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1.4 Known Issues with HP 3PAR SmartStart
1.4.1 Date changes to “NaN undefined, NaN” when Back button is clicked in the
Service Processor Setup Wizard (Bug 85736)
On the Time and Region page of the Service Processor Setup Wizard, if you click the Back button
after setting the date and time and before applying the settings, the date box is set to NaN undefined,
Workaround: Reset the date to the correct date and time before continuing to prevent unknown side
1.4.2 SP Setup Wizard time zone selections in drop-down list are not displayed correctly
in Internet Explorer 8 (Bug 85733)
With Internet Explorer 8, the Time and Region page of the Service Processor Setup Wizard and the
Configure Time page of the Storage System Setup Wizard display incorrect data in the Region and
City/Country drop-down lists after you change your choice of continental region and city/country.
Workaround: Click Cancel, and then click Yes to confirm the cancellation. Then, restart the wizard (in
the SP Setup Wizard, all the previously entered data is saved). On the Time and Region or Configure
Time page, select the correct time zone and do not change it.
To prevent this issue, make the correct selection on the Time and Region or Configure Time page and
do not change it, or use a different browser, such as Internet Explorer 9 or Firefox.
1.4.3 SmartStart Does Not Update the iSCSI Target or Initiator IP When You Reconfigure
the IP Address (Bug 79019)
When you reconfigure an iSCSI target using the same port (the same iSCSI name) but using a different
target or initiator IP address, SmartStart does not update the IP address.
Open the Windows iSCSI Initiator Properties dialog.
If the target is safe to remove (in other words, not active), remove the target you want to modify.
Use SmartStart’s iSCSI Host Configuration wizard to configure the target from SmartStart.
1.4.4 SmartStart Does Not Create a Shortcut to the HP 3PAR Management Console for
Standard User Accounts (Bug 79283)
Because SmartStart runs as “Administrator,” SmartStart does not create HP 3PAR Management Console
program shortcuts for standard user accounts.
Open the HP 3PAR Management Console from the Management Console folder (
Create shortcuts manually.
1.4.5 Adding a Virtual Volume to Windows Fails if the Windows Disk Label Contains
an Apostrophe (Bug 80267)
If the Windows disk label contains an apostrophe, the Add Virtual Volumes to Windows task fails.
Do not use special characters in the disk label.
1.4.6 Configuring a Remote Host Can Cause Task Failure (Bugs 80460, 85172, 80034)
When configuring a remote host, SmartStart sometimes fails to mount and format the disk with the
error message Failed to format and mount disk. Failed to validate whether the current task is complete.
1.4 Known Issues with HP 3PAR SmartStart
datos de dispositivos de procesamiento - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 2-node Storage Base for Storage Centric Rack (102.14 kb)
datos de dispositivos de procesamiento - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 8Gb H-series Base System SAN Kit (102.14 kb)
datos de dispositivos de procesamiento - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 16Gb Virtualization Base System SAN Kit (102.14 kb)
datos de dispositivos de procesamiento - HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 Storage System Flash Starter Kit (102.14 kb)