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Manual de usuario Samsung, modelo VP-D385

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Manual focussing may be necessary under certain conditions that makeautomatic focussing difficult or unreliable. Adjust the Auto Focus / Manual Focus functions only by using the joystick. Auto FocusIf you are inexperienced in the use of camcorders, we recommend that you make use of auto focus. Manual FocusIn the following situations, you may obtain better results by adjusting the focus manually. a.A picture containing several objects, some close to the camcorder, others further away. b.A person enveloped in fog or surrounded by snow. c.Very shiny or glossy surfaces like a car. d.People or objects moving constantly or quickly like an athlete or a crowd. Setting the Focus1.Set the Select switch to CARDor TAPE. (VP-D385( i ) only) 2.Press the MODEbutton to set Camera ( ). 3.Press the Joystick. Quick menu will appear. 4.Move down the Joystick (Ў)to select the "Manual Focus" mode. You can toggle between "Auto Focus"and "Manual Focus"by moving down the Joystick(Ў). Move the Joystick (./ .)left or right to select the desired manual focus value, then press the Joystick. 5.To exit, press the Joystick. Manual focus indicator ( ) and the status barwill be displayed on the LCD screen. Manual focus is not available in the EASY.Q mode. • • • • • • • • • • AUTO FOCUS / MANUAL FOCUSbasic recording La fonction MAP auto/M.Focus fonctionne en modes Camera(Cam)et M.Cam. .page 18Il est preferable, dans la plupart des cas, d'utiliser la mise au point automatique car elle vous permet de vous concentrer sur la partie creative de votre enregistrement. La mise au point manuelle peut s'averer necessaire dans certains cas ou la mise au point automatique est difficile ou peu fiable. Reglez les fonctions MAP auto/M.Focus a l'aide du pave uniquement. MAP autoSi vous n'etes pas familiarise(e) avec les camescopes, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser la mise au point automatique. M.FocusDans les cas suivants, il est possible que vous obteniezde meilleurs resultats en faisant la mise au pointmanuellement : a. image comportant plusieurs objets, certains proches ducamescope, d'autres plus eloignes ; b.sujet enveloppe par le brouillard ou se detachant sur unfond enneige ; c. surfaces brillantes ou luisantes comme une carrosserie de voiture ; d.sujet ou objet se deplacant de maniere constante et rapide, tel un sportif ouune foule. Mise au point1.Reglez l'interrupteur de selectionsur CARDou TAPE. (VP-D385(i) uniquement) 2. Appuyez sur le bouton MODEpour selectionner le mode Camera(Cam)( ). 3. Appuyez sur le pave. Le menu rapide apparait. 4.Deplacez le pave vers le pave(Ў) pour selectionner le mode "Manual Focus(M.Focus)". Basculez entre les modes "Auto Focus(MAP auto)"et "Manual Focus(M.Focus)" en deplacant le pave vers le pave(Ў). Deplacez le pave() vers la gauche ou la droitepour selectionne la valeur de mise au point manuellesouhaitee, puis appuyez sur le pave. 5.Pour sortir de la liste, appuyez sur le pave. Le temoin M.Focus ( ) et la barre d'etat s'affichent sur l'ecran LCD. La mise au point manuelle n'est pas accessible en mode EASY Q. • • • • • • • • • • MISE AU POINT AUTOMATIQUE/MANUELLEenregistrement de base a c b d MODEPOWERCHG. VOLMENU 16Bit S10Sec 60min 0:00:30SPSTBY Manual Focus English _4343_ French SETTING THE SHUTTER SPEED & EXPOSUREThe Shutter Speed function works only in Cameramode. .page 18 The Exposure function works in both Cameraand M.Cammodes. .page 18 Adjust the Shutter Speed and Exposure functions only by using the Joystick. 1.Set the Select switch to CARDor TAPE. (VP-D385( i ) only) 2.Press the MODEbutton to set Camera ( ). 3.Press the Joystick. Quick menu will appear. Setting the Shutter Speed4.Move the Joystick (.)to the left to select "Auto Shutter ( )" mode. In Auto mode, move up the Joystick (^)to switch the mode to manual. You can also toggle between Auto Shutter and Manual Shutter by moving up the Joystick (^). 5. Move the Joystick (./ .)left or right to select the desired shutter speed value, then press the Joystick. Shutter speed can be set to "1/50", "1/120", "1/250", "1/500", "1/1000", "1/2000", "1/4000"or "1/10000" of a second. Setting the Exposure4.Move up the Joystick (^) to select "Auto Exposure ( )"mode. In Auto mode, move up the Joystick (^)to switch the mode to manual. You can also toggle between Auto Exposure and Manual Exposure by moving up the Joystick (^). 5. Move the Joystick (./ .)left or right to select the desired exposure value, then press the Joystick. Exposure value can be set between "00"to "29". 6.To exit, press the Joystick. Selected settings are displayed. Recommended Shutter Speeds when RecordingOutdoor sports such as golf or tennis: "1/2000"or "1/4000" Moving cars or trains or other rapidly moving vehicles such as roller coasters: "1/1000", "1/500"or "1/250" Indoor sports such as basketball: "1/120" If you manually change the shutter speed and the exposure value when program AE option is selected, manual changes are applied first. The image may not seem as smooth when a high shutter spe...

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