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• Whenpreparingfoodswhichcanbeeasilyscorchedorovercooked,startcookingat a lowersetting andgraduallyincreasesettingas needed. • Alowersettingcan beusedwhencookingsmallquantitiesoffoodsorwhenusing a cookpotthat conductsheatquickly. • Ahighersettingthannormalmaybenecessarywhenusingcookpotsmadewitha materialthatis slowto conductheat,suchascast iron. IMPORTANT • Donotusewiretrivets,fire rings,padsoranysuchitembetweenthe cookwareand the element. • Do notcookfoodsdirectlyoncooktop. • Do notallow pan to boildry as thiscould damagethe cooktop and the pan. • Donotslideheavymetalorglasscookpotsacrosssurfacesincethesemayscratch the surface. • Donotuseorplaceplasticitemsanywhereoncooktop. 10 • DoNOTallowplasticobjects,sugar,or foods with high sugar contentto melt onto the hot cooktop. Meltedmaterialscan causepermanentdamageto the cooktop. If you accidentallymelt anything onto the cooktop, or a sugary solution boils over, removeit immediatelywhilethecooktopis stillhot. Carefully,useasingleedgerazor bladeheld with a pot holderto scrapethe meltedmaterialorsugaryboiloverto a coolerareaof thecooktop. Useseverallayersof papertowelto wipeupthespillover, beingcarefulnottoburnyourself. Whentheelementhascooled,usetherazorblade to scrapeoffthe remainingsoil andclean asyou would for heavyspills. (Seep. "t6.) • Do NOT use aluminum foil or foil-type containers under any circumstances. Aluminumfoilwill damage the cooktop if it melts onto the glass, If metal melts on cooktop,do notuse. Callan autherizedJenn-AirService Contractor. • Do NOT use the glass-ceramiccooktop as a cutting board. • DoNOTuseabrasivecleansingpowdersorscouringpads(includingmetalscouring pads),which will scratchthe cooktop. • Do NOT use chlorine bleach, ammonia, rust removers,oven cleaners, or other cleansernet specifically recommendedfor useon glass-ceramic. • Make sure bottomsof cookpotsarealways cleanand dry. (Soilfrom the cookpot bottom can be transferredto the cooktop surface.) Before using cookpots on the g/ass-ceramiccooktop for the first time, and periodically as needed, clean the bottomswithscouringpadsorothercleansers. Rinseanddrythoroughly. • Make it a practice to wipe cooktop surface with a clean dampcloth or papertowel beforeeachuse; drythoroughly. Invisiblespatters,dustspecks,cleansersor water cancausestainsthat appearafterunitis heated. Aspongeor dishclothwhichis not clean will leave film and soil laden detergent water which may cause stains on surfaceafter area is heated. • Whenfrying, use a spatter shield to reduce spattering. • Use correctcontrol settingsand cookwarelarge enoughto holdfood and liquidto preventbelieversand spattering. • ifabadspilloveroccurswhile cooking,spills maybecleanedfromthe cooktopwhile itis hotto preventatoughcleaningchorelater. Usingextremecare,wipewithaclean damptowel. Becarefultoavoidburnsfromsteamorhandstouchingthe hotcooktop. 11 When choosingeookwarefor the inductionelements,considerthe material,gauge, and size of the cookware. Note: Cookware does NOT have to be flat for optimum performanceon theinductionelements. The cookware MUST be made of a ferromagnetic material in order to work on the inductioncooktop. Todetermineifamaterialismagnetic,testthe bottomofthe cookware witha magnet, Ifthe magnetsticks to the outsidebottom of thecookware,the cookware will workon your inductionelement. Examplesof magnetic materialare: • porcelainon steel; • porcelain oncast-iron; • cast-iron;and • tri-ply stainlesssteel, Examplesofnonferromagneticmaterials,whichdo NOTwork ontheinductionelements are_ • a(uminumor aluminumclad; • copper or copper clad; • porcelainon aluminum; • glass-ceramic;or • earthenware. Cookwarecomesinavarietyofgaugethicknesses. Thingaugepotswillperformwellin bringingwaterto aboil quickly,simmering,and stewing. Heaviergaugeskilletsprovide a betteroverallbrowningpattern. • Cookpots MUST be at least 4 or more inches in diameter in order to work on the inductioncooktop. • Forbetterbrowningwhenpan-frying, matchthebottomdiameterof theskilletwith the size of thecooking area. Use Jenn-Air'sflat bottom wok (ModelAOf 42) for optimumresults. ModelAO142wokhasa nonstiek finish, wood handles, cover, steaming rack, rice paddles,cookingtips and recipes. 12 An inductioncooktoprespondslike agascooktop,quickto heat and instant response when turned off. The cooking areas are identified by circles on the glass-ceramic cooktop. When an element is turned ON, the inductioncoils located under the glass create amagneticfield. When a ferromagneticpot at least4" in diameteris placedon the element,the pot gets hot. • Placethe cookpet on the cookingarea beforeturning onthe controls. • DONOTHEATANEMPTYCOOKPOTOR SKILLET. • Since induction cooking is fast, start cooking at the recommendedsetting. For instancewhenpanfrying,start cookingat a mediumsetting. Donot preheataski}let atahighersetting. Sincetheskilletbeginstoheat{mmediatelywithinduct{on,food couldbe burnedbefore the control setting was lowered. • Ifafood startsto boil over, reducethe control...
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