Fabricar: Sears
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As with eli special stitches, it is best to make a sample design on your fabric before starting the desert on the garment, BAR TACKING e 1i Settings same as Satin Stitching Choose this stitch to reinforce points of strain such as corners of pockets and straps on lingerie, Sew 4 zigzag, to 6 stitches using a medium-width APPLIQUEING Settings same as Satin Stitching Select an applique design to be appl_ to yow garment and baste it in place. Satin stitch Mou_ the raw _ of the applique € p te!v €ovedngthe Youmaywant tO do this with a contrasting' colOr of thread, EMBROIDERY Settings same as Satin Stitching Satin stitch can be used to produce many different _s end patterns. To m the fl_ illustrated, back the fabric with interfacing or paper end draw on the design with tailor's chalk+ Turn stitch width control from 1 to4 to 1, tofo_ each petal and leaf. Join the flowers and leaves with straight stretch stitch, If using paper, carefully re_ it when you have finished sewing. MONOGRAMMING Settings same as Satin Stitching To sew initials, first back the fnbdc with interfacing or paper, Draw the initials on to the fabric with tailor's chalk, Satin stitch, adjusti_ the width from 1 -4 as you begin and end the. stroke of s latter. Or the same stitch width can be used throughout. If using paper carefully remove it when you have finished sewing. SUTTON S ING _TTINGS Stitch Selector Uu feedcoverplate 1. Fix' the bqtton on febdc at desired posittoCJWith _r tape, 2 Align two holes of button with StOl of presser foot and lower foo! to hold the button securely. 3, Turn hand wheel manually until needle _proachu just above button. 4, A_u_Jt stitch width _ontrol so _le will enter one hole of t_ button. 5, Turn hand wheel apln by ha_ so enters _d hole. Resdjust stit©h width If r_lmary. Stitch e number of tl_, 6, Finish sewing with an extra two inches of thread remaining. Draw thm threads to reverse side of _rment and tie When sewing a flat button, place _le or pm between holes of button as shown to provide flexibility for buttoning. 6UNO HEMMING page18. 1H-4 _foot Blir_l hemming is a good technique to use on _ts, and esp_laliy on curtains and rapery hen sO that stitches need not show on the front of the fabric. Because your Kenmore has two types of bli_titches built in, blind hemming Is easier than you'd exit, It's just O matter of folding., give it avyi PROCEDURE ® Stitch Length-12-8 Stil_h Width -1. -4 Finish raw edge of fabric approp_lateh/. You may want to use seam tape on woven fabrics, With knits use a lace seam tapo or just use decorative stretch stltch_ 0 12 -8 -Regular blind stitch for normal flbri_ -Elastic blindstitch for soft, stretchable fabrics Working on _,g side _of fabric, foJd hem up. Prm and pin in place. T_n fold _m allowan_ under.., lea_ng _'° of hem edge extending, Place _rment under p_r foot tn mucha ® manner that straight stitchu wilt be a_ on extended edge, The zlgz_ stitch should just catch the fold of the garment. + Now the right side of your garment will show ® only the blind stitches i Be sure to press both sides of the finished hem I 3O MENDING AND OVERCA_ _ITCHING ZIGZAG) (THREE.STEP Seemoole_ S-4 \ MENDING A TEAR Stitch _th24- 12 StitchWldth. 3-4 To _Iraa straight or _cornered _tion thetearundershe_ _ tear, sucha waythatthestkchl.9catc_ both_tdH of the reef, When mendinga th_cornered tear, stitch _ each end to the center, it is wellto _se a p_ of fabricu_ the tNr for reinfor_t, OVERCASTING WITH MENDING STITCH Sdtch Length-12-8 Stitch W'Ktth-3,4 Three-step zlg.zag is e strong stitch because, as its na_ implies, it takes three stitches where nom_al zlg*zag takes one. For this r_ it is _hly recommended for _castin_, !. e. finishi_ a raw edge, on all ty_ of fabric. 8HE_ _TCHING _foot 0 2--4 m ......... = i ,i . 12 PROCEDURE Stitch Leith-12 Slltch Width-2-4 This shell.stitched edge is a _lar finish for li_ and nightgowns, To achieve t_ mui_ _ affect, a#ow _ to clear just the rlgh! edge of the fabric when it z_z_. Regular shetl stitch Regular shell stitch pr_uces a tiny shel! hem on iingeim and other fins garments. Two-point shell stitch _' if bigger size of shell pattern is desired, use two-point shell stitch. BOX STITCH 0 2--4 24--12 Stitch Length -24.12 Stitch Width-2.4 OVERLAPPED SEAM Box stitch is ideal for producing flat overla_ sear _ almost any _ of fabric and e bolder effect wig ruult from sewingwithe contrasting thread. Overlap the raw ediles of two pieces of fabric 1/4 and pin or tack, Place the fabdc right side up with the middle of the overlap under the center of the pr_ foot, so that the stitch sews just over the top end bottom raw edges, DECORATIVE EDGING Place the fabric right _e up with the middle ' of the turnover under the center of the presser foot, so that the stitch _ on to the fold and just over the mw edge underneath. Turn the rain _ under 1/4" and press, ,,," FAGOTING STITCH Seepage IlL _foot Tissuepa_ 0 m 24--12 PROCEDURE Sfltoh Length-24.12 StltchWidth. 4 This is a popular decor...
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