Resumen del manual
(Brighton) 617 MICHIGAN: Detroit 48219, 18133 W. McNichols Rd. 313 Detroit 48234, 11360 East Seven Mile Road 313 Grand Rapids 49509, 3662 Clyde Park Ave., S.W. 616 MINNESOTA: Minneapolis 55408, 2815 Nicollet Ave. 612 MISSOURI: Kansas City 64108, 2705 McGee Trafficway 816 St. Louis 63110, 615 S. V? 'deventer Ave. ........... 314 Telephone No. 324-6691 AL 8-1332 FR 2-3040 7724050 Rl 9-0371 ТЕ 4-5944 444-3188 280-3331 241-9162 871-7278 787-5531 222-0621 249-6241 779-3808 533-1147 356-2951 681-6658 423-1651 872-8317 JA 4-0431 536-9374 ТА 9-3500 OR 3-0923 BE 3-6832 788-1744 425-4269 632-5569 CH 4-7257 263-6571 366-1495 837-2550 HO 7-7411 485-5550 779-3808 828-2910 ST 2-6264 534-8880 527-5010 534-7708 823-5283 HA 1-1493 JE 3-2210 NEBRASKA: Omaha 68102, 2218 Leavenworth Street NEW JERSEY: Newark 07104, 868 Broadway NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque 87110, 4700 Lomas Blvd. N.E. NEW YORK: Buffalo 14209, 881 W. Del a van Ave. New York 10462, 1894 E. Tremont Avenue (Bronx) New York 10014, 227 Varick St. (Manhattan) New York 11377, 56-15 Queens Blvd. (Woodside) Rochester 14620, 476 Clinton Ave. S. Syracuse 13224, 2140 Erie Blvd. E. NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte 28206, 1710 N. Graham St. Fayetteville 28306, P.O. Box 4305, Highway 301, S. Greensboro 27403, 1008 W. Lee Street OHIO: Cincinnati 45203, 1225 Western Ave. Cleveland 44113, 3901 Detroit Ave. Columbus 43202, 3975 E. Livingston Ave. Dayton 45420, 617 Watervliet Street Solon 44139, 6225 Cochran Road.. Toledo 43606, 2629 W, Central Ave. OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City 73106, 1318 Lmwood Blvd. Tulsa 74145, 3120 South Sheridan Road OREGON: Portland 97209, 1640 N. Johnson Street PENNSYLVANIA: Harrisburg 17112, 6070 Allentown Blvd. Lancaster 17604, 715 Fountain Ave. Philadelphia 19103, 333 No. 20th Street Pittsburgh 15232, 5437 Baum Blvd. RHODE ISLAND: E. Providence 02914, 2777 Pawtucket Ave. SOUTH CAROLINA: Greenville 29601, 407 Pendleton St. TENNESSEE: Knoxville 37917, 1123 North Central St. Memphis 38116, 984-86 East Brooks Rd. Nashville 37203, 601 Eighth Ave. S. TEXAS: Amarillo 79106, 3008 West 6th Ave. Dallas 75207, 1808 N. Industrial Blvd. Fort Worth 76103, 1801 Bomar Street Houston 77003, 105 Sampson Street San Antonio 78210, 1111 South Presa Street UTAH: Salt Lake City 84115, 1541 S. Second West Street VIRGINIA: Falls Church 22046, 129 Annandale Road Norfolk 23517, 337 W, 21st Street Richmond 23222, 1424 Chamberlayne Ave. WASHINGTON: Seattle 98119, 701 Third Ave., N. Spokane 99207, 3550 North Market Street WEST VIRGINIA: Charleston 25312, 1638 Sixth Ave. WISCONSIN: Milwaukee 53213, 6301 Blue Mound Road Area Telephone Code No. 402 345-2330 201 HU 3-1076 505 265-6401 716 TT 4-6220 212 SY 2-2700 212 WA 9-6450 212 DE 5-1042 716 454-3814 315 446-3086 704 FR 5-3721 919 425-1181 919 275-0906 513 421-2275 216 OL 1-4243 614 237-0461 513 252-1821 216 CH 8-5330 . 419 475-6771 405 CE 2-7515 918 622-5666 ..503 CA8-8631 717 545-0651 717 393-5831 .215 LO 4-5520 412 362-2700 434-1655 232-3038 546-2481 332-3444 254-1061 806 DR 3-1531 214 RI 1-6401 817 336-0175 713 228-7521 .512 LE 4-4611 801 HU 6-7056 .703 533-1147 .703 627-4521 703 649-9245 .206 AT 2-6432 ,509 HU 9-9164 .304 343-0289 .414 GR 6-7800 401 803 615 901 615 SLACK & DECKER MFG. CO., Limited, Canada BROCKVILLE, ONTARIO CALGARY, ALBERTA ... DON MILLS (Toronto)...... EDMONTON, ALBERTA.... HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA HAMILTON, ONTARIO....... LONDON, ONTARIO.......... ..............................Perth Street ...........1003 11th Avenue, S. W. ....................2 Valleybrook Drive ...........11440 Ave.—142 Street* ...................803 McLean Street ..............180 Parkdile Ave., N. .631 Commissioners Rd., East MONTREAL 10, P. Q.................... 7865 St. Lawrence Bvd. OTTAWA, ONTARIO..............................418 Laurier Avenue, West QUEBEC CITY, P. Q......................................330 St. Rocb Street REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN...............................1076 Albert Street SASKATOON, SASK...........Diamond Ind. Center, Quebec & 33rd St. ........ -. c............................................"* ALABAMA, Montgomery ALASKA, Anchorage Fairbanks ARIZONA, Tucson CALIFORNIA, Fresnc CONNECTICUT, New Haven DELAWARE, Wilmington FLORIDA, Pensacola IDAHO, Boise, Lewiston AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATIONS MAINE, Westbrook OHIO, Youngstown MISSISSIPPI. Jackson PENNSYLVANIA, Allentown NEVADA, Reno, Las Vegas Erie NEW YORK Schenectady SOUTH CAROLINA, Charleston SOUTH DAKOTA, Rapid City TEXAS, Corpus Christi El Paso VIRGINIA, Roanoke WASHINGTON, Yakima WEST VIRGINIA, Wheeling THE BLACK & DECKER MFG. CO., TOWSON, MD. 21204, U.S A. Form No. 97246 (Bll-PS) Printed in U.S.A. Your new Black & Decker Vacuum Cleaner is an outstanding value, combining quality construction, excellent performance and versatility with an economical price. It is a very good choice for cleaning up DRY materials in all areas of the garage or service station. For personal safety and for proper operation of the Vacuum...
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