Compatible Operating Systems Minimum Server HP-UX HP-UX HP-UX VMS Windows Windows Windows Compatible Firmware Version 11i v3 VMS OLAR or OL* Adapter Recommended Recommended EFI 6 6 8.3 Server Server Server RHEL 3 RHEL 4 SLES 8 SLES 9 SLES 10 Boot Supported 1 3 11i v1 11i v2 6, 8 8.2-1 & above 2003 EE 2003 DC 2008 2 Description Adapter Firmware Driver Server Required Support Supported Peripherals LTO 4 1840, LTO3 960, LTO2 448 ,DAT 40 40, DAT 70, DAT 160 ,DLT IV 40, DLT IV 70, DLT IV 80, AT134A, DLT VS 80, DLT VS 160, SC11Xe Host n/a n/a rx2800 i2 103.39.00 Yes VMS 8.4 No No SureStore Bus Adapter DLT 80, SureStore DLT VS 80 ,SDLT 220, SDLT 320, SDLT 600 MSL2024/M SL4048/MSL 8048/MSL80 96 DS2400, DS21xx NOTES: 1 HP recommends adapters in Superdomes be installed or replaced by a field service representative only. 2 Provided the server slot also supports OLAR or OL*. This feature is not supported by Linux or VMS. 3 Required PDC or EFI Version. 4 Bus Width cannot be configured off-line using BCH on rp54xx and rp24xx. 5 CAUTION: DS2100, DS2110, DS2120, and DS2300 devices are only supported at a maximum SCSI data transfer rate of U160. The SCSI data transfer rate must be limited to U160 (or slower) to avoid potential data integrity issues. The SCSI bus will not automatically adjust to accommodate the DS2100 or the DS2110. The SCSI data transfer rate must be deliberately set to a maximum of U160; offline via the Boot Console Handler (PA RISC) or EFI (Integrity), or online vi via t he the m ptconfig p com
mand W . ith With the
D S DS2300 the
t ransfer transfer r ate rate w ill will autom
atically be
t o to U 160 U160 (or
s lower) slower) but , the
t ake take a f ew few seconds
a f ew few S CSI SCSI bus
which , c an can be
oided av by
deliberately setting the maximum SCSI data transfer rate to U160. 6 HP-UX After you view the table to determine the correct product configuration, check the driver release notes for your driver version to see if any patches are required. To access Release Notes, go to: under I/O Cards and Networking Software. To access patches and download HP Integrity system firmware, go to: or Select patch database, and search for the patch number. If not already registered, you can register for free on the ITRC home page. The Th H P-UX HP-UX driv
ers driv f or for the
products products shown in in this this m atrix matrix a re are distributed on HP-UX HP-UX s erve serv r er and
workstation R elease Release M edia Media and
i nstalled installed w ith with a n an O perating Operating E nv n i v ronment. Howeve Howev r e s , om some o f of t he the products
ei her n. ei HP-UX® , and Superdome® are registered trademarks of the Hewlett-Packard Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of the respective corporations. HP Ultra320 SCSI Host Bus Adapter Support Matrix Page 3 of 3