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3 Corresponding to the SIMPLE teletext mode, you can select a page by entering its three digit page number with the NUMBER buttons in FASTEXT mode. 4 44 The P PP R RR +/-button can be used to select the preceding or following page. TELETEXT TELETEXT SPECIAL TELETEXT FUNCTIONS ? A AA R RRE EEV VVE EEA AAL LLPress this button to display concealed information, such as solutions of riddles or puzzles. Press this button again to remove the information from the display. A AA S SSI IIZ ZZE EE Selects double height text. Press this button to enlarge the top half of the page. Press this button again to enlarge the bottom half of the page. Press this button again to return to the normal display. A AA U UUP PPD DDA AAT TTE EE Displays the TV picture on the screen while waiting for the new teletext page. The display will appear at the top left hand corner of the screen. When the updated page is available then display will change to the page number. Press this button to view the updated teletext page. A AA T TTI IIM MME EE When viewing a TV programme, press this button to display the time at the top right hand corner of the screen. Press this button again to remove the display. In the teletext mode, press this button to select a sub page number. The sub page number is displayed at the bottom of the screen. To hold or change the sub page, press the RED/GREEN, P PP R RR +/-or NUMBER buttons. Press again to exit this function. TELETEXT A AA H HHO OOL LLD DD Stops the automatic page change which will occur if a teletext page consists of 2 or more sub pages. The number of sub pages and the sub page displayed is, usually, shown on the screen below the time. When this button is pressed the stop symbol is displayed at the top left-hand corner of the screen and the automatic page change is inhibited. To continue press this button again. APPENDIX TROUBLESHOOTING APPENDIX TThhee vviiddeeoo ffuunnccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk.. NNoo ppiiccttuurree && NNoo ssoouunndd NNoo oorr ppoooorr ccoolloouurr oorr ppoooorr ppiiccttuurree PPoooorr rreecceeppttiioonn oonn ssoommee cchhaannnneellss LLiinneess oorr ssttrreeaakkss iinn ppiiccttuurreess HHoorriizzoonnttaall//vveerrttiiccaall bbaarrss oorr ppiiccttuurree sshhaakkiinngg PPiiccttuurree aappppeeaarrss ssllooww-- llyy aafftteerr sswwiittcchhiinngg oonn Check whether the product is turned on. Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast. Is the power cord inserted into wall power outlet? Check your antenna direction and/or location. Test the wall power outlet, plug another product’s power cord into the outlet where the product’s power cord was plugged in. This is normal, the image is muted during the product startup process. Please contact your service center, if the picture has not appeared after five minutes. Adjust Colour in menu option. Keep a sufficient distance between the product and the VCR. Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast. Are the video cables installed properly? Activate any function to restore the brightness of the picture. Check for local interference such as an electrical appliance or power tool. Station or cable product experiencing problems, tune to another station. Station signal is weak, reorient antenna to receive weaker station. Check for sources of possible interference. Check antenna (Change the direction of the antenna). TThhee ooppeerraattiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk nnoorrmmaallllyy.. TThhee rreemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll ddooeessnn’’tt wwoorrkk PPoowweerr iiss ssuuddddeennllyy ttuurrnneedd ooffff Check to see if there is any object between the product and the remote control causing obstruction. Are batteries installed with correct polarity (+ to +, -to -)? Correct remote operating mode set: TV, VCR etc.? Install new batteries. Is the sleep timer set? Check the power control settings. Power interrupted No broadcast on station tuned with Auto off activated. APPENDIX APPENDIX PPiiccttuurree OOKK && NNoo ssoouunndd UUnnuussuuaall ssoouunndd ffrroomm iinnssiiddee tthhee pprroodduucctt NNoo oouuttppuutt ffrroomm oonnee ooff tthhee ssppeeaakkeerrss TThheerree iiss aa pprroobblleemm iinn PPCC mmooddee.. ((OOnnllyy PPCC mmooddee aapppplliieedd)) Adjust resolution, horizontal frequency, or vertical frequency. Check the input source. Work the Auto configure or adjust clock, phase, or H/V position. Check the signal cable. Reinstall the PC video card. TThhee ssiiggnnaall iiss oouutt ooff rraannggee.. SSccrreeeenn ccoolloouurr iiss uunnssttaabbllee oorr ssiinnggllee ccoolloouurr VVeerrttiiccaall bbaarr oorr ssttrriippee oonn bbaacckkggrroouunndd && HHoorriizzoonnttaall NNooiissee && IInnccoorrrreecctt ppoossiittiioonn TThhee aauuddiioo ffuunnccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk.. Press the VVOOLL((oorr VVoolluummee)) button. Sound muted? Press MMUUTTEE button. Try another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast. Are the audio cables installed properly? Adjust Balance in menu option. A change ...
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