Manual de usuario Cobra Electronics, modelo 19 Ultra III
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The Citizens Band Story The Citizens Band lies between the shortwave broadcast and 10-meter amateur radio bands, and was established by law in 1949. The Class D two-way communications service was opened in 1959. (CB also includes a Class A citizens band and Class C remote control frequencies.) Customer Assistance Customer Assistance Should you encounter any problems with this product, or not understand its many features, please refer to this owner’s manual. If you require further assistance after reading this manual, Cobra Electronics offers the following customer assistance services: For Assistance in the U.S.A. Automated Help Desk English only. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 773-889-3087 (phone). Customer Assistance Operators English and Spanish. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CT Mon. through Fri. (except holidays) 773-889-3087 (phone). Questions English and Spanish. Faxes can be received at 773-622-2269 (fax). Technical Assistance English only. (on-line: Frequently Asked Questions). English and Spanish. (e-mail). For Assistance Outside the U.S.A. Contact Your Local Dealer ©2005 Cobra Electronics Corporation 6500 West Cortland Street Chicago, Illinois 60707 USA English CB Radios microTALK® Radios Radar/Laser Detectors Safety Alert® Traffic Warning Systems Handheld GPS Receivers Mobile GPS Navigation Systems HighGear® Accessories CobraMarine™ VHF Radios CobraMarine™ Chartplotters Power Inverters Accessories For more information or to order any of our products, please visit our website: NothingComesClosetoaCobra®EnglishNothingComesClosetoaCobra®English CustomerServiceOrderFormandOptionalAccessoriesIntroductionProductFeaturesandFCCRegulationsProductFeaturesIntroductionCustomerServiceOrderFormandOptionalAccessoriesIntroductionProductFeaturesandFCCRegulationsProductFeaturesIntroduction Product Features • Channel 9/ NOR/Channel 19 ButtonCB/PAButtonOn-Off/ SquelchChannelSelectorKnobMicrophoneConnectorTXIndicatorIconS/RFPowerMeterLCDChannelDisplay Volume Knob Public External Address Jack Speaker Jack Antenna Power Connection Connector Product Features Features • 40 CB Radio Channels • Instant Channels 9/19 NOR • PA System • Compact Size • Nine Foot Microphone Cord • Front Panel Microphone Connector FCC Regulations RXTXAudioShieldMicrophoneConnectorDetailTalkButton Customer Signature Amount Shipping/Handling* $10.00 or less . . . . . $3.00 $10.01-$25.00 . . . . . $5.50 $25.01-$50.00 . . . . . $7.50 $50.01-$90.00 . . . . $10.50 $90.01-$130.00 . . . $13.50 $130.01-$200.00 . . $16.50 $200.01 plus .... . 10% of purchase *For AK, HI and PR add additional $26.95 for FedEx Next Day or $10.95 for FedEx 2nd Day. Excludes weekend and holiday shipments. • Please allow two to three weeks for delivery in the U.S. Prices subject to change without notice. TheCobra lineofqualityproducts includes: CB Radios microTALK® Radios Radar/Laser Detectors Safety Alert® Traffic Warning Systems Handheld GPS Receivers Mobile GPS Navigation Systems HighGear® Accessories CobraMarine™ VHF Radios CobraMarine™ Chartplotters Power Inverters Accessories FCCRegulationsFCCregulationspermitonly“transmission”(one-partytoanother)ratherthan“broadcast”(toawideaudience).Thus,advertisingisnotallowedonCBchannelsbecausethatis“broadcasting”. FCCWarningsAlltransmitteradjustmentsotherthanthosesuppliedbythemanufacturerasfrontpaneloperatingcontrols,mustbemadeby,orunderthesupervisionof,theholderofanFCC-issuedgeneralRadio-TelephoneOperator’sLicense. Replacementorsubstitutionoftransistors,regulardiodesorotherpartsofauniquenature,withpartsotherthanthoserecommendedbyCobra,maycauseviolationofthetechnicalregulationsofPart95oftheFCCRules,orviolationofTypeAcceptancerequirementsofPart2oftheRules. YoushouldreadandunderstandPart95(includedwiththisunit)oftheFCCRulesandRegulations,beforeoperatingyourCobraradio,eventhoughtheFCCnolongerrequiresyoutoobtainanoperator’slicense. Order Form Name Address (No P.O. Boxes) City State/Province Zip Country Telephone Credit Card Number Type: . Visa . MasterCard . Discover Exp. Date Item # U.S.Cost Each Qty Amount Tax Table U.S. Subtotal California . . . 7.25% Illinois . . . . . 9% Indiana. . . . . 6% (Tax if Applicable) Shipping/Handling Total Michigan . . . 6% Ohio. . . . . . . 6% Pennsylvania 6% Wisconsin . . 5% Optional Accessories • You can find quality Cobra products and accessories at your local Cobra dealer, or in the U.S.A., you can order directly from Cobra. Ordering from U.S.A. Call 773-889-3087 for pricing or visit For credit card orders, complete and return this order form to fax number 773-622-2269. Or call 773-889-3087 (Press 1 from the main menu) 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday. Make check or money order payable to: Cobra Electronics, Attn: Accessories Dept. 6500 West Cortland Street, Chicago, IL 60707 USA To order online, please visit our website: A2English Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra® A3 Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra® 17 I...