Manual de usuario Kawasaki, modelo 840641
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This controls the fit of the helmet when lowered over the face and can be easily repositioned if necessary. LOAD/REPLACE FLUX CORE WELDING WIRE Ensure the welder is “off” before attempting to load the flux-core wire. Do not turn the welder “on” until instructed. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury. Do not touch anything with the torch head as it may ignite. LOADING THE FLUX-CORE WIRE 1. Ensure the welder is “OFF. ” 2. Lift the cover. 3. Unscrew the wing nut by turning it counterclockwise. 4. Remove the empty wire reel from the shaft. 5. Secure the full wire reel (1) to the shaft (2) with the washer (3) wing nut (4) by turning it clockwise. 6. Unwind the flux-core wire (5) in a counterclockwise direction. 7. Press down on the tension spring (6) to remove tension. 8. Guide at least 12” of wire into the torch sheath. If the wire end is crimped or bent, cut it off and remove any visible burrs. 9. Replace the tension on the tension spring (6). 11 3. Try on the welding helmet. Adjust the headgear ratchet band to a comfortable position and lower the helmet. If the helmet is too far away or too close to the face, use a different hole in the adjustment arm. Adjust the tension nuts so the helmet can easily be lowered over the face by nodding the head. B. C. D. A. 5 2 1 3 4 B BBR RRI IIN NNG GGI IIN NNG GG W WWE EEL LLD DDI IIN NNG GG W WWI IIR RRE EE T TTH HHR RRO OOU UUG GGH HH T TTH HHE EE T TTO OOR RRC CCH HH H HHE EEA AAD DD 10. Turn the torch handle nozzle (7) counterclockwise and pull to remove. 11. Turn contact tip (8) counterclockwise and remove. 12. Lay torch sheath out in a straight line so the flux-core wire moves through easily. 13. Plug the welder’s power cord into an approved AC outlet. 14. Press the current switch to “ ““ M MMA AAX XX” ”” and turn the welder “ ““ O OON NN. .. ” ”” 15. Lift torch handle and press trigger (9) until 2" of wire feeds through the tip. 16. If the wire does not feed, view wire feed unit to ensure wire is being fed. If not, turn the welder “ ““ O OOF FFF FF” ”” and add more tension to the wire feed adjustment spring. 17. Turn welder “ ““ O OON NN” ”” and press trigger. One flux-core wire is exposed, turn welder “ ““ O OOF FFF FF. .. ” ”” 18. Slide contact tip (8) over the flux-core wire (10) and screw it into the torch end (11). 19. Replace nozzle and cut off any flux-core wire in excess of a 1/4 inch. 20.Close the cover on top of the welder. 10 9 8 7 2" 8 8 11 1/4" 13 OOPPEERRAATTIINNGG TTHHEE AARRCC WWEELLDDEERR • Ensure the Arc Welder is turned “ ““ O OOF FFF FF. .. ” ”” • Ensure the work piece is free of chemicals or oily substances that may catch fire or impair the welding process. • Ground the object to be worked by attaching the grounding clamp. If the work piece is secured to a metal work bench, grounding the work bench is an acceptable alternate. • Set the C CCu uur rrr rre een nnt tt S SSw wwi iit ttc cch hh. .. The thicker the work piece, the higher the current. • Set the W WWi iir rre ee S SSp ppe eee eed dd C CCo oon nnt ttr rro ool ll to 5 55. Adjust as needed. Plug in the power cord to an approved AC outlet. I IIf ff a aan nn e eex xxt tte een nns ssi iio oon nn c cco oor rrd dd i iis ss u uus sse eed dd, ,, r rre eef ffe eer rr t tto oo t tth hhe ee m mma aan nnu uuf ffa aac cct ttu uur rre eer rr’ ’’ s ss i iin nns sst ttr rru uuc cct tti iio oon nns ss t tto oo e een nns ssu uur rre ee i iit tt i iis ss h hhe eea aav vvy yy e een nno oou uug ggh hh t tto oo h hha aan nnd ddl lle ee t tth hhe ee l llo ooa aad dd. .. I IIf ff t tth hhe ee e eex xxt tte een nns ssi iio oon nn c cco oor rrd dd i iis ss t tto ooo oo l lli iig ggh hht tt, ,, i iit tt m mma aay yy b bbe eec cco oom mme ee o oov vve eer rrh hhe eea aat tte eed dd a aan nnd dd i iig ggn nni iit tte ee. .. Hold the Torch away from any grounded object. C CCo oon nnt tta aac cct tt w wwi iit tth hh a aa g ggr rro oou uun nnd dde eed dd o oob bbj jje eec cct tt m mma aay yy c cca aau uus sse ee t tth hhe ee t tto oor rrc cch hh t tto oo i iin nna aad ddv vve eer rrt tte een nnt ttl lly yy i iig ggn nni iit tte ee. .. • Turn the Arc Welder “ ““ O OON NN. .. ” ”” • Test the speed of the wire feed. Adjust as necessary. Cut off excess wire so only 1/4 inch is protruding from the torch tip. • Put on welding goggles or lower welding helmet. • Ignite the arc by passing the electrode wire back and forth over the work piece. • When finished welding, lift the torch away from the work piece or any other grounded objects. • Turn the Arc Welder “ ““ O OOF FFF FF. .. ” ”” • Unplug the AC power cord from the receptacle. DDUUTTYY CCYYCCLLEE AANNDD TTHHEERRMMAALL OOVVEERRLLOOAADD OOPPEERRAATTIIOONN This Arc Welder is designed to operate at the maximum of actual weld time. For example, at 10% maximum duty cycle, the actual welding Welder should then cool for nine minutes. Welder has an automatic thermal protects the internal components cycle is exceeded the Welder will turn “ ““ O O...