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147 2011/12 (Document No.) (Year, Month(yyyy/mm) inwhich theCE mark is affixed) EUROPEAN DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, PHILIPS CONSUMER LIFESTYLE B.V. (Company name) TUSSENDIEPEN 4, 9206 AD DRACHTEN, THE NETHERLANDS (address) CD191 / CD196 declare under our responsibility that the product(s): Philips (brand name) (Type versionormodel) DECT Phone (product description) to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards: EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011 EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2:2011 EN 301 489-6 V1.3.1:2008 EN 301 406 V2.1.1:2009 EN 50360:2001 EN 50385:2002 following the provisions of : 1999/5/EC 2006/95/EC 2004/108/EC 2011/65/EU 2009/125/EC - EC/1275/2008; EC/278/2009 And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001 or CENELEC Permanent Documents Only for Medical Devices and R&TTE products: The Notified Body: BABT / 0168 performed: (Name and number) and issued the certificate: NC 16322 / NC 16321 (certificate number) Remarks: Drachten, 16-aug-13 A.Speelman, CL Compliance Manager (place,date) (signature, name andfunction) Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. 147 2011/12 (Document No. /Bericht Nr. ) (Year, Month(yyyy/mm) inwhich theCE mark isaffixed/Jahrder CE Zeichenerteilung) EUROPEAN DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (EG - Konformitatserklarung) We, PHILIPS CONSUMER LIFESTYLE B.V. (Company name / Name) TUSSENDIEPEN 4, 9206 AD DRACHTEN, THE NETHERLANDS (address / Anschrift) CD191 / CD196 declare under our responsibility that the product(s) erklaren als Verantwortliche, da. folgende(s) elektrische(n) Produkt(e) Philips (brand name, Markenname) (Type versionormodel, Typenbezeichnung oderModell) DECT Phone (product description, Produktbezeichnung) to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards: (auf die sich diese Konformitatserklarung bezieht, allen nachstehenden hamonisierten Normen entspricht.) EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011 EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2:2011 EN 301 489-6 V1.3.1:2008 EN 301 406 V2.1.1:2009 EN 50360:2001 EN 50385:2002 following the provisions of : (Entsprechend den Bestimmungen der) 1999/5/EC 2006/95/EC 2004/108/EC 2011/65/EU 2009/125/EC - EC/1275/2008; EC/278/2009 And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001 or CENELEC Permanent Documents (und die gema. eines Qualitatsystems produziert werden, dass mindestens der ISO 9001 oder CENELEC Permanent Documents entspricht) Only for Medical Devices and R&TTE products: The Notified Body: (benannte Stelle) BABT / 0168 (Name and number/ Name und Kennnummer ) performed: (ausgefuhrt) (description of intervention / Beschreibungdes Verfahrens) and issued the certificate: (undstellen das Zertifikat) NC 16322 / NC 16321 (certificate number /Zertifikatnummer) Remarks: Drachten, 16-aug-13 A.Speelman, CL Compliance Manager (place,date / Ort, Datum ) (signature, name andfunction /Unterschrift, Name undFunktion des Unterzeichners ) Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. 147 2011/12 (Document No. / Numero du document) (Year,Month(yyyy/mm)inwhichtheCEmarkisaffixed/Annee/mois (aaaa/mm) aucoursdelaquel llelemarquageCEaeteappose) EUROPEAN DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE CE) We, PHILIPS CONSUMER LIFESTYLE B.V. (Company name / Nom de l’entreprise) TUSSENDIEPEN 4, 9206 AD DRACHTEN, THE NETHERLANDS (address / adresse) CD191 / CD196 declare under our responsibility that the product(s) (declarons sous notre propre responsabilite que le(s) produit(s)) Philips (brandname,nomdelamarque) (Typeversionormodel,referenceoumodele) DECT Phone (product description, description du produit) to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards: (auquel cette declaration se rapporte, est conforme aux normes harmonisees suivantes) EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011 EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2:2011 EN 301 489-6 V1.3.1:2008 EN 301 406 V2.1.1:2009 EN 50360:2001 EN 50385:2002 following the provisions of : (conformement aux exigences essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de:) 1999/5/EC 2006/95/EC 2004/108/EC 2011/65/EU 2009/125/EC -EC/1275/2008; EC/278/2009 And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001 or CENELEC Permanent Documents (Et sont fabriques conformement a une qualite au moins conforme a la norme ISO 9001 ou aux Documents Permanents CENELEC) Only for Medical Devices and R&TTE products: The Notified Body: (L’Organisme Notifie) BABT / 0168 (Name and number/ nom et numero) performed: (aef ff ectue) (descriptionofintervention/descriptionde’intervention) and issued the certificate: (etadelivrelecertificat) NC 16322 / NC 16321 (certificatenumber/numeroducertificat) Remarks: Drachten, 16-aug-13 A.Speelman, CL Compliance Manager (place,date / lieu, date) (signature,nameandfunction/signature,nom etfonction) Philips Consumer Lifestyle B.V. 147 2011/12 (Document No. / Documentnummer) (Year, Month(yyyy/mm) inwhich theCE mark is affixed/ Jaar, maand waarindeCE markeringis ui...
Otros modelos de este manual:Los teléfonos inalámbricos - CD1962B/DE (898.65 kb)
Los teléfonos inalámbricos - CD1963B/DE (898.65 kb)