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Manual de usuario Clarke, modelo Alto MP-1800

Fabricar: Clarke
Tamaño del archivo: 269.22 kb
Nombre del archivo: 97eb8a8b-c84a-44b6-afaa-3be233699509.pdf

Idioma del manual:enesfr

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Resumen del manual

See figure 5. To start the machine, follow this procedure: 1. Lower the handle 2. Lock the handle in the best position for operation. NOTE: Make sure you hold the handle with bothhands. 3. Push the interlock switch (1), and apply pressure tothe levers (2). See figure 5. How To Control The Machine NOTE: Make sure you hold the handle with bothhands. The side to side movement of the machine is controlled by raising the handle and pressing down on the handle. To move the machine to the left, press down on thehandle slightly. To move the machine to the right, raise the handle slightly. MAINTENANCE WARNING: Maintenance must be done by authorized personnelonly. Maintenance Instructions Return the machine to a Clarke Technology AuthorizedService Location every 12 months for maintenance inspections. Page -20 -CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual - MP-1800 Marble Polisher 120V FUNCIONAMIENTO DE LA MAQUINA Arranque y parada AVISO : Nunca arranque una pulidoracuando la tobera esta en posicionvertical. Los siguientes pasos se aplican a toda la MP-1800: El interruptor de arranque/parada se opera empujandoel boton de cierre de seguridad (1) y usando laspalancas (2) situadas debajo del mango de mando(Vease fig. 5). Para arrancar la maquina, siga este procedimiento : 1. Baje la tobera. 2. Bloquee la tobera en la posicion de trabajo lamas confortable para el operador. NOTA : Siempre tenga el mango con ambas manos. 3. Empuje el boton de cierre (1) y presione conlas manos sobre las palancas (2). (Veasefig. 5). DOMINIO DE LA MAQUINA NOTA : Siempre tenga el mango con ambas manos. Para ir de un lado al otro, levante o baje lentamente la tobera de la maquina. Para dirigir la maquina hacia la izquierda, presione la tobera. Para dirigir la maquina hacia la derecha, levante despacio la tobera. MANTENIMIENTO AVISO : El mantenimiento debe ser efectuado por untecnico autorizado. Instrucciones para el mantenimiento Cada 12 meses, la maquina debe ser mandada a un centro tecnico autorizado Clarke Technology para ser comprobada. MISE EN SERVICE DE LA MACHINE Mise en Marche et Arret AVERTISSEMENT: Ne jamais mettre une polisseuse en marche lorsque le timon est en position verticale. Les etapes suivantes s'appliquent a tous les modeles de la MP-1800: L’interrupteur de marche/arret est active par pression sur le bouton de verrouillage de securite (1) et par les leviers (2) situes sous la poignee de commande (Voir fig. 5). Pour mettre la machine en marche, proceder commesuit : 1. Abaisser le timon 2. Verrouiller le timon dans la position de travail laplus confortable pour l’operateur. NOTE : Il faut toujours tenir la poignee des deux mains. 3. Pousser sur le bouton de verrouillage (1) et appliquer une pression des mains sur les leviers (2). (Voir fig. 5). MAITRISE DE LA MACHINE NOTE : Il faut toujours tenir la poignee des deuxmains. Pour aller d’un cote a l’autre, lever ou abaisser lentement le timon de la machine. Pour faire aller la machine vers la gauche, appliquer une pression sur le timon. Pour faire aller la machine vers la droite, relever legerement le timon. ENTRETIEN AVERTISSEMENT: L’entretien doit toujoursetre effectue par untechnicien agree. Instructions pour l’entretienTous les 12 mois, la machine doit etre renvoyee dansun centre technique agree Clarke Technology , pour verification. CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual - MP-1800 Marble Polisher 120V Page- 21 NOTES Page -22 -CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual - MP-1800 Marble Polisher 120V MP-1800 120V Section II Parts and Service Manual (70193A) - MAINTENANCE WARNING: Maintenance must be done by authorized personnel only. CAUTION: Keep all adjustments according to specifications. Maintenance Instructions Return the machine to a Clarke Technology Authorized Service Location every 12 months for maintenance inspections. Switches WARNING: All electrical repairs must be done by authorized personnel only. The machine must be tested after electrical repairs to make sure it is safe to operate. Disconnect the electrical plug from the electrical outlet before doing any electrical repairs. The start and stop switch has an interlock which prevents the contacts from being closed. If any part of the switch is not operating, replace the part. If any part of the electrical system of the machine is not operating or is damaged, replace the part. Make sure all connections are tight. Return the machine to the Clarke Technology Service Branch or a Clarke Technology Authorized Service Center for electrical repairs or testing. Maintenance Of The Motor Induction type motors do not require motor brushes. If repairs to the gear unit or motor are needed, do not disassemble the gears and motor. Return the machine to the nearest Clarke Technology Service Branch or Clarke Technology Authorized Service Center. For safe operation, and longer life to your Clarke Technology product, use only Clarke Technology parts. NOTE: The grease (73228A) for the gear box needs to be changed every year. The MP-1800 requires 8 ounc...


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