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Resumen del manual
Beispiel: Benutzerdefinierte Regel
rule "CustomRule1"
$pVO : PolicyExecutionVO( );
$resLst : List();
/* --------------- CUSTOM LOGIC ------------------ */
// Get service entity and resource objects.
$logicalSubnet : LogicalSubnet();
$subnet : Subnet() from $resLst;
// call new user defined function with required arguments
// function has to return true in case of success or false
// in case of failure.
eval(customRule1($logicalSubnet, $subnet, $pVO));
/* --------------- CUSTOM LOGIC ------------------ */
/* --------------- CUSTOM LOGIC ------------------ */
// Since this is a custom rule/criteria construct HPIO message
// using ALLOCATION_CRITERIA_CUSTOM bundle key and providing
// allocation failure message (string) to be displayed. In case
// this rule fails. NOTE same information should be used while
// calling doesNotMatch in the custom function below.
$pVO.match($subnet, HPIOMessage.get(HPIOBundleKey.ALLOCATION_CRITERIA_CUSTOM, “Failure message”));
/* --------------- CUSTOM LOGIC ------------------ */
* The function is responsible to do criteria check and return
* true/false based on the requested resource and the available
* resources.
* Initialize result map with doesNotMatch to start with, if this
* function returns success (true) then rule result map will be
* changed to match.
function boolean customRule1(
LogicalSubnet logicalSubnet,
Subnet subnet,
PolicyExecutionVO pVO) {
// Custom message.
pVO.doesNotMatch(subnet, HPIOMessage.get(HPIOBundleKey.ALLOCATION_CRITERIA_CUSTOM, “Failure message”));
boolean match=true;
/* -------------- CUSTOM LOGIC ----------------------*/
/* -------------- CUSTOM LOGIC ----------------------*/
return match;
Bereitstellen von Regeln
Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Regeldatei gültig ist (verwenden Sie das IO Policyassist-Tool).
Kopieren Sie die validierte Regeldatei in das Verzeichnis ..\Program Files\HP\Matrix
infrastructure orchestration\conf\policy.
Falls erforderlich, aktualisieren Sie die
Datei policy.xml, indem Sie die kürzlich definierte Regeldatei ändern oder ergänzen.
Führen Sie einen der folgenden Schritte durch:
Zum Aktivieren einer Richtlinie ändern Sie das entsprechende „ enabled"-Flag in der
Richtliniendatei in true.
Zum Deaktivieren einer Richtlinie ändern Sie das entsprechende „enabled"-Flag in der
Richtliniendatei in false.
Übersicht 237
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control BL 24x7 Supp 1 Server Lic (9.03 mb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp 1 Server Lic (9.03 mb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp E-LTU (9.03 mb)
Software - HP Matrix Operating Environment w/Insight Control 24x7 Supp Tracking Lic (9.03 mb)