Manual de usuario Panasonic, modelo VHQ41M
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Fig. 1 urrgnt lape positi' » SEARCH butt cm End Point E&2 j g || Program 1 | | BLANK |f§| Program 2 j| BLANK End Point Fiq.3 ma ctsrmnt laps position Prtt# SEARCH button fill Eût BLANK End Point ■'t Propam 2 _fl II search exceeds a few seconds in BLANKarea. Upon locating end point, ->search continues 7 sec. past end point, -->tape rewinds to 10 sec. before end point, -->tape plays to end point and stops. • If Program End Search is started very close to an index mark, that mark may be skipped over. • To cancel, press PLAY or STOP. 16 For assistance, please call : 1-800-211-PANA(7262) or "send e-mail to : consumerproducts@panasonic.com ‘Important: If a remote control button does not work when pressed, press the VCR button on the remote and try the button again. ■ Auto Play Insert tape --> Power comes on, VCR fast forwards (skips) over 1 ~3 minutes of recorded tape. • The skip time can be changed by pressing CM/ZERO button repeatedly as shown by the figure below. (-1 PLAY 0^0 NUMBER <5 © keys ©©LL CM/ZERO -->Play starts if no record tab (seepg.4). . ■ Auto Rewind 1 Press CM/ZERO in Play mode. No indication appears. 17 Advanced Operation Tape Operation Special VCR Features Repeat Play Set to playback a recording over and over. 1 Press ACTION* to display menu. REMOTE WAHNINQ AUTO 5HUT-OFF ON IDlOMA/LANOUe : ENGLISH VCR' S OUTPUT CM Press AW to select REPEAT PLAY and press ► to set ON or OFF. • Play repeats at tape end or if unrecorded portion over 30 sec. is detected. Press ACTION to return to normal screen. Zero Search To quickly return to a specified tape location. 1 Press DISPLAY during play to display Counter. PUSY 12:00AM Press RESET COUNTER at desired position to reset to “0:00:00” Tape Position Display Feature To find out the present tape position. Tape position cannot be detected for VHS-C Cassette type and tapes less than 60 minutes in length. 1 Press TAPE POSITION to detect tape position. DETECTING TAPE POSITION • “DETECTING TAPE POSITION” only appears the first time a cassette is inserted and it takes several seconds for correct indication to appear. • The present tape position indication is displayed. Press TAPE POSITION to return to normal screen. Remote Warning ON/OFF Feature If Multi-brand feature is used (page 16), and this feature is set to on, a warning appears whenever an invalid key is pressed in TV mode. 3 Continue to record, playback, etc. Press CM/ZERO In Stop mode to start ZERO SEARCH. * Unit will go into FF or REW mode and stop at the last point the Counter was set to 0:00:00. • If a blank portion exists on the tape, and depending on the position of the V mark, the V mark display position may not be accurate. ■ ч ВЕОШ SVo 1 Press ACTION to display menu. Press AT to select REMOTE WARNING and press ► to set ON or OFF. • If “OFF,” remote warning will not appear if invalid key is pressed. Q Press ACTION ^ to return to normal screen. AUTO SMUT‘OFF IDIOMA/LANGUE : ENGLISH VCR S OUTPUT CH :3 18 For assistance, please call : 1-800-21 t-PANA(7262) or send e-mail to : consumerproducts@panasonic.com ’Important: If a remote control button does not work when pressed, press the VCR button on the remote and try the button again. Weak Signal Display ON/OFF Feature (Ö)© © ÖO0O 5©0© mv> _ _ О О © CD, О©©; -DISPLAY SELECT/ SET A :PLAY ▼ :STOP ► :FF •4 :REW SEARCH ACTION RESET COUNTER TAPE POSITION When “ON,” picture is displayed regardless of signal strength. 1 VvCR~H 'Q-OCiCL CH/WilJk REPEAT PLAY Off REMOTE WARNING ;ON AUTO SHUT-OFF ON ID*OWM>NGUE : ENGLISH VCR S OUTPUT CM ;3 Press ACTION to display menu. ГснамеГ AÑTéÑKA : CABLE AUTO SET Press 4 ► to select and display CHANNEL, press AT to select WEAK SIGNAL DISPLAY, and press ► to set ON or OFF. ON: Picture is displayed regardless of signal condition, and may not always be clearly visible. OFF: Screen turns solid blue when signal is weak or non-exislant. Selecting ON has no effect on connected equipment with blue back feature. Press ACTION to return to normal screen. VCR Lock Feature When set to ON, all operations except for timer record and tape eject are prohibited. Useful for households with small children. VCR LOCK ACTIVATED VCR LOCK OFF To turn on, hold down REC on the VCR in Stop mode with no tape inserted for 7 sec. (Please ignore the NO CASSETTE warning.) To turn off, repeat above. • VCR Lock cancels in 24 hours if clock is set. REC Auto Shut-Off Feature When set to ON, VCR shuts off if blank tape is played or no signal is detected for 5 min. 1 Press ACTION to display menu. ~sc*n_aociy_3 REPEAT PLAY ARNIN Press AT to select AUTO SHUT-OFF and press ► to set ON or OFF. Press ACTION to return to normal screen. 19 Advanced Operation Copying Your Tapes (Dubbing) Connection VCR (Video In Terminal on the front of VCR is available) VIDEO IN2 MKONZ o o Front of VCR © Connect VIDEO OUT terminal on Playing VCR to V...