Resumen del manual
Louis 63110,615 S. Vandeventer Ave. (Service only)..........314 533-2210 St Louis 63110, SIS S. Vandeventer Am. (Sales only) ........... 314 291-2772 NEBRASKA: Omaha 68102,2218 Leavenworth Street...........402 345-2330 BLACK & DECKER BROCKVILLE, ONTARIO ...........Perth Street CALGARY, ALBERTA ...... 1003 11th Avenue, S. «?. DON MILLS (Toronto) ...... 2 Valleybrook Drive EDMONTON, ALBERTA . 11440 Ave.—142 Street HALIFAX. NOVA SCOTIA ...... 803 McLean Street HAMILTON, ONTARIO . 180 Parkdale Ave., N. LONDON, ONTARIO 631 Commissioners Rd.. East Area Cod« NEW JERSEY: Paterson (Little Falls) 07424, Rt. 46 East, at Lower Notch Rd................................201 Union 07083,2305 U. S. Highway 22 West..................... 201 (1 Block West of Flagship) NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque 87107,2812 Candelaria Road N.E. ... 505 NEW YORK: Albany (Latham) 12110, 836Troy-Schenectady Rd................518 Buffalo 14209,881 W. Delavan Ave...........................716 Great Neck 11021,98Cuttermill Rd. (Sales only) Home Products Division................................516 Professional Division ..................................516 Automotiv* Division...................................516 New York 11590,1059 Old Country Road (Westbury, L.l.)........516 New York 10462,1894 E. Tremont Avenue (Bronx).............212 New York 10014,227 Varick St (Manhattan)..................212 New York 11377,56-15 Queens Blvd. (Woodside)...............212 Rochester 14620,476 Clinton Ave.S..........................716 Syracuse 13224,2140 Erie Blvd. E............................315 Westbury lllSO, 1059 Old Country Rd. (L.l.)...................516 NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte 28206,1710 N. Graham St.........704 Fayetteville 28302, P.O. Box 424, Highway 301, S................919 Greensboro 27403,1010W. Lee Street.......................919 Raleigh 27604,2420 Atlantic Avenue.........................919 OHIO: Cincinnati 45203,1225 Western Ave....................513 Cleveland 44113,3901 Detroit Ave...........................216 Columbus 43227,3975 E. Livingston Ave......................614 Dayton 45409,2898 South Dixie Drive.....................513 Toledo 43607,3231 Dorr St................................419 OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City 73106,1318 Unwood Blvd...........405 Tulsa 74145,3120 South Sheridan Road......................918 OREGON: Pertlnnti97209,1640 N.W. Johnson Street............503 PENNSYLVANIA: Allentown (Whitehall) 18052, 2242 MacArthur Rd.....................215 ...............717 997-6140 792-2700 §29-6450 335-1042 454-3814 44«-3£»6 997-6140 375-3721 425-9552 275-0906 834-8207 421-2275 651-4243 237-0461 298-1951 531-8921 232-7515 17604,715 Fountain Ave................. Philadelphia 19103,333 No.20th Street (Service only)..........215 Pittsburgh 15232, 5437 Baum Blvd...........................412 Wayne 19087,125 Strafford Avenue, Strafford Building M3 (Sales only).........215 RHODE ISLAND: E. Providence 02914,2777 Pawtucket Ave.......401 SOUTH CAROLINA: Greenville 29601,407 Pendleton St..........803 TENNESSEE: Knoxville37917,4110North Broadway............615 Memph is 38116,986 East Brooks Rd..........................901 Nashville 37203, «1 Eighth Ave. S...........................615 TEKA5; Amarillo 79106,3008 West 6th Ave....................806 Dallas 75207,1808 N. Industrial Blvd. (Service only)............214 Dallas 75247,7701 Stemmons freeway (Sales only).............214 El Pas® 79925,1400 Magruder Street........................915 Fort Worth 76103,1801 Bomar Street........................817 Houston 77022,536Tidwell Rd..............................713 San Antonio 78201,500 Culebra Avenue......................512 UTAH: Salt Lake City 84115,1541 S. Third West Street...........801 VIRGINIA: Falls Church 22046,129 Annandale Road............703 Norfolk 23513,7631 Sewells Point (toad ......................804 Richmond 23222,1424 Chamberiayne Ave.....................804 WASHINGTON: Seattle 98109,701 Third Ave„N................206 Spokane 99207,3550 North Market Street ....................509 WEST VIRGINIA: Charleston 25312,1638 Sixth Ave..............304 WISCONSIN: Milwaukee (West Allis) 53227, 10903 W. Lincoln Ave....................414 & MFG. CO., Limited, Canada MONTREAL 10. P. Q.. ......... . 7865 St. Lawrence Blvd. OTTAWA, ONTARIO............418 Laurier Avenue, West QUEBEC CITY, P. Q. .. ................ 3.30 St. Roch Street RtGINA, SASKATCHEWAN 1076 Albert Street SASKATOON, SASK. Diamond Ind. Center, Quebec & 33rd St VANCOUVER 10, B. C..............................24 West 2nd Ave. WINNIPEG 10, MANITOBA.................934 St. James St. 435-S544 545-0651 393-5251 564-5S20 362-2700 332-3444 254-1061 373-1531 741-6401 630-6021 778-9769 336-0175 692-7111 732-1221 486-7056 533-1147 480-3333 282-6432 489-9164 343-0289 OWNER’S MANUAL THE BLACK & DECKER MFG. CO., TOWSON, MD. 21204, U.SA. FORM NO. 722054-02 (NOV.76-PS) Printed in U.S.A. ...
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