Resumen del manual
Baje los niveles del EQ. La unidad recalienta luego delargos periodos deuso a alto volumen Esto es normal Apague la unidad o baje el volumen No puedeescuuchar los auriculares/parlantes que estanconectados a la ficha de salida “line out” La linea de salida no esta disenada paraauriculares. Los parlantes necesitan una fuente de alimentacion La senal de salida require amplificacion. Utilice parlantes u otraclase de aparto amplificado. El tiempo deapagado con“Snooze” (Dormilon), es muylargo/corto. La duracion del programa “Snooze” no ha sidoprogramada. Mantenga oprimido el boton “Snooze” luego gire la rueda paraprogramar la duracion de tiempo deseada. La alarma no funciona El indicador de AM/PM no ha sido programado correctamente. Ajuste la alarma segun desee que suene en hora AM o despues del mediodia PM. El icono indicador en el visor es incorrecto. Verifique que el horario de la la alarma y el del icono correspondiente 1 o 2 en el visor del reloj se encuentrensincronizados. La programacion 7-5-2 no es correcta. Utilice 7 para uso de alarma diario por 7 dias, 5 para Lunes aViernes y 2 para Sabado y Domingo. Dirijase a la pagina 3 para su programacion. El calendario no se encuentra programadocorrectamente para 5/2 dias. Refierase a la pagina 3 para ver la seccion de programacion delReloj/ calendario. 9 Limited 90-Day Warranty Information iHome Products, a division of SDI Technologies Inc. (hereafter referred to as SDI Technologies), warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and conditions, for a period of 90 days from the date of original purchase. Should this product fail to function in a satisfactory manner, it is best to first return it to the store where it was originally purchased. Should this fail to resolve the matter and service still be required by reason of any defect or malfunction during the warranty period, SDI Technologies will repair or, at its discretion, replace this product without charge (except for a $10.00 charge for handling, packing, return UPS/postage, and insurance). This decision is subject to verification of the defect or malfunction upon delivery of this product to the Factory Service Center listed below. The product must include proof of purchase, including date of purchase. The fee for service without proof of purchase is $30.00. Before returning this product for service, please first replace the batteries (if applicable) with fresh ones, as exhausted or defective batteries are the most common cause of problems encountered. If service is still required: 1. Remove the batteries (if applicable) and pack the unit in a well padded, heavy corrugated box. 2. Enclose a photocopy of your sales receipt, credit card statement, or other proof of the date of purchase, if within the warranty period. 3. Enclose a check or money order payable to the order of SDI Technologies, for the sum of $10.00 ($30.00 without proof of purchase). 4. Send the unit prepaid and insured, to the Factory...
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