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Manual de usuario Panasonic, modelo NA127VB5

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Resumen del manual

Washing Delicates
Washing Delicates
Washing Delicates
W ashing Delicates
Pranje osjetljive odjeće
Wool pr
ool prog
Hanging the laundry
Hanging the laundry
Wool programme
The drum spins gently in the Wool
Hanging the laundry
Wool pr
Progr ogramme
- Hang out white or light-coloured wool
The drum spins gently in the W
am Wool (V
Hanging the laundry
- Hang out white or light-coloured wool
Vješanje rublja
and nylon items away from direct heat or
The drum spins gently in the W
- - Hang out white or light-coloured wool
Bubanj se kod ovog programa lagano
- Hang out white or light-coloured wool
and nylon items away from direct heat or
Bijele ili svijetle vunene i najlonske
The drum spins gently in the Wool
For details about washing instructions, see
and nylon items away from direct heat or
For details about washing instructions, see
and nylon items away from direct heat or
odjevne predmete vješajte izvan dometa
pages 16-17.
For details about washing instructions, see
- sunlight.
pages 16-17.
- sunlight.
After washing, lay out wool and nylon
After washing, lay out wool and nylon
topline ili izravne sunčeve svjetlosti.
Više detalja o uputama za pranje potražite
pages 16-17.
For details about washing instructions, see
clothes, and return them to their normal
- - After washing, lay out wool and nylon
pages 16-17.
Wool laundr
na 16. -17. str.
y loads
- clothes, and return them to their normal
Nakon pranja izravnajte vunenu i
Wool laundry loads
shape before hanging in the shade. This
clothes, and return them to their normal
After washing, lay out wool and nylon
shape before hanging in the shade. This
najlonsku odjeću te je prije vješanja u
V ool laundry loads
ool programme: 2 kg
unena odjeća or less
saves on ironing too.
shape before hanging in the shade.
saves on ironing too.
hladu vratite u uobičajeni oblik. Time This
clothes, and return them to their normal
Wool laundry loads
ool programme: 2 kg or less
shape before hanging in the shade. This
Wool programme: 2 k
štedite i na vremenu peglanja.
Program W
g or less
- saves on ironing too.
Hang wool items without folds or
Wool programme: 2 kg or less
Approximate weights
ool: 2 kg ili manje
- saves on ironing too.
Approximate weights
Hang wool items without folds or
- creases, or spread them out to dry
unene predmete objesite bez nabiranja
Approximate weights
- Hang wool items without folds or
creases, or spread them out to dry.
Wool sweater: 400 g
Approximate weights
Okvirna masa
Wool sweater: 400 g
creases, or spread them out to dry
Hang wool items without folds or .
ili preklapanja, ili ih izravnajte i raširite
V ool sweater: 400 g
creases, or spread them out to dry
kako bi se osušili.
Wool sweater: 400 g
uneni pulover: 400 g

Tips for w
Tips f
ashing delica
or w
ashing delicates

Use hangers for shirts, blouses and
Tips f
or washing delica
- Use hangers for shirts, blouses and
Putting laundry in the drum
Putting laundry in the drum
vjeti za pr

Tips for washing delicates
anje osjetljive
- Use hangers for shirts, blouses and
- Za košulje, bluze i hlače koristite
Putting laundry in the drum
Pile them one on top of each other.
You may wrap a towel around the

Use hangers for shirts, blouses and
Putting laundry in the drum
Pile them one on top of each other.
ou may wrap a towel around the
hanger to approximate the clothing’s
Pile them one on top of each other
You may wrap a towel around the
hanger to approximate the clothing’s
Da bi odjeća tijekom sušenja ostala istog
Pile them one on top of each other
Stavljanje rublja u bubanj
shoulder width so that it will retain its
hanger to approximate the clothing’
You may wrap a towel around the s
shoulder width so that it will retain its
oblika, oko vješalice omotajte ručnik kako
- For wool items, use a mild liquid
shape as it dries.
Stavite odjevne predmete jedne na druge.
shoulder width so that it will retain its
hanger to approximate the clothing’s
- For wool items, use a mild liquid
shoulder width so that it will retain its
shape as it dries.
detergent. Other detergents may
biste otprilike odredili širinu ramena.
- For wool items, use a mild liquid
shape as it dries.
- detergent. Other detergents may
shape as it dries.
damage the clothes.
detergent. Other detergents may
For wool items, use a mild liquid
damage the clothes.
- Za pranje vunenih predmeta koristite
- damage the clothes.
detergent. Other detergents may
- damage the clothes.
With Wool programme, you may need to
With Wool programme, you may need to
blagi tekući deterdžent. Ostala bi sredstva
use the Extra Rinse function to remove

- With Wool programme, you may need to

mogla oštetiti odjeću.
- use the Extra Rinse function to remove
excess detergent from the laundry. (See
- use the Extra Rinse function to remove
With Wool programme, you may need to

excess detergent from the laundry
Kod programa Wool možda će biti . (See

page 26.)
If clothing shrinks in the wash
Ako se odjeća stisne u pranju
excess detergent from the laundry
page 26.)
. (See
use the Extra Rinse function to remove
If clothing shrinks in the wash
potrebna funkcija Extra Rinse da biste iz
Spread the item out to its original size on
page 26.)
excess detergent from the laundry. (See
If clothing shrinks in the wash
Na dasci za glačanje raširite predmet do
page 26.)
rublja isprali suvišni deterdžent. (26. str.)
If clothing shrinks in the wash
Spread the item out to its original size on
an ironing board. Use dress pins to hold
Spread the item out to its original size on
an ironing board. Use dress pins to hold
originalne veličine. Pribadačama odredite i
the size and shape. Then, use an iron to
an ironing board. Use dress pins to hold
Spread the item out to its original size on
the size and shape. Then, use an iron to
zadržite veličinu i oblik. Potom ga glačalom
steam it and leave it to dry.
the size and shape. Then, use an iron to
an ironing board. Use dress pins to hold
steam it and leave it to dry.
naparite i ostavite da se osuši.
steam it and leave it to dry
the size and shape.
Then, use an iron to
steam it and leave it to dry.
24 - Washing Instructions
24 - Washing Instructions
24 - Washing Instructions

24 - Washing Instructions
24 - Upute za pranje
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NA-148VB5_English_UK.indb 24
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Otros modelos de este manual:
Lavadoras - NA127VC5 (7.45 mb)
Lavadoras - NA128VB5 (7.45 mb)
Lavadoras - NA147VB5 (7.45 mb)
Lavadoras - NA147VC5 (7.45 mb)


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