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Manual de usuario American Standard, modelo SYMPHONY 4501

Fabricar: American Standard
Tamaño del archivo: 140.39 kb
Nombre del archivo: Install_1616.pdf
Idioma del manual:en
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Resumen del manual

Do not apply excessive force. Clogged CARTRIDGE (4) inlets may cause reduced flow in "full on" hot or cold. To clean inlets, first turn off water supply, then ■ Remove HANDLE (1), CAP (2) and CARTRIDGE (4). Clean inlets and MANIFOLD (5). ■ Reassemble CARTRIDGE (4), alternately tightening SCREWS (3). ■ Replace CAP (2) and HANDLE (1). Check flow. CARE INSTRUCTIONS: DO: SIMPLY RINSE THE PRODUCT CLEAN WITH CLEAR WATER. DRY WITH A SOFT COTTON FLANNEL CLOTH. DO NOT: DO NOT CLEAN THE PRODUCT WITH SOAPS, ACID, POLISH, ABRASIVES, HARSH CLEANERS, OR A CLOTH WITH A COARSE SURFACE. M968805 REV. 1.4 3 1...

Otros modelos de este manual:
Fontanería - SYMPHONY 4501 (140.39 kb)
Fontanería - SYMPHONY 4501 (140.39 kb)
Fontanería - SYMPHONY 4501 (140.39 kb)


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