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Resumen del manual
These release notes describe the modifications and known issues for Patch 05 (P05). The application
of this patch is intended for HP 3PAR InForm OS
This patch corrects the following issues:
Intermittent restarts of sysmgr during tunesys task operations
RCFC link fluctuations when using an FCIP gateway as part of the RCFC network
The SP 2.5.1 P004 is a corequisite patch and must be previously installed or immediately
after any InForm 3.1.1. patch installation to ensure the proper function of a node rescue if necessary.
1.1 Supported platforms
The HP 3PAR Configuration Matrix for InForm OS 3.1.1 contains information about supported hardware
and software platforms. To obtain a copy of this documentation, go to the Single Point of Connectivity
Knowledge for HP Storage Products (SPOCK) Web site at http://spock.corp.hp.com/index.aspx.
1.2 Patch applies to the OS Component
1.3 Verifying the patch installation
The installation of Patch 05 can be verified from an Interactive CLI session. Issue the CLI command
showversion -a -b to verify that Patch 05 is listed.
cli% showversion -a -b
Release version
Patches: P05
Component Name Version
CLI Server
CLI Client
System Manager (P05)
If reverted, this patch will restore the original 3.1.1 values.
1.4 Modifications to the InForm OS
The following items have been addressed in this release.
Bug ID
Intermittent sysmgr restart
In the release of 3.1.1, under certain conditions, an issue may cause the
during tunesys task
sysmgr to restart during tunesys task management operations.
This condition has been fixed in 3.1.1.MU1.
RCFC link issues when using
The RCFC link down and retransmission thresholds were tuned to support 8
FCIP gateways on 3.1.1.
Gbps FC links in 3.1.1. These new values may cause the links to occasionally
go down and up when an FCIP gateway is used as part of the RCFC network.
The patch must be removed if an FCIP network is no longer used.
A 3.1.1 patch is being prepared which will address this issue for customers
wanting to deploy 3.1.1 that are using FCIP gateways.
1.1 Supported platforms
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datos de dispositivos de procesamiento - HP 3PAR Operating System Software Suite (100.45 kb)