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t ..........Do not use #ex ducting. t ..........COLD WEATHER installations should have an additional backdraft damper that is already installed to minimize backward cold air #ow and a nonmetallic thermal break to minimize conduction of outside temperatures as part of the ductwork. The damper should be on the cold air side of the thermal break. The break should be as close as possible to where the ducting enters the heated portion of the house. t ..........Make up air: Local building codes may require the use of Make-Up Air Systems when using Ducted Ventilation Systems greater than speci$ed CFM of air movement. The speci$ed CFM varies from locale to locale. Consult your HVAC professional for speci$c requirements in your area. t ..........T TTTTTy yyyyyp pppppi iiiiic ccccca aaaaal lllll i iiiiin nnnnns ssssst ttttta aaaaal llllll llllla aaaaat ttttti iiiiio ooooon nnnnn Min installation height from the range top to the bottom of the hood is 30" if a gas range is used or 24" to 30" if an electric range is used. T TTTTTh hhhhhe eeeees ssssse eeeee h hhhhho oooooo oooood ddddds sssss a aaaaar rrrrr e eeeee n nnnnno ooooot ttttt r rrrrre eeeeec ccccco ooooom mmmmmm mmmmme eeeeen nnnnnd ddddde eeeeed ddddd t ttttto ooooo b bbbbbe eeeee u uuuuus ssssse eeeeed ddddd o ooooov vvvvve eeeeer rrrrr i iiiiin nnnnnd dddddo oooooo ooooor rrrrr g gggggr rrrrri iiiiil llllll llllls sssss. ..... The hood may be installed onto a wall and vented to the outdoors, or it can be installed for recirculating operation (recirculating accessories not supplied with the hood). This hood can be installed over any electric and gas cooktop/range. I IIIIIt ttttt c ccccca aaaaan nnnnn n nnnnno ooooot ttttt b bbbbbe eeeee i iiiiin nnnnns ssssst ttttta aaaaal llllll llllle eeeeed ddddd o ooooov vvvvve eeeeer rrrrr a aaaaan nnnnny yyyyy p pppppr rrrrr o ooooof fffffe eeeees ssssss sssssi iiiiio ooooon nnnnna aaaaal lllll c ccccco oooooo oooook kkkkkt ttttto ooooop ppppp / ///// r rrrrra aaaaan nnnnng ggggge eeeee. ..... I IIIIInstalling nstallingnstallingnstallingnstallingnstalling pr prprprprprepar epareparepareparepara aaaaation tiontiontiontiontion A AAAAAd dddddv vvvvva aaaaan nnnnnc ccccce eeeee p pppppl llllla aaaaan nnnnnn nnnnni iiiiin nnnnng ggggg t Determine the exact location of the vent hood. t Plan the route for venting exhaust to the outdoors. t Use the shortest and straightest duct route possible. Refer to “ D DDDDDu uuuuuc ccccct tttttw wwwwwo ooooor rrrrrk kkkkk i iiiiin nnnnns ssssst ttttta aaaaal llllll lllllat atatatatati iiiiio ooooon nnnnn g gggggu uuuuui iiiiid ddddde eeeeel llllli iiiiin nnnnne eeeees sssss” paragraph for further informations. t Install a wall cap with damper or roof cap at the exterior opening. Order the wall or roof cap and anytransition needed in advance. t Use 8" round metal ductwork only. W WWWWWall allallallallall fr frfrfrfrframing amingamingamingamingaming f fffffor ororororor adequa adequaadequaadequaadequaadequat ttttte eeeee suppor supporsupporsupporsupporsupport ttttt t This vent hood is heavy. ‘Adequate structure and support must be provided in all types of installations. The hood must be secure to vertical studs in the wall, or to a horizontal support. t The vent hood should be on site before $nal framing and wall $nishing. This will help to accurately locate the duct work and electrical service. t Installation will be easier if the vent hood is installed before the cook-top and countertop are installed. R RRRRRemo emoemoemoemoemoving vingvingvingvingving the thethethethethe pack packpackpackpackpackag agagagagaging inginginginging Remove carton carefully, Wear gloves to protect against sharp edges. Remove the protective $lm covering the product before putting into operation. Installing the hood Examples of possible ducting Ductwork installation guidelines For safety reasons, ducting should vent directly outdoors (not into an attic, underneath the house, into the garage or into any enclosed space). Keep duct runs as short and straight as possible. Duct "ttings (elbows and transitions) reduce air #ow e$ciency. Back to back elbows and “S“ turns give very poor delivery and are not recommended. A short straight length of duct at the inlet of the remote blower gives the best delivery. Transition to duct from the integral blower or remote duct transition as close to the downdraft as is possible. In order of preference, use 1st. 10" round duct 2nd. 8" round duct 3rd. 3-1/4" x 14" duct 4th. 7" round duct 5th. 3-1/4" x l0" duct 6th. 6" round duct The use of #exible metal round duct should only be used when no other duct "tting exists. Limit use to short lengths and do not crush when making corners. D DDDDDuc ucucucucuct tttttw wwwwwor ororororork kkkkk and andandandandand wir wirwirwirwirwiring inginginginging loca localocalocalocalocations tionstionstionstionstions t Determine the exact location of the vent hood. t Locate the template packed with the literature. t The height installation is determi...
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