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• When the Intelligent sensor function is on, the most suitable picture is automatically adjusted according to the surrounding conditions. (except for 19/22LU40**, 19/22/26LU50**, 32/37/42LF25**, 32/37/42LG2***, 32/37/42LG33**, 19/22/26LG31**, 19/22/26/32/37/42LH20**, 19/22/26/32LD3**, 32/37/42/47LH3***) • You can also adjust P PPi iic cct ttu uur rre ee M MMo ood dde ee in the Q QQ. .. M MMe een nnu uu. • I IIn nnt tte eel lll lli iig gge een nnt tt S SSe een nns sso oor rr Adjusts picture according to the surrounding conditions. (except for 19/22LU40**, 19/22/26LU50**, 32/37/42LF25**, 32/37/42LG2***, 32/37/42LG33**, 19/22/26LG31**, 19/22/26/32/37/42LH20**, 19/22/26/32LD3**, 32/37/42/47LH3***) • C CCi iin nne eem mma aa( ((Only 50/60PS80**) )):This is cinema quality mode to provide you the experience of watching a movie at home.The user will be able enjoy the best level of satisfactory screen quality in any movie without any separate adjustments.Cinema expresses the optimal screen quality when it is darkest. When selecting C CCi iin nne eem mma aa, Aspect ratio changes to Just scan. • C CCi iin nne eem mma aa(Thomlinson Holman ’s Experiment)is the audio and video certification standard of THX established by George Lucas,who directed the movie Star Wars,and Thomlinson. This is the product to be certified in THX display area and guarantees screen quality that exceeds the display standard specification in both hardware and software. PICTURE CONTROL MANUAL PICTURE ADJUSTMENT Picture Mode-User option B BBa aac cck kkl lli iig ggh hht tt (LCD TV/LED LCD TV Only) To control the brightness of the screen, adjust the brightness of LCD panel. Adjusting the backlight when setting the brightness of the set is recommended. C CCo oon nnt ttr rra aas sst tt Adjusts the signal level between black and white in the picture. You may use Contrast when the bright part of the picture is saturated. B BBr rri iig ggh hht ttn nne ees sss ss Adjusts the base level of the signal in the picture. S SSh hha aar rrp ppn nne ees sss ss Adjusts the level of crispness in the edges between the light and dark areas of the picture. The lower the level, the softer the image. C CCo ool llo oou uur rr Adjusts intensity of all colours. T TTi iin nnt tt Adjusts the balance between red and green levels. It is not available to use this function in “I IIn nnt tte eel lll lli iig gge een nnt tt S SSe een nns sso oor rr”(except for 19/22LU40**, 19/22/26LU50**, 32/37/42LF25**, 32/37/42LG2***, 32/37/42LG33**, 19/22/26LG31**, 19/22/26/32/37/42LH20**, 19/22/26/32LD3**, 32/37/42/47LH3***). OKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight • Contrast • Brightness • Sharpness PICTUREOKMove Aspect Ratio : 16:9 Picture Wizard Energy Saving : Off • Backlight 70 • Contrast 90 • Brightness 50 • Sharpness 70 PICTURE Picture Mode : StandardPicture Mode : Standard Intelligent Sensor Vivid Natural Cinema Sport Game Expert1 Expert2 Standard E E PICTURE CONTROL 1MENU • B BB e ee n nn e ee f ff i ii t tt s ss o oo f ff u uu s ss i ii n nn g gg B BB a aa c cc k kk l ll i ii g gg h hh t tt Select P PP I II C CC T TT U UU R RR E EE . (LCD TV/LED LCD TV Only) - The electricity consumption is reduced by up to 60%. -The black brightness is reduced. (As the black has Select P PP i ii c cc t tt u uu r rr e ee M MM o oo d dd e ee . greater depth, you can enjoy a better quality definition.) - You can adjust brightness with maintaining original signal resolution. Select V VV i ii v vv i ii d dd , S SS t tt a aa n nn d dd a aa r rr d dd , N NN a aa t tt u uu r rr a aa l ll , C CC i ii n nn e ee m mm a aa (or C CC i ii n nn e ee m mm a aa ), S SS p pp o oo r rr t tt or G GG a aa m mm e ee . 3 2 OK OK 4 OK 5 OK Select B BBa aac cck kkl lli iig ggh hht tt(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only), C CCo oon nnt ttr rra aas sst tt, B BBr rri iig ggh hht ttn nne ees sss ss, S SSh hha aar rrp ppn nne ees sss ss, C CCo ool llo oou uur rr or T TTi iin nnt tt. • Press the M MME EEN NNU UU button to return to normal TV viewing. Make appropriate adjustments. • Press the R RRE EET TTU UUR RRN NN button to move to the previous menu screen. NOTE! GG You cannot adjust colour, sharpness and tint in the RGB-PC/HDMI-PC mode. GG When the EExxppeerrtt 11//22 is selected, you can select BBaacckklliigghhtt(LCD TV/LED LCD TV only), CCoonnttrraasstt, BBrriigghhttnneessss, HH SShhaarrppnneessss,, VV SShhaarrppnneessss, CCoolloouurr or TTiinntt.. PICTURE IMPROVEMENT TECHNOLOGY You can calibrate the screen for each Picture Mode or set the video value according to the special video screen. You can set the video value differently for each input. To reset to the factory default screen after making adjustments to each video mode, execute the “Picture Reset” function for each Picture Mode. Image shown may differ from your TV. PICTURE Move OK • Contrast 90 E • Brightness 50 Screen • Sharpness 70 • Colour 60 • Tint 0 • Picture Reset R • Advanced Control G FF Medium GG Medium Low Screen PICTURE Colour Temperatur...
Otros modelos de este manual:TV - 19LU4000 (13.38 mb)
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TV - 22LU5000 (13.38 mb)
TV - 26LU5000 (13.38 mb)