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TIP! To enter + when making an international call, press and hold 0. Making a call from your contacts 1 Press (up) to open the address book. 2 On the keypad, enter the fi rst letter of the contact you want to call. 3 To scroll through your contacts, use the up and down navigation keys. And to scroll through their diff erent numbers, use the left and right navigation keys. 4 Press to initiate the call. Answering and rejecting a call When your phone rings, press Accept or press to answer the call. While your phone is ringing, select Silent to mute the ringing. This is great if you have forgotten to change your profi le to Silent for a meeting. Press or Reject to reject the incoming call. TIP! You can change the settings on your phone to answer your calls in diff erent ways. Press Menu, select Settings and choose Call. Select Answer mode and choose Flip open, Any key or Send key only. • Flip open – You can answer a call through the fl ip on • Any key – You can answer a call by pressing any key. • Send key only – You can answer a call only by pressing the Send key. 1 2 5 6 3 4 Doo Haeng Lee / Director GSM 900 / DCS 1800 Dual band Terminal Equipment R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC 17. Feb. 2011 EN 301 489-01 V1.8.1, EN 301 489-07 V1.3.1 EN 301 511 V9.0.2 EN 50360:2001, EN62209-1:2006, IEC 62209-2:2010 EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009 The conformity to above standards is verified by the following Notified Body(BABT) BABT, Forsyth House-Churchfield Road - Walton-on-ThamesSurrey - KT12 2TD , United Kingdom Notified Body Identification Number : 0168 LG Electronics Logistics and Services B.V. Veluwezoom 15, 1327 AE Almere, The Netherlands LG-A170, LG-A175, LG-A175b LG Electronics Inc. LG Twin Towers 20, Yeouido-dong, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea 150-721 Odstranjevanje stare naprave 1. Ce je izdelek oznacen s simbolom prekrizanega smetnjaka, zanj velja evropska direktiva 2002/96/ES. 2. Vse elektricne in elektronske izdelke je treba odstranjevati loceno od obicajnih komunalnih odpadkov na posebnih zbirnih mestih, ki jih dolocajo vlada ali krajevni organi. 3. S pravilnim odstranjevanjem stare naprave pomagate preprecevati morebitne negativne posledice za okolje in zdravje ljudi. 4. Podrobnejse informacije o odstranjevanju stare naprave poiscite pri obcinskem uradu, komunalni sluzbi ali v prodajalni, kjer ste izdelek kupili. Odlaganje odpadnih baterij/akumulatorjev 1. Ce so baterije/akumulatorji v vasem izdelku oznaceni s simbolom prekrizanega smetnjaka na kolesih, zanje velja evropska direktiva 2006/66/ES. 2. Simbolu so lahko dodane tudi kemicne oznake za zivo srebro (Hg), kadmij (Cd) ali svinec (Pb), ce baterija vsebuje vec kot 0,0005 % zivega srebra, 0,002 % kadmija ali 0,004 % svinca. 3. Vse baterije/akumulatorje odstranjujte loceno od obicajnih komunalnih odpadkov na namenskih zbirnih mestih, ki jih dolocijo vlada ali krajevne oblasti. 4. S pravilnim odlaganjem starih baterij/akumulatorjev pomagate preprecevati negativne posledice za okolje ter zdravje ljudi in zivali...