Resumen del manual
Micro sof t PlayReady Content owners use Microsoft PlayReady™ content access technology to protect their intellectual property, including copyrighted content. This device uses PlayReady technology to access PlayReadyprotected content and/or WMDRM-protected content. If the device fails to properly enforce res trictions on content usage, content owners may require Micros oft to revoke the device's ability to cons ume PlayReady-protected content. Revocation should not affect unprotected content or content protected by other content acces s technologies. Content owners may require you to upgrade PlayReady to access their content. If you decline an upgrade, you will not be able to acces s content that requires the upgrade. 11.6 Wi-Fi Alliance Wi-Fi®, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo are regis tered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi CERTIFI ED Miracast™, Miracast™ are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. 11.7 Other trademarks All other registered and unregistered trademarks are the property of their res pective owners . 68 Copyrights and licences / Other trademarks Index 3 3D glasses, type 43 3D glasses, use 43 3D, 2D to 3D 43 3D, cleaning glasses 44 3D, health warning 43 3D, optimal viewing 43 A Active control 18 Ambilight, brightness 40 Ambilight, dynamic speed 41 Ambilight, mode 40 Ambilight, on or off 40 Ambilight, static colour 41 Ambilight, TV placement 6 Ambilight, TV switch off 41 Ambilight, wall colour 41 Amplifier 40 Antenna connection 6 Antenna connection, tips 9 App, feedback 46 App, gallery 46 App, lock 46 App, recommended 46 App, search 46 Audio commentary 42 Audio effect 42 Audio language 34 Audio Out -Optical 10 Audio to video sync 13 Auto incredible surround 3D 39 Auto subtitle shift 11 Auto volume leveling 39 Automatic channel update 27 B Backlight contrast 36 Bass 39 Black bars 30 Brightness 37 C CAM -Conditional Acces Module 11 CAM, install 11 Channel list copy 28 Channel list copy, copy 28 Channel list copy, upload 28 Channel list, New 27 Channel lists 25 Channel lock 27 Channel update message 27 Channel, favourite 26 Channel, logos 26 Channel, rename 26 Channel, reorder 26 Channel, switch 24 Channels, reinstall 27 Channels, update 27 Child lock code 27 CI+ 11 Clear LCD 36 Clock 35 Colour 36 Colour enhancement 37 Colour temperature 37 Common Interface slot 11 Connections, list 33 Connectivity guide 9 Custom colour temperature 37 D Device icon 33 Digital Text 31 DivX® VOD 49 DMR -Digital Media Renderer 8 DVB 28 DVB, settings 29 DVI, connect 9 Dynamic backlight 37 E EasyLink 10 EasyLink, connections 9 EasyLink, settings 11 Eco settings 63 End of use 63 ESD 65 European Ecolabel 63 European Energy Label 63 F Factory settings 28 Frequency scan 29 Frequency step size 29 G Game console, connect 14 Game or computer 38 Game or computer, computer 17 Game or computer, game 62 Game, play 62 Game, start two-player 62 Game, two-player 62 Gamma 37 H HbbTV 31 HDCP, copy protection 9 HDMI ARC 9 HDMI connection, tips 9 Headphones volume 39 Headphones, connect 17 Hearing impaired 42 Help, on a tablet 67 Help, usage 67 Home menu 45 Home Theatre System, multichannel 13 Home Theatre System, volume leveling 13 I Infrared sensor 23 Interactive TV 31 Internet App 46 Internet memory, clear 9 K Key beep 42 Index 69 Keyboard, connect 15 L Language, menus 34 Light sensor 63 Lounge light 41 M Manual installation 30 Media s erver s oftware 8 Media servers, supported 65 Miracast, block/unblock 50 Miracast, share a screen 49 Miracast, stop sharing 50 Miracast™ 49 Mixed volume 42 Mono/Stereo 39 Mouse, connect 15 Mouse, speed 15 MPEG artefact reduction 36 Music files, playback 48 MyRemote App, Control 54 MyRemote App, download 53 MyRemote App, JointSpace 52 MyRemote App, menu 53 MyRemote App, network 52 MyRemote App, SimplyShare 54 MyRemote App, TV guide 54 MyRemote App, versions 52 MyRemote App, Wi-Fi smart screen 54 N Network frequency 29 Network frequency mode 29 Network router 7 Network, DHCP 7 Network, password 7 Network, settings 8 Network, Static IP 7 Network, wired 8 Network, wireless 7 Noise reduction 36 O On and off 20 Online support 67 Online TV 47 Open source software 66 Options,on a channel 25 Original language 34 P Parental rating 27 Perfect contrast 36 Perfect Natural Motion 36 Photo camera, connect 16 Photos, slideshow 48 Picture shift 38 Picture style 35 Pixel Plus link 11 Playback formats 64 Pointer, about 23 Pointer, speed 23 Pointer, switch off 23 Pointer, use 23 Power consumption 63 Power inlet 6 Predefined symbol rates 29 Programme list 32 Q Quick picture settings 17 Quick start 20 R Radio channel 25 Reception quality 29 Recording, list of recordings 51 Recording, record now 51 Recording, schedule a recording 51 Recording, what you need 51 Recordings, list 52 Recordings, TV guide data 33 Reinstall TV 27 Reminder, programme 32 Remote control, accents and symbols 22 Remote control, Azerty 22 Remote control, batteries 24 Remote control, Cyrillic 22 Remote control, keyboard 22 Remote control, Keys ...
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