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Manual de usuario Nokia, modelo E70

Fabricar: Nokia
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Resumen del manual

Before the content begins streaming, your device must connect to a Web site and buffer the content. If a network connectionproblem causes a playback error, RealPlayer attempts automatically to reconnect to the Internet access point. To play audio and video files stored in your device or on a memory card, select the file and Play. To stop playback or streaming, select Stop. Buffering or connecting to a streaming site stops, playback of a clip stops, and theclip rewinds to the beginning. To view the video clip in full-screen size, select Options > Play in full screen. The size of the video area changes to normal or fullscreen. Full screen increases the size of the video to cover the maximum video area possible while the aspect ratio is maintained. To save a media clip, select Options > Save, scroll to a folder in device memory or on a memory card, and select Save. To save a link to a media file on the Web, select Save link. To fast-forward or rewind the clip during playback, scroll up or down. Tip: To fast-forward during play, scroll up and hold. To rewind during play, scroll down and hold. To increase or decrease the volume during playback, scroll right or left. Send audio files and video clips You can transfer a media clip to another device or attach a media clip to a multimedia message, document, or slide presentation. To transfer a media clip through infrared or Bluetooth connection, select a clip and Options > Send. Select a method to use to send the clip to another device. To send a media clip inside a message, create a multimedia message, select a clip to attach and Insert object > Video clip or Sound clip. To remove a media clip you inserted, select Options > Remove > Yes. Receive videos Select Menu > Messaging. Open a message that contains a video clip. Scroll to the clip, and press the joystick. Select Pause or Stop, select Options, and: • Play — Play the clip from the start. • Play in full screen — Play the clip in full screen mode. Landscape style clips will be rotated by 90 degrees. To switch back tonormal view, press any key. • Continue — Resume playing the clip. • Continue in full scr. — Continue playing the clip in full screen mode. • Mute — Mute the sound of the video clip. To turn sound back on, scroll right. • Save link — Save the Web link to a clip. Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All Rights Reserved. 55 M e d i a a p p l i c a t i o n s • Clip details — View information such as the clip duration and size. • Settings — Change video or connection settings. The available options may vary. View information about a media clip To view the properties of a video clip, audio file, or Web link, select the clip, and select Options > Clip details. Information may include the bit rate or the Internet link of a streaming file. To turn on file protection, select a media clip, and Options > Clip details > Status > Options > Change. File protection prevents others from changing a file. Settings Select Menu > Media > RealPlayer > Options > Settings. Video settings Select Video > Loop > On, if you want to replay video clips automatically after they finish playing. Connection settings Select Connection, scroll to the following settings, and press the joystick to edit: • Proxy — Select whether to use a proxy server and to key in the proxy server's IP address and port number. • Network — Change the access point to connect to the Internet and to set the port range used when connecting. Proxy settings Proxy servers are intermediate servers between media servers and their users. Some service providers use them for additional security or to speed up access to Web pages that contain media files. Contact your service provider for the correct settings. Select Connection > Proxy, scroll to the following settings, and press the joystick to edit: • Use proxy — Select Enable to use a proxy server. • Proxy serv. address — Enter the IP address of the proxy server. This setting is only available if you select to use a proxy server. • Proxy port number — Enter the port number of the proxy server. This setting is only available if you select to use a proxy server. Network settings Contact your service provider for the correct settings. Select Connection > Network, scroll to the following settings, and press the joystick to edit: • Default access point — Scroll to the access point to connect to the Internet, and press the joystick. • Online time — Set the time when RealPlayer disconnects from the network when you pause a media clip that plays using anetwork link. Select User defined, and press the joystick. Enter the time, and select OK. • Lowest UDP port — Enter the lowest port number of the server port range. The minimum value is 1024. • Highest UDP port — Enter the highest port number of the server port range. The maximum value is 65535. Advanced network settings To edit the bandwidth values for different networks, select Connection > Network > Options > Advanced settings. To select the bandwidth for any of the listed networks, scr...


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