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CCD-TR401E/TR402E 3-858-958-11(1).E,R iOU‡IO‚I‡ ‰‡U° E ‚ AIAIEResetting the Date and Time iOU‡IO‚I‡ ‰‡U° E ‚ AIAIEResetting the Date and Time Reset the date and time using the DATE(+) and TIME(NEXT) buttons. (1)Slidethe POWER switch to CAMERA. (2)Turn STANDBY up. (3)PressDATE(+) and TIME(NEXT) simultaneously until the year indicator flashes in the viewfinder. (4)Setyear, month, day, time, minute by pressing DATE(+) and TIME(NEXT). Note that when you keep DATE(+) pressed, the digits advance faster. iOU‡IO‚EUA ‚IO‚. ‰‡UU E ‚ AIfl, EOOOI.AUfl IIOOIE DATE(+) E TIME(NEXT). (1)eA A‰‚EI.UA OA AII..‡UAI. POWER ‚ OOIOEAIEA CAMERA. (2)eO‚A IEUA STANDBY ‚‚A .. (3)e‰IO‚ AIAIIO I‡EEI‡EUA DATE(+) TIME(NEXT) ‰O UA. OO , OOI‡ EI‰EI‡UO „O‰‡ IA ·U‰AU IE„‡U. ‚ ‚E‰OEOI‡UAIA. (4)iOU‡IO‚EUA „O‰, IAOfl., ‰AI., .‡O° IEIUU° OUUAI I‡E‡UEfl DATE(+) E TIME(NEXT). e· ‡UEUA ‚IEI‡IEA, .UO AOIE C° ‰A EEUA IIOOIU DATE(+) I‡E‡UOE, UO .EU ° ‚OA ‡OU‡.U ·°OU AA. STANDBY 1 1 ’96 1 1 ’96 1 7 ’96 4 7 ’96 17:00:00 17:30:00 To Correct the Date and Time Setting Repeat steps 3 and 4. To Check the Date and Time Press DATE(+) to display the date indicator in the viewfinder. Press TIME(NEXT) to display the time indicator. When you press the same button again, the indicator goes out. NIfl IO AIUE O‚IE UOU‡IO‚IE ‰‡U° E ‚ AIAIE eO‚UO EUA OUIIU° O 3 OO 4. NIfl O O‚A IE ‰‡U° E ‚ AIAIE c‡EIEUA IIOOIU DATE(+) ‰Ifl OUO· ‡EAIEfl EI‰EI‡.EE ‰‡U° ‚ ‚E‰OEOI‡UAIA. c‡EIEUA TIME(NEXT) ‰Ifl OUO· ‡EAIEfl EI‰EI‡.EE ‚ AIAIE. OOIE OIO‚‡ I‡EIAUA UU EA IIOOIU, EI‰EI‡.Efl OO„‡OIAU. CCD-TR401E/TR402E 3-858-958-11(1).E,R The year indicator changes as aI‰EI‡.Efl „O‰‡ EAIAIflAUOfl follows: OIA‰U..EI O· ‡AOI: Note on the time indicator eEIA.‡IEA IEI‰EI‡UOU ‚AIAIE The internal clock of the camcorder operates on a 24-hour cycle. COU OAII°A .‡O° ‚E‰AOI‡IA ° 24-.‡OO‚OI .EIIA. ‡·OU‡.U ‚ Playback Modes eAEEI° ‚OOO OEA‚A‰AIEfl Additional Information NOOOIIEUAI.I‡fl EIUO I‡.Efl The playback mode is selected automatically according to the recording system (SP/LP mode) in which the tape was recorded. Foreign 8 mm video You cannot play back tapes recorded on a different TV colour system. Because the TV colour systems differ from country to country, you may not be able to play back foreign prerecorded tapes. Refer to the list of “Using Your Camcorder Abroad” to check the TV colour system of foreign countries. eAEEI ‚OOO OEA‚A‰AIEfl ‚°·E ‡AUOfl ‡‚UOI‡UE.AOIE OO„I‡OIO OEOUAIA A‡OEOE ( AEEI SP/LP), ‚ IOUO OE ·°I‡ A‡OEO‡I‡ IAIU‡. aIOOU ‡II°A ‚E‰AOIAIU° 8 II C° IA OIOEAUA ‚OOO OEA‚O‰EU. IAIU°, A‡OEO‡II°A ‚ ‡AI°. OEOUAI‡. .‚AUIO„O UAIA‚E‰AIEfl. eOOIOI.IU OEOUAI° .‚AUIO„O UAIA‚E‰AIEfl EAIAIfl.UOfl ‚ A‡‚EOEIOOUE OU OU ‡I°, C° IOEAU IA OIOEAUA ‚OOO OEA‚O‰EU. EIOOU ‡II°A O A‰‚‡ EUAI.IO A‡OEO‡II°A IAIU° eIOU EUA OOEOOI ‚ ‡A‰AIA “aOOOI.AO‚‡IEA C‡.AE ‚E‰AOI‡IA ° A‡ U·AEOI” ‰Ifl O O‚A IE OEOUAI° .‚AUIO„O UAIA‚E‰AIEfl EIOOU ‡II°. „OOU‰‡ OU‚. CCD-TR401E/TR402E 3-858-958-11(1).E,R Tips for Using the Battery Pack eO‚AU° OO EOOOI.AO‚‡IE. ·‡U‡ AEIO„O ·IOI‡ Tips for Using the Battery Pack eO‚AU° OO EOOOI.AO‚‡IE. ·‡U‡ AEIO„O ·IOI‡ This section shows you how you can get the most out of your battery pack. Preparing the Battery Pack Always Carry Additional Batteries Have sufficient battery pack power to do 2 to 3 times as much recording as you have planned. Battery Life is Shorter in Cold Environment Battery efficiency is decreased and the battery will be used up more quickly if you are recording in cold environment. To Save Battery Power Turn STANDBY down when not recording to save battery power. A smooth transition between scenes can be made even if recording is stopped and started again. While positioning the subject, selecting an angle, or looking through the viewfinder lens, the lens moves automatically and the battery is used. The battery is also used when a cassette is inserted or removed. When to Replace the Battery While you are using your camcorder in CAMERA mode, the remaining battery indicator decreases gradually as battery power is used up. C ‰‡IIOI ‡A‰AIA OOI‡A‡IO, I‡I C° IOEAUA EOOOI.AO‚‡U. I‡EIU..EI O· ‡AOI C‡. ·‡U‡ AEI°E ·IOI. eO‰„OUO‚I‡ ·‡U‡ AEIO„O ·IOI‡ COA„‰‡ IOOEUA O OO·OE ‰OOOIIEUAI.I°A ·IOIE aIAEUA ‰OOU‡UO.IOA IOIE.AOU‚O A‡ fl‰‡ ‚ ·‡U‡ AEI°. ·IOI‡., .UO·° EIAU. ‚OAIOEIOOU. ‚°OOIIEU. O.AIIU OU 2 ‰O 3 ‡A. e OI OIUE·° ·‡U‡ AEIO„O ·IOI‡ fl‚IflAUOfl ·OIAA IO OUIEI ‚ .OIO‰I°. UOIO‚Efl. uUUAIUE‚IOOU. ·‡U‡ AEIO„O ·IOI‡ OIEE‡AUOfl E A‡ fl‰ ·U‰AU EA ‡O.O‰O‚‡I ·°OU AA, AOIE C° O OEA‚O‰EUA A‡OEO. ‚ .OIO‰I°. UOIO‚Efl.. NIfl OO. ‡IAIEfl A‡ fl‰‡ ·‡U‡ AEIO„O ·IOI‡ aO„‰‡ A‡OEO. IA O OEA‚O‰EUOfl, OO‚A IEUA OA AII..‡UAI. STANDBY ‚IEA ‰Ifl OO. ‡IAIEfl A‡ fl‰‡ ·‡U‡ AEIO„O ·IOI‡. aAE‰U O.AI‡IE IOEAU ·°U. O‰AI‡I OI‡‚I°E OA A.O‰, ‰‡EA, AOIE A‡OEO. OOU‡IO‚IAI‡ E I‡.‡U‡ OOflU.. CO ‚ AIfl OOAE.EOIE O‚‡IEfl O·.AIU‡, ‚°·O ‡ U„I‡ EIE O OOIOU ‡ .A AA O·.AIUE‚ ‚E‰OEOI‡UAIfl, O·.AIUE‚ OA A‰‚E„‡AUOfl ‡‚UOI‡UE.AOIE E ·‡U‡ AEI°E ·IOI EOOOI.AUAUOfl. A‡U‡ AEI°E ·IOI U‡IEA EOOOI.AUAUOfl, IO„‰‡ ‚OU‡‚IflAUOfl E ‚°IEI‡AUOfl I‡OOAU‡. aO„...