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Manual de usuario Precor, modelo 9.35

Fabricar: Precor
Tamaño del archivo: 2.97 mb
Nombre del archivo: Treadmill_9.35_Manual_Quickstart_Assembly_English.pdf

Idioma del manual:en

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Resumen del manual

T h ese instructions are writen for yo ur s a fety and to protect the unit. • B efore begining any fitnes progr a m, see your physician for a complete physical ex amination. Il easvt acnotn ds’einlter edper esnudbrier utonu et xamen medical complet programme d’exercise. Si vous avez des etourdisements ou des faibleses, aretez les exercices immediatement. T o reduce the risk of electrical shoc k always unplug the treadmil from the electrical outlet immediately after using and before cleaning. T o reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shoc k, or injury , tak e the folowing precautions: • D o not alow c h ildren or th ose unfamiliar with its oper ation on or near the mil. Do not leave c h ildren unsupervised around • N eveinr .l eUanvpel uthge t htree atrdemadilm uilnl afrtotemn dthed when it is pluged e power source when it is nota iunt huosreiz, ebde fsoerev icle.aning it, and before acquiring • A ssemble and oper ate the treadmil on a solid, level surface. Locate the treadmil a few feet from w a lls or furniture. K e ep the area behind the treadmil clear . • M aint ain the treadmil in god working condition. Refer to the Maintenance seacrteio sne. cMuareke a nsudr eth teh arut nanli nfags bteenlte irss clean and runing smoothly . • U se dthes ctreibaedm inl tohnisly mfoarn iutsa li.n Dteon dneodt upsuer paocsce saso ry att a c h ments that are no t recommended by the manufacturer , as suc h att a c h ments may cause injuries. • N ever oper ate the unit if it is damaged, not working properly , when it has ben droped, or has dropped in w a ter . Return the treadmil to a service center for ex amination and repair . • K ep the power cord and plug ay from heated surfaces. • D o not oper ate the treadm il where aerosol (spr ay) products are being x ygen is being administered. DA N G E R WA R N I N G Owner’s 2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • D o not use outdoors. • D o nfotloawte tmhep tm toa inseternviacnec teh ein tsrteruacdtmil yourself excepto ions found in this manual. • N ever drop or insert objects into any opening. K eep hands aw ay from moving parts. • K eep al electrical compone nts, suc h as the power cord and I / O switc h , aw ay fr om liquids to prevent shoc k. • D o not set anything on the handr a ils, display console, or hood. Place liquids, ma gazines, and books in the appropriate recept acles. • D o not roc k the unit. Do no t st and on the handr a il(s), display console, or hood. T he trdeeadGdircmoaiutleln dmd,i ungsgrto Ibunens dtcreoudnc ntcieiorccntuseidt. tSoe ae . • W earw porrokpoeurt eaxnedr caisvoei dc lolotohsineg c alontd shoes hing. Do not wear shoes with hels or leather soles. Chec k the soles of your shoes and remove any dirt and i e long hair bac k . • U se care when geting on or of the treadmil. Alw a ys gr asp the handr a il when step ping on the running belt and keep the initial speed at or below 1 mile per hour (mptrhe)a odrm 1ilk wilohmile tehre pruenr nhionugr b(keplth i)s. mNeoveinrg s. tep of the • B efowreo rthkoeu rtu),n anindg abfteltr bit esgtoinps m (aoving (before your t the end of your workout), str a ddle the belt by placing yo ur feet firmly on the right and left st aging platforms. • K ep your body and head facing forw ard. Never atempt to turn around on the treadmil. • T he s a fety clip must be at t a c h ed at w a ist level before your workout. A lanyard conn ects to the magnetic s a fety key near the red S T O P bu ton. If you encounter dificulties, a strong tug on the lanyard disengages the magnetic s a fety key and stops the running belt. • D o not overexert yourself or work to exhaustion. If you feel any pain or abnormal symptoms, stop your workout immediately and consult your physician. • W hen the treadmil is not in use, disconnect the unit by turning the power switc h to the Of position, and then remove the power plug from DA N G E R Owner’s 3 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Safety Code T o help prevent unauthorized use, the treadm il is equipped with a s a fety code. T h e s a fety code involves entering four keys in sequence. If a key is not pressed within 3 0 seconds or the correct s a fety code is not entered within two minutes, further aces is denied and th e running belt wil not move. F or more information, refer to Entering the Safety C o de. Safety A p proval W h en identified with the ETL - c logo, the unit has been tested and conforms to the requirements of C A N / C S A-E-335-1/3-0 4 , E N 6 0335-1: 2002 S a fety of Household and Simila r Electrical Appliances. Grounding Instructions T h e treadmil must be grounded. If the unit malfunctions or breaks down, grounding provides a path of least resist ance for electric curent, whic h redu ces the risk of electrical shoc k. T h e uenqitu iisp meqeunitp-gpreodu wnditihn ga cpoonwdeurc ctoorr da nhda vain ggr oaunn ding plug. T h e plug must be inserted into an outlet that is properly inst aled and grounded in acordance with alocal codes and ordinances. Failure to pr operly ground the treadmil could...


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