waste dis- de l’utiliser a nouveau. entierement le cordon de branchement et a suitable one. maximum temperature may cause burns to If you would like to preheat the appli- posal service as secondary raw materials. 3. Ne pas utiliser d’adaptateurs, de prises de debrancher l’appareil du courant elec5. Do not use with a helpless person, an the skin. Do not pull the appliance along by ance, set it for approximately 20 minutes This product complies with EU Di- NE PAS INTRODUIRE D’EPINGLES DANS LE CHAUFFE-PIEDS ! trique s’il n’est pas utilise. multiples et/ou rallonges. infant or a person insensitive to heat. This the mains cable or use the cable as carry on position 3. After this time has passed rective 2002/96/EC. The crossed 4. Si la fiche et la prise de courant ne sont NOTE: Ne pas laisser l’appareil sans surhandle. foot warmer is not to be used by young and during use, it is recommended to set wheelie bin symbol shown on the pas compatibles, demander a un elec- veillance s’il est branche, eteignez-le children unless the controls have been 15. The appliance must be used with the it back to position 2 to maintain the level appliance indicates that when it tricien qualifie de remplacer la fiche par avant de quitter la piece dans laquelle il pre-set by a parent or guardian, or unless types of controls indicated on the appli- of heat reached during the preheating comes to dispose the product it can not une autre compatible avec la prise. se trouve. the child has been adequately instructed ance label. phase. NE PAS UTILISER LE CHAUFFE-PIEDS PLIE OU COMPRIME ! be included in household refuse. It must 5. Les personnes handicapees, les bebes 13. Ne pas remplacer vous-meme le coron how to operate the controls safely. 16. Never immerse this appliance into wa-Automatic switch-off be taken to a special refuse collection ou les personnes insensibles a la chaleur don de branchement de cet appareil. S’il 6. The appliance may be repaired by our ter. point for electric and electronic appli- To prevent unsupervised operation, the ne pourront pas util...


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