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48 Image size can be set using the Image size option in the shooting menu or by pressing the QUAL button and rotating the sub-command dial. Note that the option selected does not affect the size of NEF (RAW) images. When opened in PictureProject or Nikon Capture 4 version 4.2 or later, NEF im ag es are 4,288 . 2,848 (high-speed crop off) or 3,216 . 2,136 (high-speed crop on) pixels in size. The Image Size Menu 1 1 Highlight Im age size in the shooting menu ( 166) and press the multi selector to the right. 2 2 High light the de sired op tion and press the multi se lec tor to the right (note that the pixel size listed will vary to refl ect the option currently selected for Hi-speed Crop). The shooting menu will be displayed. The QUAL Button Image size can also be set by pressing the QUAL button and rotating the sub-command dial. Image size is displayed in the rear control panel and in the viewfi nder sidebar: Rear control panel Viewfinder Taking 49 Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size Taking Photographs—Image Quality and Size Memory Card Capacity and Image Quality/Size The following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on a 1 GB card at different image quality and size settings. Image quality Image size Hi-speed crop: Off Hi-speed crop: On File size 1 No. of images 1 Buffer capacity 2 File size 1 No. of images 1 Buffer capacity 2 L 6 25.1 MB 36 16 14.2 MB 64 28 NEF + JPEG M 6 22.6 MB 41 16 12.8 MB 72 28 Fine 3, 4, 5 S 6 20.7 MB 45 16 11.8 MB 79 28 L 6 22.2 MB 41 16 12.6 MB 73 28 NEF + JPEG M 6 20.9 MB 44 16 11.9 MB 78 28 Normal 3, 4, 5 S 6 20.0 MB 47 16 11.4 MB 82 28 L 6 20.7 MB 45 16 11.8 MB 79 28 NEF + JPEG M 6 20.1 MB 47 16 11.4 MB 82 28 Basic 3, 4, 5 S 6 19.6 MB 48 16 11.2 MB 84 28 NEF (Raw) 4 — 19.2 MB 49 17 10.9MB 86 29 L 36.5 MB 26 16 20.5 MB 46 28 TIFF (RGB) M 21.2 MB 46 16 11.9 MB 83 28 S 10.3 MB 104 16 5.8MB 183 28 L 5.9 MB 138 22 3.3 MB 244 35 JPEG Fine 5 M 3.3 MB 244 22 1.9 MB 433 35 S 1.5 MB 538 22 0.84 MB 919 35 L 2.9 MB 274 22 1.7 MB 473 35 JPEG Normal 5 M 1.7 MB 473 22 0.95 MB 822 35 S 0.76 MB 1000 22 0.44 MB 1700 35 L 1.5 MB 538 22 0.85 MB 919 35 JPEG Basic 5 M 0.85 MB 919 22 0.49 MB 1500 35 S 0.39 MB 1900 22 0.23 MB 3100 35 1 All fi gures are approximate. Size of JPEG fi les varies with scene recorded. 2 Maximum number of frames that can be stored in memory buffer. Drops when Long Exp. NR is on, when sensitivity is set to HI-1 or HI-2, or when High ISO NR is on and Custom Setting b1 (ISO auto) is on or sensitivity is ISO 400 or higher. 3Total for NEF and JPEG images. 4 Figures assume Raw compression is set to NEF (Raw). Selecting Comp. NEF (Raw) decreases file size of NEF (RAW) images by approximately forty to fi fty percent; although number of exposures remaining does not change, number of images that can be recorded increases. 5 Figures assume JPEG compression is set to Size priority. Selecting Optimal quality increases file size of JPEG images by up to eighty percent; number of images and buffer capacity drop accordingly. 6 Applies to JPEG images only. File size of NEF (RAW) images can not be changed. 50 Number of Exposures Remaining The number of exposures remaining shown in the ex po sure count dis plays in the con trol panel and viewfinder is only an ap prox i ma tion. The number of compressed NEF or JPEG im ag es that can be stored on a memory card de pends on the subject and com po si tion of each photograph. In gen er al, the more de tailed the image, the larger the result ing fi le and the fewer the images that can be stored. Large -Capacity Memory Cards When enough mem o ry remains on the memory card to record a thou sand or more pic tures at cur rent set tings, the num ber of exposures remain ing will be shown in thou sands, round ed down to the nearest hun dred (e.g., if there is room for ap prox i mate ly 1,260 ex po sures, the ex po sure count dis play will show 1.2 K). d2—Maximum Shots ( 194) The maximum number of photographs that can be taken in a single burst can be limited to any amount between one and thirty-fi ve. 51 Taking Sensitivity (ISO Equivalency) Reacting Faster to Light Sensitivity (ISO Equivalency) Reacting Faster to Light Taking Photographs—Sensitivity (ISO Equivalency) “Sensitivity” is the digital equivalent of film speed. The higher the sensitivity, the less light needed to make an exposure, allowing higher shutter speeds or smaller apertures. Sensitivity can be set between values roughly equivalent to ISO 100 and ISO 800 in steps equivalent to 1/3 EV. Settings of HI-1 and HI-2 (respectively 1 EV and 2 EV over ISO 800) are avail able where high sensitivity is a priority. Sensitivity can be adjusted using the ISO option in the shooting menu or by pressing the ISO button and rotating the main command dial. The ISO Menu 1 1 Highlight ISO in the shooting menu ( 166) and press the multi selector to the right. 2 2 High light the de sired op tion and press the multi se lec tor to the right. The shooting menu will be displayed. The I...