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However, additional PLU programming and preset price changes of individual PLUs may be carried out anytime if the register is outside a sale. But please not that if a unit price of any PLU is changed between sales (but not after resetting), the accurate data of the PLU total may not be printed in the X and Z reports due to the change. 1 %+1 Percent Charge Key This key is used to add a percentage rate to a sale. If the preprogrammed percentage rate is to be added, depress the [%+ [ key without a prior numeric entry. If a rate different from the preprogrammed % rate is to be added, enter the desired rate on the numeric keyboard and then depress the [%+] key. (The manual rate will take priority.) To operate, depress the |%+1 key either immeidately after a department entry if only that item requires the percentage addition, or after the [ST 1 key has been depressed if required on the total bill. The percentage rate and the amount are printed and will be added to the sales total. The percentage rate may be within the range from 0.001 to 99.999%. The fraction resulted from the percentage calculation is usually ) programmed to be rounded off. However, it can be programmed to be rounded up or discarded. Usually, if the |%+] key is depressed after a second | ST I key depression within a sale, it adds the rate to the sale total of the items entered between the first and the second |ST| key depressions. However, it can be programmed to add the rate to the entire sale by the system option. |%-j Percent Discount Key This key operates in the same fashion as the | %+1 key except that operation will subtract from instead of adding to a sale. |DOLL DISC| Dollar Discount Key This key is used to subtract an amount from the sale total such as a discount during a sale. This key cannot normally be used outside a sale. An amount exceeding the sales total cannot normally be entered. However, when the "Credit Balance'* option has been selected, this key can be used inside or outside the sale and over-subtraction of the sale total is allowed. ) To operate, enter the discount amount on the numeric keyboard, and then depress the |DOLL DISC) key. I ST| Sub-total Key This key is used to obtain the sub-total amount during a sale. When this key is depressed after all the items have been rung up, the sub-total of the sale is printed and displayed. If the | ST | key is depressed more than once consecutively, the first depression only will print and display the sub-total; further depressions will only display but not print the sub-total amount. The system option provides the selection not to print but only display the sub-total on the depression of the 1 ST 1 key. In charge posting, a depression of the ISTl key displays the amount without tax and without previous balance. IAT/TL| Amount Tendered / Cash Total Key This key is used to record all cash paid on transactions, and will be able to finalize a sale operation. Usually the key is programmed to function as both amount tendered and cash total key. However, the key may be programmed to operate with enforced tendering or as a cash total key. AMOUNT TENDERED FUNCTION After the iTXBLTLjke.y has been depressed, enter the amount tendered by the customer in payment of the sale, and then depress the [AT/TL1 key. The change is automatically computed, displayed, and printed. If the amount tendered is smaller than the sale total, it prints the amount tendered on the receipt with the balance still due displayed, but the drawer is not yet opened. In this case, ask the customer for additional payment in cash and repeat the same amount tendering operation, or depress another media key if the balance due is processed as a sale in that media. TOTAL KEY FUNCTION To obtain the total and finalize a cash sale, depress the |AT/TLI key only. The sale is finalized with the total printed and displayed, and the drawer opens. NOTES: 1. If the |AT/TL| key has been programmed to function as the "AMOUNT TENDERED" key only and the sale total is "0" or negative, no amount tendering can be entered. In this case, the 1AT/TLI key will function as the "TOTAL KEY", so just depress the | AT/TL I to obtain the total and finalize the sale. 2. If the "TXBL TL Compulsory11 option has been selected in the system option, thelTXBLTLl key depressions for obtaining the sale total is required before finalizing any sale. 3. If the "TOTAL VALIDATION COMPULSORY" option has been selected in the system option, each sale can only be finalized after operating the total validation.- The |AT/TL| key is also used to finalize received on account payment entries or paid out amounts. The | AT/TL 1 key can be programmed with the HALC (High Amount Listing Capacity) of the amount tendered. If the HALC has been set, the amount tendered must not exceed the programmed value; otherwise, it will result in an error. If the ]LC OPEN] key is used prior to "the | AT/TL | key depression, the HALC will be extended by one additional di...
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