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Manual de usuario Elenberg, modelo FT-2309

Fabricar: Elenberg
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Resumen del manual

Протрите корпус прибора и решетку влажной тканью с использованием моющего средства. Время от времени смазывайте ось мотора - это продлит срок службы прибора. По истечении срока службы товара, необходимо обратиться в сервисный центр за консультацией по дальнейшей эксплуатации товара. В противном случае дальнейшая эксплуатация может повлечь невозможность нормального использования товара. Срок службы данного изделия - 3 года с момента продажи Напряжение: Мощность: 220 В 37 Вт Изготовитель “ЭЛЕНБЕРГ ЛИМИТЕД”, Великобритания Адрес: 35 Бромптон Роад, Кнайтсбридж Лондон СВ3 ИДЕ Сделано в Китае. "ЭЛЕНБЕРГ ЭЛЕКТРИК КОМПАНИ ЛТД” А08 Р2-Б4 билдинг, Кеджинан 2 Роад, С энд Т Индастри Парк, Шензень, Гуандонг Провинс, Китай. 3 Elenberg TABLE FAN FT-2309 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Thank you for buying our product. Please read this operation instructions carefully especially the "safety notice” before usage, and keeps it in a good place. UNIT DESCRIPTION FUNCTION 1. Please assemble the fan as the right proceeding ,and check the power source weather match with the remark voltage of the fan, in case of leakage of electricity. 2. When the power get through ,press the on/off switch ,1 for slow level ,2 for the high level. 3. Up and down adjustment, :you can easy change the direction by necking member up-down 4. Stop operation :the working fan ,you just need press 0 that will be stop working. Warning: 1. Fan should place in the dry place ,in case wet and rain, especial forbid to use in the easy burning , easy bombing and easy corroding place. 2. Please don’t touch any working parts, the most important thing you should cut off all the source as soon as you find the abnormal in the using time, and then inform the commissioner to repair, to your safe, please use it after it is sure to amended as normal . 3. When you are out or no one at home , to remember pull out the fan plug from the socket ,to avoid any accident. 4. When you clean it ,please keep away from gas, benzene basicity, dete-sive, to avoid discoloration Reformation and chap. 5 MAINTENANCE If u wants to clean the fan, please disassemble it pursuant to the contrary step of the assembly. Use the soft cloths to clean away its appearance dusty, pure water ,and the soap water are more appreciated .and clean its with the dry cloths .you should give some engine oil to the motor axle keep it smoothly for working and extending the lifetime. BEFORE FIRST USE Rated voltage 220V Input power 37W Address to service center for consultation, when the service life of product has expired. Otherwise the further operation can entail impossibility of normal use of the product. Service life of the given product - 3 years from the moment of sale 6...


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