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Manual de usuario Radio Shack, modelo 43-3105

Fabricar: Radio Shack
Tamaño del archivo: 846.44 kb
Nombre del archivo: 4303105A_QS_EN.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

Set channel. 3. Call station(s) with the same channel. 4. Hold down to speak; release to listen. 5. Reset to the original channel after talking. 2. Turn on and adjust volume. Connect to power. Mount on the wall. 1. Set two stations to the same channel 3'c^lsysre 3. Press LOCK on the monitored station. 2. Turn on and adjust volume. Channel A Channel B Channel C ©2009. RadioShack Corporation. All rights reserved. RadioShack and are trademarks used by RadioShack Corporation. 07A09 Printed 43-3105 A in China AO0396AAA1...


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