Resumen del manual
Allow 10 cm clearance from the unit, – Do not place the unit on a bed, rug, or similar surface that may block the ventilation openings. – Do not Install the unit m a bookcase, cabinet, or airtight rack where ventilation may be impeded. 5 Objects and liquid entry— Take care that objects or Ilqulds do not get inside the unit through the ventilation openings. 6 Carts and stands — When placed or mounted on a stand or cart, the unit should be moved with care Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the unit or cart to overturn or fall. 7 Condensation — Moisture may form on the CD pickup lens when: – The unit is moved from a cold spot to a warm spot -The heating system has just been turned on -The unit is used in very humid room -The unit is cooled by an air conditioner When this unit has condensation inside, it may not function normally. Should this occur, leave the unit for a few hours, then try to operate again. 8 Wa// or cei/ing mounting — The unit should not be mounted on a wall or ceiling, unless specified m the Operating Instructions. Electric Power 7 Power sources — Connect this unit only to power sources spec[fied in the Operating Instructions, and as marked on the unit. 2 AC power cord -When disconnecting the AC power cord, pull it out by the AC power plug. Do not pull the cord Itself. – Never handle the AC power plug with wet hands, as this could result in fire or shock, - Power cords should be routed to avoid being severely bent, pinched, or walked upon. Pay particular attention to the cord from the unit to the power socket. – Avoid overloading AC power plugs and extension cords beyond their capacity, as this could result in fire or shock. 3 When not in use — Unplug the AC power cord from the AC power plug if the unit will not be used for several months or more. When the cord is plugged in, a small amount of current continues to flow to the unit, even when the power is turned off. Maintenance Clean the unit only as recommended In the Operating Instructions. Damage Requiring Service Have the units serwced by a qualified service technician If: – The AC power cord or plug has been damaged -Foreign objects or Iiquld have gotten inside the unit – The unit has been exposed to rain or water – The unit does not seem to operate normally – The unit exhibits a marked change in performance – The unit has been dropped, or the cabinet has been damaged DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SERVICE THE UNIT YOURSELF, PRECAUCIONES PRECAUCOES Lea detenidamente todas Ias instrucciones que se descnben en el Manual de Instrucclones antes de proceder a utllizar el aparato y guarde el manual para posibles consultas posterlores. Siga al pie de la Ietra todas [as advertencias y precauciones indicadas en este Manual de Instrucciones, al igual que Ias sugerencias de segurldad que se Indican a continuation. Instalacion 1 Agua yhumedad — No utilice este aparato cerca del agua (per ej.: cerca de batieras, fregaderos, piscinas, etc.). 2 Calor— No uhllce este aparatocerca de fuentes de calor, incluyendo bocas de calefaccton, estufas u otros artefactos de calefaccion. 3 Superficie — Ponga el aparato siempre sobre superficles planas y estables. 4 Venti/scion — Este aparato debe instalarse con el suficiente espacio a su alrededor para garantizar una ventilation adecuada. Deje 10 cm de espacio alrededor del aparato, -No 10 ponga sobre camas, almohadones o superficies mullidas que puedan obstrulr Ias ranuras de ventllaclon, – No 10 ponga en anaqueles, estanterias o muebles modulares cerrados donde la ventilation pueda verse obstacullzada. 5 Objetos y /fquidos — Tenga culdado de que no penetren objetos pequehos y Iiquidos dentro del aparato por Ias ranuras de ventllacion, 6 Carros ypeanas — Cuando se pone sobre un carro o una peana, el aparato debe moverse con sumo cuidado, Todo movimlento brusco, fuerza exceswa o la colocaclon sobre superf]cies irregulars puede hater que el carro o la peana se vuelque o caiga. 7 Condensation — En el objehvo del captor del Compact Disc puede acumularse humedad cuando... – se Ileva el aparato de un Iugar frio a otro calido — se enciende la calefaccion en una habltacion fria – se utillza el aparato en una habitaclon muy humeda — se enfria el aparato por la accion de un acondiclonador de aire Puede pasarque el aparato no funclone como es debldo cuando se haya formado condensaclon en su Interior. En este case, dejelo apagado durante varlas horas y vuelva a probarlo. 8 Instalacion en la Dared o ei cielo raso — Este a~arato no debe colgarse rw de la pared ni del cielo raso, salvo en aquellos cases Indlcados en el Manual de Instrucclones. Alimentacion electrica 1 Fuentes de alimentacion — Conecte el aparato solamente a Ias fuentes de alimentacion especiflcadas en el Manual de lnstrucciones y del modo indicado en el mismo aparato. 2 Cable de corrien te – Para desconectar el cable de corriente, tire tomando el enchufe en la mane. Nunca tire del cable. – Nunca tome el enchufe de corriente con Ias manes mojadas, ya q...
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