14 To print a tape ....................................................................................... 14 Stamp Printing .............................................................................................. 14 To print a stamp tape ............................................................................ 14 Mirror Image Printing .................................................................................... 14 To turn mirror image printing on and off ........................

If manufacturer determines that a defect of material or in workmanship exists, customers' sole remedy will be repair or replacement of scale at no charge. Replacement will be made with a new or remanufactured product or component. If the product is no longer available, replacement may be made with a similar product of equal or greater value. All parts including repaired and replaced parts are covered only for the original warranty period. Who is Covered? The original purchaser of the product mus

6 Program #0 Quickstart ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7 Getting into Data Collection Mode .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Collecting Data ........................................................................................................

Please road tiids m anual carefully to enpy this product. lyou aie unsuie abouthow to unpack, how to startusing and how to caie fira digital scale please consul our web pages form ore inlbimatbn and solutions in case you encounterany problem . Operating Instructions SCALE SPECFEATDNS Range : 0 ~ 22!bs M echanialoverbad piotectbn Unlin ted up to the totalcapaciy of the sca!fe ± 0.1 % ofleadiig ± 1 d:g±: Fourpoiits of Au tom ate C albiatbn ibrgisater accuracy 0 J. oz 0 J. oz 0 J. oz AC Adap

LENON yyy 1 Drucken Sie die linke Pfeiltaste drei Mal. LENON “M” 1 Geben Sie “M” ein. LEMON Korrektur und Hinzufugung/Loschung einer bereits eingestellten Postenbeschreibung BEDIENUNG DISPLAY 15+ 1 Bezeichnen Sie den Posten. ` 1 Drucken Sie die

Note: • After printing with the “–” tape margin setting, hold down and press once to feed the tape before pushing in the tape cutter lever to cut it, otherwise some of the printed characters may be cut off. • After printing with the # or ## tape margin setting, push in the tape cutter lever to cut off the label, and then use scissors to cut along the printed dots ( : ) and centre the text within the label. PRINTING After you have print the label. . To print the label, press . The message “ PRINT

Estos límites están diseñados para proporcionar una protección razonable contra interferencias nocivas en una instalación residencial. Este equipo genera, utiliza y puede irradiar energía de radiofrecuencia, y de no instalarse y utilizarse de acuerdo con las instrucciones, puede provocar una interferencia nociva en las comunicaciones de radio. No obstante, no existen garantías de que no se producirán interferencias en una instalación concreta. Si este equipo produce interferencias nocivas en la

2 Sleep Mode..........................................................................................2 Safety Precautions ................................................................ 2 Mains Electrical Connection ......................................................... 2 Scale & Keypad Identification ............................................. 3 Connecting Wires, Cables, & Meter ..................................... 4 Specifications .......................................................

Uber die Sicherheitsma.nahmensymbole Die folgenden Symbole werden in dieser Anleitung und an dem Produkt verwendet, um Sie und andere vor Verletzungs- und Beschadigungsgefahr zu warnen. Warnung Dieses Symbol bezeichnet eine Warnung, bei deren Nichteinhaltung es zu Unfallen mit Todesfolge oder Verletzungsgefahr kommen kann. Vorsicht Dieses Symbol bezeichnet eine Vorsichtsma.nahme, bei deren Nichteinhaltung es zu ernsthaften Verletzungen oder Sachschaden kommen kann. Beispiele Ein Dreieck bezeichn

Here's how: 1 Check current preset From the Ready screen, • Press the Normal Preset key. If the screen shows “Class: None”: OR Proceed to step 2 below. If the screen shows a postal class (for example, “Class: IstReg Letter”): xxx.xx.xxxx $X.XX Class: 1stReg Letter Ready to Print Stop here! There is nothing else you need to do! 2 Choose a class • Press the Class key. • Make sure to have Use attached scale or Enter manual weight selected before selecting Change Class. • Select Ch