Otros manuales para este modelo:
Resumen del manual
B. QRS Mobile Setup
GPL Code Statement
There are two ways to configure your router:
4 Cable users (DHCP) click Next to continue.
Scan the code below or search “QRS Mobile” (App Store or Google Play) to
How do I connect my wireless devices to the DIR-820L router?
This D-Link product includes software code developed by third parties, including
download the QRS Mobile App to your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.
A. Web Browser - Use a web browser from your computer.
1. Open your wireless network utility that displays available wireless networks.
software code subject to the GNU General Public License (“GPL”) or GNU Lesser
B. QRS Mobile app - Use a mobile device with the D-Link QRS Mobile app.
2. Select the Wi-Fi Network name you assigned in the wizard and connect.
General Public License (“LGPL”). As applicable, the terms of the GPL and LGPL,
Refer to the QRS Mobile Setup section for more information.
and information on obtaining access to the GPL code and LGPL code used in this
Note: If you did not run the setup wizard or you reset the router to its default
product, are available to you at:
settings, refer to the Wi-Fi Configuration Card included for the default Wi-Fi
Network Name and Wi-Fi Password.
A. Web Browser Configuration
You can also connect using WPS:
The GPL code and LGPL code used in this product is distributed WITHOUT ANY
Open a web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) and
1. Press the WPS button on the DIR-820L for three seconds.
WARRANTY and is subject to the copyrights of one or more authors. For details,
enter http://dlinkrouter.local. /. You can also enter the IP address of the
DSL (PPPoE) users enter your PPPoE user name and password supplied by
QRS Mobile App
2. Within one minute press the WPS button on your wireless device.
see the GPL code and the LGPL code for this product and the terms of the GPL and
router (
your ISP. Click Next to continue.
Once your app is instal ed, you may now configure your router. Connect to
3. Allow up to two minutes to connect.
the router wirelessly by going to your wireless utility on your device. Scan
Note: Some devices may require you to log in to a utility to start the WPS process.
for the wireless network name as listed on the supplied Wi-Fi Configuration
Refer to the user manual of the device you want to connect to the router if you do
Written Offer for GPL and LGPL Source Code
card/sticker. Select the network and then enter the Wi-Fi Password.
not know how to start the WPS process.
Where such specific license terms entitle you to the source code of such software,
D-Link will provide upon written request via email and/or traditional paper mail
How do I change the wireless settings on the DIR-820L router?
the applicable GPL and LGPLsource code files via CD-ROM for a nominal cost to
When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue.
1. Open a web browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) and
cover shipping and media charges as allowed under the GPL and LGPL.
For both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands, create a name for your Wi-Fi Network
enter http://dlinkrouter.local./. You can also enter the IP address of the
Wi-Fi Name(SSID) 2.4Ghz:
and a password. Your wireless devices (i.e., tablets, smartphones, and
router (
Please direct all inquiries to:
Wi-Fi Name(SSID) 5GHz:
laptops) will need to have this information entered to be able to connect to
2. At the login screen, select admin from the user name drop-down and enter
Password: xxxxxxxx
your wireless network.
To configure your router, go to:
the router password you created in the wizard (no password by default).
3. Go to Setup > Wireless Settings > Manual Wireless Network Setup to
Username: “Admin”
Password:” “ (leave the field blank)
create a new Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and Wi-Fi password.
Snail Mail:
Documentation available at http://www.dlink.com/DIR-820L.
D-Link Systems, Inc.
If the router automatically detects your Internet connection type, skip to step
Once connected, click on the QRS Mobile icon from your mobile device,
17595 Mt. Herrmann Street
5. If not, then select your Internet connection and click Next to continue.
3 then click Start to continue. Please follow the on-screen instructions to
Technical Support
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
complete the setup.
Having trouble installing your new product? D-Link’s website contains the latest
user documentation and software updates for D-Link products. U.S. and Canadian
customers can contact D-Link Technical Support through our website or by phone.
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Once the Setup Complete screen appears, click Save and write down the
4 new Wi-Fi Network name and password on your companion card for future
United States
Continue with the Setup Wizard to finish configuring your DIR-820L router.
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Internet: http://support.dlink.com
Internet: http://support.dlink.ca
6 Once completed, the Internet LED will turn green indicating that your router
is connected to the Internet.
View the full GPL Code Statement at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Note: To reconnect to your router, launch your wireless utility, select the new
©2014 D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. D-Link and the D-Link logo are registered trademarks of D-Link
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch are registered trademarks of Apple
Wi-Fi Network you created, and then enter your new Wi-Fi password.
Inc. Android is a trademark of Google, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Maximum wireless signal rate
Note: Setting up “mydlink” is optional and not required for the router to function.
derived from IEEE Standard 802.11ac (Draft), 802.11g, and 802.11n specifications. Actual data throughput will vary. Network conditions
and environmental factors, including volume of network traffic, building materials and construction, and network overhead, lower
actual data throughput rate. Environmental factors will adversely affect wireless signal range. Product specifications, size and shape
are subject to change without notice, and actual product appearance may differ from that depicted on the packaging. Visit www.dlink.
Version 2.0 | April 16, 2014
Congratulations! You have completed the router installation.
com for more details.