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Manual de usuario Rangemaster, modelo L2 515 695

Fabricar: Rangemaster
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Resumen del manual

• Remove the filters one at a time, supporting them with one hand and turning the safety knobs (pull and turn). • Wash the filters, taking care not to bend them. Allow them to dry before refitting. • Replace them and fix them using the safety knobs provided (pull and turn). GB 17 GB 18 Activated charcoal fi lter (Recirculation version) REPLACING THE ACTIVATED CHARCOAL FILTER • The fi lter is not washable and cannot be regenerated. It must be replaced when led S1 fl ashes or at least every 4 months. The alarm signal will only light up when the extractor motor is switched on. Alarm signal reset • Switch off the lights and extractor motor. • Press button T3 for at least 3 seconds, until the leds start to fl ash. Replacing the Filter • Remove the grease fi lters. • Remove the saturated activated charcoal fi lters as shown (A). • Fit new fi lters (B). • Replace the grease fi lters. Alarm signal activation • In Recirculation version Hoods, the Filter saturation alarm can be enabled on installation or at a later date. • Turn the Lights and the suction Motor off. • Disconnect the Hood using the Main switch or the double-pole switch on the mains power supply. • Restore the connection by pressing and holding T1. • Release the button. All fi ve LEDs are turned on • Within 3 seconds press T1 until LEDs T1 and T4 fl ash in confi rmation: LED fl ashes twice - Activated charcoal fi lter saturation alarm ENABLED LED fl ashes once - Activated charcoal fi lter saturation alarm DISABLED Lighting LIGHT REPLACEMENT 50 W halogen light. • Remove the 2 screws fi xing the light cover. • Remove the lamp by gripping the protruding part and turning to the left. • Replace with a new lamp with the same characteristics, making sure that you insert the two pins properly into their housings. • Replace the cover and fi x it in position using the two screws removed as above ...

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