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EH2511W_OI_EU4.qxd 05.9.6 8:19 ページ 6
Caution during use
Put some water (warm if you
For environmental
like) in a washbowl.
When mist is not released,
protection and recycling
• Pull out the plug of the Charger
• Do not use hot water
follow the steps below to
of materials
when not in use. Always grasp the
• Do not use detergent
plug while unplugging and never
clean the appliance. (Fig. 7)
Remove the suction cup, soak
This pore cleanser contains Nickel-
unplug by pulling the cord.
the Suction Hole (Filter) in the
Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) battery.
Turn the Power Switch off and
• Do not cut, damage, or modify the
water, and turn the Power
Please make sure that the battery
insert the pointed end (remove
cord. Do not pull, twist, or bend
Switch on to wash for about 15
is disposed of at an officially
the cap) of the Cleaning Tool
the cord with unnecessary force.
assigned location if there is one in
a ) into the Mist Nozzle for a
Do not place heavy objects on the
Remove the appliance from the
your country.
few times.
cord or allow the cord to get
Fill the Water Tank with water.
water. Then, leaving the
pinched in between objects. Do
appliance switched on for about
How to remove the built-in
When both the Mist Switch and
not wind the cord around the
Power Switch are turned on,
30 seconds to allow water to
rechargeable battery before
block the Mist Nozzle with the
drain from the main body,
disposal of the pore cleanser
• The supply cord of this appliance
pointed end of the Cleaning
shake the water off.
(Fig. 10)
can not be replaced; if the cord is
Tool for approximately 10
Empty the Water Tank and
allow it to dry by leaving the
The battery in this pore cleanser is
damaged, the appliance should
seconds (while checking to see
Cap unplugged.
not intended to be replaced by
be discarded.
if the water in the tank is
Wipe the body of the appliance
consumers. However, the battery
• Do not use the appliance near
and the reversible cups with
may be replaced at an authorized
inflammable materials, such as
- A cotton swab (F
b ) may be
tissues or cotton buds, taking
service center. The procedure
benzine, paint thinner, sprays, etc.
used instead of the Cleaning
particular care to thoroughly
described below is intended only for
• Do not use this appliance with a
wipe the insides of the suction
removal of the rechargeable battery
damaged or broken cup, since
Drain the water out of the Water
for the purpose of proper disposal.
injury may be occurred.
Always make sure that the battery
• When using the appliance, take
• If the mist is not released, repeat
have been removed from the pore
care to use it only on the nose.
steps 1-4. If the mist is still not
Regular maintenance
cleanser before disposing of it.
Do not stop at any one point on
released after repeating steps 1-4,
(Fig. 9)
the skin.
take the appliance to your dealer
• Suction Hole (Filter) and Mist
Unscrew the screw and remove
• Do not use the appliance on
for service.
the battery cover.
pimples, blemishes, sunburned or
• Water droplets may sometimes be
Turn the Power Switch off and
Unlatch the hooks on either
broken skin or any skin inflamma-
found on the appliance. This is
remove any accumulated dirt
side and pull out from the body
the water that has remained after
using the Cleaning Tool provided.
of the appliance.
• Do not pass the appliance over
inspection and is sanitary.
• Charger
Cut the red and black lead
the same point more than three
Clean the Charger using a cloth
wires on either side and further
times if you have sensitive skin.
and soapy water, then dry
pull out from the body of the
• Never touch the Charger plug
thoroughly before resuming use.
while your hands are wet.
After using the appliance
• Do not use detergent to avoid the
Insert a flat-head screwdriver
• Do not place or store the Charger
risk of discolouration, deteriora-
into the slot (
near water.
a ) and lift up the
(Fig. 8)
tion, or cracking.
Ni-MH battery.
• Never reach for Charger that has
• Both the body of the appliance
Remove the Ni-MH battery.
fallen into water. Unplug
and the cups can be washed
using water.