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Manual de usuario Singer, modelo 11-30

Fabricar: Singer
Tamaño del archivo: 1.37 mb
Nombre del archivo: 11-30.pdf
Idioma del manual:en
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Resumen del manual

Л.-Г - -г - .. ?%■* *-><Л ;.-*r tór.rtsv > -t- f E ?р£РЛгЧ> $5 *•» -¿Ии ^ÆÂSït:; sVV‘ "f £t - .¡A*jvJwÄ;'..•*• a•■• C( ií¡-' u , ir •** -, Л‘ *«$■ rf Л-IS*'»’^ í* L*** К № '2 ’ *&!а% -л *»¡'»V ' 4 ■<••'. •■ JL-r-r. -»'-./-4 -■■• • „i * .. *•* *4 •*> " *>4 ,-v Л* » '■«f, л * \ •* --t ':•• • Ú* * i * *^ï'« C 740 ) <**• \ -‘wf V^f 19522 4\ tWf] SP ,»T UfV ' ,r***^--rHt* (•*" -«SKri ••->& s 4 , w ma ^• - * %*vïJ& <■ *■ 'tfs'ïST’ ......‘fi Printed U. S. A. :< iSjïri: «,% ' 12i ' „• "* ’•! # **¿1 SfaS*. !?• W % HISTORICAL Col- Y DO NOT REMOVE LIST OF PARTS SINGER MACHINES No. 11-30 THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY **A Trade Mark of THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY INSTRUCTIONS FOR OILING To ensure easy running and prevent unnecessary wear of the parts which are in movable contact, the machine requires oiling and when in continuous use, "TYPE B” or "TYPE D" OIL, sold by Singer Sewing Machine Company, should be applied at least twice each day to all oil holes marked "OIL”, as instructed in Form 8261. "TYPE D" OIL should be used when an oil is desired which will produce a minimum of stain on fabrics, even after a long period of storage. Apply a few drops of oil to the shuttle bearings in the shuttle race each time a bobbin is replaced. Copyright, U. S. A., 1 91 8 and 1940 by The Singer Manufacturing Company All Rights Reserved for all Countries INDEX Pugo Accessories........................................................................................14 Bobbin Winder....................................................................................14 Column Stand......................................................................................14- Foot Lifter Parts............................................................................15 Numerical List of Parts................................................................17 Machine No. 11-30...................................... Motor Starting Parts......................................................................I6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING la ordering fiom this list, use ONLY the ^urt. NIMBLK In the FIRST column. The niimt-cr stamped on a Sewing Machine Farr Is in every eauc the number of the single part only. Fwry conMnat loti of jui'ts s;r.t out as surh has Its speeifi;: number, wi'.l'h, although not stamped on the parts, must be us-d when ,ir\i the SAME PART In whatever 11 l. It appear;-, oi f\ii' whatevtr machine. The Lottet.. after of Ute. cmmbers Indicate the. styLe of finish util;.', a;. follow..,: A-Bardeiu d, Pol! died, Nickel Plated .and Bui'iYd A.A-BuiTt i and Jiuvmlum Platad A.B-Hardened, Polished, Buffed and Chromium Plated A.C-far^wn Bilking Enamel Finish A.D-Gray Baking Enamel Finish A.E-Hardened, Bright Rumbled and Nickel Plated A.F-Hardened, Bright humbled, Nickel Plated, Brl^it Rumbled .ml Chrouilmv, Plated B-Po 11 she 1 , N) 'kcl Plat.’ I an 1 Buffed . -liardt ne J unly C .K-lUi j.rf.. ) and M.-rllzcd 1) - Po 1 1 : Jill 'd 'Silly F-dOf« , W.A Pi) 11:.ilL’d F-Hardened arid P'llshod F, J -IIv. 1 <_■ nr- d, Pol 1: tied and Nlcke] Plate! ¡¡-bright Kuiv.bled an«', tii^k<■ 1 Pljii.ed H-B h;e I J-Nlrkfl Plated Only K-Hardeiird .aid Nickel PlaH-d r-r •. ; Plated M-QxIdised M-JaJXiniK-d, Dull P-Ja;MiuieJ, Bright. P.P-Wrlnkle Finish R-Merl ised S-Cjdmlum Plated T-Coppel' Plated T.A-Hard-'tii'd, Poll.shed, Cop;er and Nickel»-d and Buffed T. 5-Cop;.er and Nick. I Plated and PolSahed T.J-Copper and Nickel Plate 1 Only T.K-Kardc.m-d, Copper and Plated T. l.-Copp>'r and Qra..r Plate! T. M-Jop;>er Plat<-d .,nd Oxidised ll-d In- Plated V-Jl tver Pla t i'd w-Pcllohed and Nickel Plated X-Black Oxide, for lion and Steel X.S-ilardened and Black Oxide, for Iron or Steel Y-BldCK Nickel Plated Only Z-Ctu\.mlum Plated Z. A-Hardened, Pol 1 shed ,N1 ckel Plated, 3uffed and Chromium Pla! ed Z.B-PulIshed, Nickel Plated, Buffed and ChroiMun Plated Z.C-HardetK d and Chromium Plated Z.D-Pi’l i. hed and Chromium Plated Z.G-Brlgtu Stumbled, Nickel Plated, Brlgh' kumbb'd and Chromlnn PK, Z.J-Nlrkel and Chromium Plated Z.T-Copper and chromium Plated These letlera MUST BE USED when they appear In th'> list; and AtTF.K tlie number a.; in the llat. In i.hl. wri> I to lbOO, SOOul to MhOO and M.-ul to 14:iH-n are Screw Number:.- lr'Ul to ihoo and i lf-Ol to !;l;.kXJ are Nut Ntmbera 1()U1 to ;.:000 and runi tj rdjudO are ivllej- Humber.-; CCXU t,i ¡■0000 and ;;Oul to 1-HXKX) an'. l-Veool to l;f0tXj0 are Srwlng Machine Part..-, 1->i_m -01 and ufwai'd are number;; of I’leo trlcal I’arts. 7Yie iigure" In Die second coliuun refer only t e the platta, 1 llui-jtrat lng the parts, and are NOT TJ HE USED In ordering. Parts marked with an asterisk (*) an- i’u;nl.d/-d only when repalra are made at factory. When entering parts which differ as to (Jauge (the distance between seam:;) the Gau*;e, as will as the Number t b-'


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