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During the air conditioning season, the HRV will help cool the incoming fresh air with the cooler stale exhausting air. RNC Electronics RNC electronics offers standard 2-speed operation of low/high. There is also an installer selectable 2-speed operation of medium low/high (refer to "Increasing Low Speed to Medium Low" in this manual). The RNC circuit board also includes an interlock relay which is used to Interlock the HRV to an Air Handler/Furnace. Refer to "Interlocking HRV Operation to an Air Handler/Furnace Blower" in this manual. We recommend using one of the Optional Main Controls (refer to "Remote Control Devices" in this manual) for normal operation. CAUTION Beforeinstallation,carefulconsiderationmustbegiventohowthissystemwilloperateifconnectedtoanyotherpieceofmechanicalequipment,i.e.aforcedairfurnaceorairhandler,operatingatahigherstatic. Afterinstallation,thecompatibilityofthetwopiecesofequipmentmustbeconfirmedbymeasuringtheairflowsoftheHRV(HeatRecoveryVentilator)byusingthebalancingprocedurefoundinthismanual. NEVERinstallaventilatorinasituationwhereitsnormaloperation,lackofoperationorpartialfailuremayresultinthebackdraftingorimproperfunctioningofventedcombustionequipment. IMPORTANTPleasereadthismanualbeforeinstallingtheHRV(HeatRecoveryVentilator). NOTE Due to ongoing research and product development, specifications, ratings and dimensions are subject to change without notice. Leave this Manual for the Homeowner TO BE COMPLETED BY CONTRACTOR AFTER INSTALLATION Installing Contractor _________________________________________Telephone / Contact _____________________ Serial Number______________________________________________Installation Date ________________________ Model _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Engineering Data -HRV Model RNC95 THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE, PATENTED ALUMINUM CORE The cross-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams. It is easily removed for cleaning or service. MOTORS AND BLOWERS Each air stream has one centrifugal blower driven by a common PSC motor. 2 speed fan operation. FILTERS Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams. MOUNTING THE HRV Four threaded inserts at corners of the cabinet designed to accept PVC reinforced polyester straps that are supplied with the unit. DEFROST Recirculating defrost system. CASE Twenty gauge prepainted galvanized steel (G60) for superior corrosion resistance. Insulated to prevent exterior condensation. Drain connections 2 -1/2" (12 mm) OD. WEIGHT 52 lbs. (23.6 kg) Shipping Weight 56 lbs. (25.4 kg) CONTROLS -HRV System Control HRV defaults to LOW SPEED when plugged in. HIGH SPEED option is accessible by connecting remote controls to designated terminals inside electrical box of HRV. Standard LOW SPEED SETTING can be increased to medium low. Off (Standby)/Low or OFF/HIGH speed operation is also available. OPTIONAL MAIN CONTROLS (only one main control can be installed on the system) 99-116 Dehumidistat Ventilation Control - Dehumidistat Dial, ON/OFF Switch and Performance (HVI certified) Net supply air flow in cfm (L/s) against external static pressure E.S.P (external static pressure) [cfm (L/s)] @ 0.1" (25 Pa) 76 (36) @ 0.2" (50 Pa) 73 (34) @ 0.3" (75 Pa) 70 (33) @ 0.4" (100 Pa) 66 (31) @ 0.5" (125 Pa) 60 (29) Max. Temperature Recovery 88% Sensible Effectiveness @ 60 cfm (28 L/s) 32°F (0°C) 88% *Sensible Efficiency @ 60 cfm (28 L/s) 32°F (0°C) 75% *Sensible Efficiency @ 61 cfm (29 L/s) -13°F (-25°C) 68% VAC @ 60HZ 120 WATTS / Low speed. 60 WATTS / High speed 150 Amp rating 0.9 99-2040 LOW/HIGH Switch (3 wire) 20 gauge wire (min.) 100' length (max.) 20/40 ON/OFF Dehumidistat - Dehumidistat Dial, ON/OFF Switch and 20/40 Switch. *Sensible Efficiency – thermal **Latent Efficiency – moisture Note: Effectiveness - based on temp. differential between the 2 airstreams Efficiency – takes into account all power inputs The 20/40 Switch will toggle from continuous low speed ventilation to intermittent low speed ventilation of 20 minutes fan ON and 40 minutes fan OFF. (4 wire) 20 gauge wire (min.) 100' length (max.) 99-RECIRC Recirculation Control - Dehumidistat Dial, ON/OFF Switch and Recirculation Switch. The Recirculation Switch will toggle from continuous low speed ventilation to continuous low speed recirculation. (4 wire) 20 gauge wire (min.) 100' length (max.) 99-130 Remote Dehumidistat - Dehumidistat Dial only. (2 wire) 20 gauge wire (min.) 100' length (max.) OPTIONAL TIMERS 99-132 20 Minute Fan Timer - initiates high speed ventilation for 20 minutes. (3 wire) 20 gauge wire (min.) 100’ length 99-104 Digital Electronic Timer- initiates high speed ventilation for 20, 40 or 60 minutes, (3 wire) 20 gauge wire (min.) 100' length 99-101 60 Minute Crank Timer -initiates high speed ventilation for up to 60 minutes, (2 wire) 20 gauge wire (min.) 100' length (max.) WARRANTY 5 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Static Pressure (in w.g.) Air Flow ( cfm) 5 - High ...
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