Manual de usuario Equinox Systems, modelo Convertor RS232-RS485
Eight programs ot your cnoice can be stored ana used to control the automatic operation of your *;ectrica' equipment. Lach individual weekday can have a separate program or you can have several days operating on the same „8e Vicro«i-;x D2' ¡s '¿*.^0^ * te Betöre a*'’', cperat'on*- tne cor'P'ieu t-us: D€ r-i»se* 2. Memory reset 0+Î95) press both at the same time ru-tn L»UU t Tne Time Switch memory is completely ciear 3. Setting Actual Time CD Press once-* ► " n.n 1 Press once (E Press to set the „On" time minute l§§) Press once O Press to set the „On" time Day IS) Press once OD Press to set further only if „On" Days required Press once GD „ On” time is set O Press to set „Off" time hour ® Press once GO Press to set „Off" time minute Press once (25) Press until the chosen „Off" day is shown otherwise use O und §5) to choose other days Q] Press once ——-► Program „picture” is complete 5. Check Switching Times O Press once-► !C:3u S 123459 Q] Press several times—► until correct DD-nn „picture" is shown ______ 1 10*30 10 12345ÉÜ CD Press until the Actual time is shown /non lU'JU 1 1234533 6. Delete Switching Times GD Press several times until correct „picture" is shown m Press to Delete program and set a new program or - GO Press until the Actual Time is shown inon . lU'JU 1 1234530 12 7. On and Off Manual Operation E) Press to give desired function Display 1 • = On Display 1 ^ = Off The Time Switch will follow the next „On” or „Off” program 8. Continuous Switching The switch condition Must first De chosen E) Press to give desired function Display 1 •■= On Display 1 ^ = Off ® Press once to either „On" or „Off" The Time Switch will remain in continuous „On" or „Off’ position until it is changed 8.1 Terminating Continuous Switching E) Press once The Time Switch returns immediately to Program mode 9. Continuous Switching for a Chosen Number of Days The switch condition must first be chosen E) Press to give desired function Display 1 • = On Display 1 O = off CS Press -► (3 Press to choose the number of Days id 1 to d 99) Press once - tnon HjrJU f 12345GB In the above example the Time Switch stays ..On1 for 14 days. At 0.00 hours on the 15th day (he Time Switch returns to its program mode. 9.1 Terminating continuous Switching E) Press once- in. jn . tL.trJU 1 - 1234 5® 10. Sunday and Holiday Program in this mode the Time Switch follows the ..Sunday ’ ;7th day) switching program for a chosen numoer of Holiday days. 11. Summer-ZWinter Changeover (¡53 Press until the Actual Time goes forward 1 hour (Summer) or back 1 hour (Winter) CTi Press once - ;T1 Press to choose the number of Days. !d1 bisd99) io*j Press once - in. "in "->• JU 1234S3¡ The Holiday program mode begins atO 00 next day and ends in the above example at 24.00 hours 2 days later. 12. Correcting mistakes Press once »non iu-Du CD Press until -► 12345® Actual time is displayed . ...... 10.1 Ending Holiday mode E) Press once--*■ »non •U’Du 1 123453H...